A lot to lose, way more to gain.....

It's like from birth I was maybe not big in body but big in mind. I was and am always hungry for something.... Good or bad. If its not food it's technology, or cigarettes or music..... The point is I never do anything small it's always over load. Like I said having an addiction to movies, music and technology is not a bad thing but filling up my plate full of anything to feed my aching hunger is not a good a thing. So how to stop? That is why I am here. I have an amazing support system who has been thru years of ups and downs with weight loss and finally due to a back injury had to get the gastric by pass. He is really an inspiration to me because I know so many lose the weight and bring it back on. 4 years later he has maintained his weight and looks great and knows what I am going through. Lucky me right? Well yes I feel extremely lucky to be on this journey with him but it's still my fight.... Right? I found myself getting angry with him when he would go for a snack that I couldn't have or him wrapping up his left overs cuz he knows when to stop and I don't..... I realized that that is how I got in this mess in the first place. Not taking responsibility, not thinking about how things affect me and my body. Taking time for granted and just assuming that eventually I will do it and now, "well hey he can do it for me". I am eager to retrain my brain to stop blaming and wanting but doing and holding myself and my actions accountable......

So who am I? I'm passionate, honest and scared to death that I wont to know how it feels to get off the ground without being out of breath. Can you relate?


  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 119 Member
    Definitely can relate... I do things big also... but now eating is not one of them! :-) Today was a very hungry day for me... I went over my calories but on all good food instead of junk like I would usually eat. I too need as many supporters as I can get, and I am, here to support so feel free to add me!! :-) WE CAN DO THIS!
  • robertmcalaster
    Hello friend!

    I'm on a similar journey myself. I've been overweight for far too long. At first, it was just difficult to tie my shoes. Next, it was getting hard to put on my socks. Shortly after, even getting into my car was taking my breath away (but not in a good way). I've been seriously working out and committing for about a month now and although I still have a long way to go on my journey, all those things are so much easier now. Take heart! If you really want to be better, you'll commit to it. And if you really commit to it, you're going to get better. It's the best catch 22 there is!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Just because you do everything big doesn't mean you have to be big too. If you don't give it 100%, is it worth doing? ;)

    That being said, it sounds like there is something missing in your life, and you fill it with too much everything else. I'm not a psychologist/psychiatrist, but it's a frequent thing! I substituted food for many things I was missing. I used food to escape things I didn't want to face. And I put on 40 pounds doing it. And that after adding nearly 30 in college.

    What helped me most was to analyze why I was eating and start to make small changes. I learned to love who I am right now, and that I'm trying to be the best me I can. Only then could I really find what I was missing!

    Good luck to you! It sounds like you are here for all the right reasons!
  • ChrispyDivine
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
  • ChrispyDivine
    I am all for trying to pin point where stuff stems from and who knows what's missing. What I do know is that I know what I got now and between @handymanjeff @jefarrell and others including who I meet here I can do it!
  • jefarrell
    Hookah, the love comes from within..from me to you. It also comes from within when dealing with ourselves. Go big or go home was always the motto...whether out having a blast (thank god those days are over), or eating....especially the day after we went out. Both you and I eat our emotions. I have found that you don't necessarily need to find the route of the problem but realize that you have it and try your absolute hardest to correct it!!! There are set backs, and there are many more successes once you figure it all out. I am so glad that you made it back to this site and I know you will succeed!! Remember to separate yourself from Jeff in this one thing in life. We are all different, we all eat different, we all exercise, lose and react differently to many things. We all have to own up to our own habits. I can see where you would have trouble with him being able to wrap it up for later and you not...been there!! I was also with someone who ate his heart out and gained nothing....(I will keep caddy comments to myself now ;)) YOU can do this. Make sure it is not for anyone else BUT you!!!! Otherwise, it was a failure before it began! You know I am always here for you!!! If you get up early tomorrow, give a ***** a call, lets trail it!
  • ChrispyDivine
    I know in my profile I put Jeff and I spending our life together as my #1 reason but I should have re worded it cuz I meant a longnger healthier life with him but for me first and foremost. Hey we gained some of this weight together we can most def lose it together too!!!! Mad love scissor sister ( old school )