


  • rachelpries
    rachelpries Posts: 26 Member
    Go to order the CD "Bikram yoga beginning class" and the book titled the same. If you have room in your bathroom, get a full size mirror to see yourself in the postures. Place a yoga mat on the floor with a towel on top of it. Have a liter of water and hand towel. Use a space heater to get the bathroom as warm as possible 105 is ideal and run some hot water in the tub to create humidity. You don't need a studio with reading material, a cue from the CD, and the internet to progress on the postures.
  • jwatson7
    jwatson7 Posts: 58 Member
    Check out info on zigzagging your calories. I hit a plateau last month. I was staying at or below my recommended calorie goal and was exercising for about 45 minutes a day, Monday-Friday. I started eating a few more calories and increased my workout to an hour. The weight has since started to come back off. It sounds like your body has adjusted to your daily calorie intake. I recommend changing it up a little. I'm no expert by any means but this is what worked for me.
  • samlou22
    Thanks guys!
  • tnknights
    Plateau? So? When your body is ready it will start losing again. I sort of agree with the post above, trick it with some food. I"m not sure about a whole week because of your routine. Don't panic over a single week.
  • samlou22
    bynsky - by then i will have totally lost the will! its hard going without seeing no results for a month! i will persevere!
  • samlou22
    Thankyou everyone - you've all been great for advice :) i wont give in!
  • samlou22
    thanks bynsky - by the've done really well :)
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. You may lose 2# a week for a couple weeks, then nothing for a few weeks, then 5#, then nothing, then 1#. That's just the way it works. Your weight loss will slow the closer you are to your goal, too. You are not on a plateau.