Pregnancy and weight gain/loss

I just went for my 28 week check up at my OBGYN, I've now officially gained 25 lbs, according the the doctors office, however, according to my own record keeping, it's only 20lbs! Anyways i had lost about 30 lbs, using this website, prior to getting pregnant, but now the doctor is concerned about my weight gain, as i am already considered over weight and suggested i not go on a diet, but really watch what i eat....same thing really! so i was wondering if anyone else was in the same boat, or had any suggestions for "watching what i eat"!


  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    How much a woman gains during pregnancy depends on so many different things. I would say definately don't calorie ristrict yourself, but on the same note a pregnancy only requires 300 extra calories per day. Just focus on eating enough nutrients everyday and not too much junk food. I personally gained a little more weight with my first 2 pregnancies because of extra water weight and with both of those I lost 30lbs with delivery instead of the normal 15.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I can't believe they didn't give you more direction other than 'watch what you eat' - doesn't the dr know you're not a registered dietician specializing in pregnancy? I would totally call them and ask for more specific instructions - do they want you to maintain your weight the rest of the pregnancy, or just slow down the weight gain to a slower rate? If they can give you more specific instructions on weightgain for the rest of the pregnancy, you can create a goal here on MFP to help you track and meet that goal.

    As far as foods are concerned, try going as fresh and 'whole' as possible (less processed often means you can get higher volume and better nutrition for fewer calories). Don't try and resist food if you're hungry, just make sure you're picking nutritious choices - fresh fruits and veggies, plenty of protein, etc. But definitely call back and ask them to give you more direction other than 'watch what you eat' - that can mean SO many different things to different people and really is barely even advice at all. LOL
  • TheDrBuchanan
    TheDrBuchanan Posts: 89 Member
    I totally get you... It's such a complicated thing. I was told the same thing and really DID watch what I ate. Then, I gained more. I was given a more strict eating plan to follow, and I followed it religiously for a month. I gained 10lbs in that one month. After that I gave up, went a little crazy, and now I've had about 30 extra pounds hanging around since my son was born. (I gained 70 total during pregnancy).
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm obese and my doctor told me to eat at maintenance calories for the first two trimesters and then eat 300 above maintenance for the third trimester :)
  • msturgill
    lol thanks for the feedback, yea basically she said at the rate i am gaining that i would gain what the average, non overweight, woman would gain, which is 35 to 40lbs, and she didnt have to say it, i already know i am at my cap for what an overweight woman should gain. And all she really suggested was less fatty meats and smaller portions, but you're right, she didnt really give me a goal as far as further weight gain or maintaining. This was not my regular doctor though and my doctor is on vacay, so i think i will wait for my appt in 2 weeks and see what my regular doctor suggest, and just try to "watch what i eat" until then!

    However, i must also add, that i feel i've done pretty well, considering i gained 70lbs with my first baby! Go me! lol
  • melrose09
    I can't believe they didn't give you more direction other than 'watch what you eat' - doesn't the dr know you're not a registered dietician specializing in pregnancy?

    Right? Gee whiz, thanks, doc! I agree that you need to get a little more help. Maybe he/she can refer you to a dietitian that specializes in pregnancy. I hope the next 12 +/- weeks are happy and healthy for you!
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    Well, here is my story. I quit smoking, gained a bunch of weight, lost most of pregnant. Had some 1st trimester bleeding, stopped working out and ate my self until I gained 90lbs, yikes! Needless to say I was floored that I didn't have a 70 lb newborn :) A year later I had lost 40 of those lbs and became pregnant with my daughter. I ate very sensibly and continued my workouts, which were running and workout classes. I gained no weight during that pregnancy, which was fine with my dr since I was 225 when I got pregnant. It wasn't my goal AT ALL not to gain anything, I was just eating so much healthier. If I was hungry, I ate. I just ate healthy things. If I ate 2 apples, a bag of carrot sticks and a bagel thin with cream cheese for a snack, oh well. I wasn't a carton of ben and jerry's this time :)

    I ate pretty much how I am eating now, but more calories.
    Breakfast-Egg white omlets with veggies & full fat cheese
    snack-apple w/ 1 tbsp peanut butter snack,
    lunch- a sandwich on WW with a salad or fruit or a salad packed with veggies, a protein, good fats like avocados,
    snack-veggies w/ hummus dip, greek yogurt
    Dinner-chicken breast and veggies. Maybe some brown rice or quinoa.
    Dessert-fruit & a square of dark chocolate.

    Just taking walks, being active really helps. I bounced back soooooo fast my last pregnancy. BIG difference from the first. Good luck!!!
  • nikkilou1978
    nikkilou1978 Posts: 146 Member
    I was considered obese when I got pregnant, my OB told me regardless of weight, you should gain between 25-35 lbs. I wound up gaining 25 lbs and had a very healthy pregnancy, absolutely no problems. I stopped gaining at 31 wks and had my son at 36 wks, he was very healthy and weighed 7lbs 4oz. That's pretty good for a preemie.

    Just eat healthy foods and don't "diet". Stay away from junk foods, eat your veggies and fruit, and you will be fine. Congrats and good luck!
  • qwe3nz
    qwe3nz Posts: 29
    I'm pregnant to (30 weeks) I went from 63kg to 79kg that's about a 33lbs gain I think...... in the 1st 2 trimesters I just ate **** all the time. I would say I was consuming about 7000-8000cal a day (I use to eat 2 blocks of chocolate and a packet of biscuits for my snack). When I realized I gained so much weight so fast (this revelation came at 25 weeks pregnant) I just stopped eating ****. I now eat only veggies, fruit, lean cuts of meat, natural unsweetened yogurt and nuts. I completely cut out all processed food (besides the healthy yogurt) drink plenty of water and I actually lost 2kg just through healthy eating (i'm 77kg now) the weight loss wasn't intentional but I just didn't want to gain a unhealthy amount and decided to change for the better. I eat when i'm hungry still I just swapped the block of chocolate for a piece of fruit and nuts. I also had a scan at 29 weeks and baby was 3 lbs 14oz which is way larger than the average size baby. So my weight loss didn't have any negative affects on my baby
  • msturgill
    So glad someone is experiencing the same thing i am! i went to the store yesterday and bought healthier foods, salad, fruits, yogurt, pretzels and so on, i mean i love to eat, but i know how to diet, so i guess i am just back to eating more healthy foods! I'm sure as before, it will start to feel satisfying and make me feel healthier! Good luck with your pregnancy!!!