I'm failing...Any advise?

Oh geeze....I have been working really hard for two weeks now and have yet to see any weight loss. I come in under my calorie goal every day and exercise almost every day for an hour on the treadmill. What am I doing wrong. I'm so frustrated!!!


  • JenniferInNY
    JenniferInNY Posts: 65 Member
    That can be super frustrating. I might suggest measuring your portions super-carefully and getting a food scale to make sure your portion sizes are getting logged accurately. Sometimes, it's easy to eat more than you think. Also, I find that the MFP estimations of how many calories I burn during exercise are really inflated for me, so I usually don't try to eat back all my exercise calories.
  • Maybe you're doing too much cardio? Some time too much cardio can go against weight loss.

    Maybe this article can help:

    Good luck!
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    I think that either:

    You are getting more calories in than you think you are.


    You're not burning as many as you think on the treadmill.

    It's easy to miss the mark if you're estimating on either one. Try actually weighing/measuring your food portions if you're not doing that yet. Also, make sure that however you count your exercise calories (Via MFP guess, treadmill estimate, or HRM) has the right numbers for your height and weight.
  • cms6300
    cms6300 Posts: 163
    Failing is way too harsh. If you've been working hard for two weeks you're succeeding. Embrace the lifestyle....results will follow.
    Good luck!
  • butjuli
    butjuli Posts: 56 Member
    I agree..you aren't failing. It's just taking longer than you anticipated and it's getting you down. Keep your head up. You've been working hard, and it will pay off in the end. What is your exercise regimine? How tall are you? I recently read an article that said shorter people have a tough time losing, especially with cardio. It's more beneficial to weightlift for them. I usually combine both or mix it up every few days. Your body takes some time to adapt to the changes you're putting it through. Give it some time to catch up. The rewards will be worthwhile =]
  • It must have taken me 6 months to lose my first 10 pounds. It was very frustrating. But the moment I saw I was making a little progress I was so encouraged to keep going. The second 6 months I lost 30 pounds. I've almost reached my goal of 50 pounds lost now after 15 months. Keep it up. Very good tips from the pals here :)
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    You've succeeded at working at it for 2 weeks. That's hardly failing.

    A big tip that helped me kick-start my weight loss - drink more water. NO less than 8 8oz glasses a day. Add a slice of fruit to make it taste better, drink it warm, what ever you have to do to get it down. I drink an average of 12 glasses a day, and the weight continues to come off (when I'm trying to lose anyway).

    Another tip that's helped me - add in resistance training (weights). Sustaining muscle requires more calories per day than sustaining fat. Up that basal metabolic rate by increasing your muscle mass!

    You can do it!
  • Have you tried switching it up a bit on the exercise routine? What types of foods are you eating? Processed foods have a lot of sodium which can cause water retention. Were you loosing weight before this? Sometimes a body can get on a plateau (I just had a week long one).

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • tennillewade
    tennillewade Posts: 49 Member
    maybe you should measure other results like your measurements how your clothes fit how you feel?
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Maybe you're doing too much cardio? Some time too much cardio can go against weight loss.

    Maybe this article can help:

    Good luck!

    With only 2 weeks in I not a expert by far but I doubt it Ive lost 70lbs primarly doing cardio (Running for one hour) and cutting my calories down to 1600 to 2000. And eating healhier no fast foods no sweets no regular soda ect ect ect. You state your hitting the treadmill for one hour each day. Do you run/walk do you get your heart rate up and sustain it for a period of time? When i run I get mine up to about 85percent and sustain it for the whole run. Ive never done HIT. Heard people say they have good results with it its just not for me presently. Maybe invest in a HRM to get a better idea of where your workout range is.
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I am feeling the same way. This is my second week of trying real hard to watch my calorie intake, stay within my ranges, and exercise on a consistant basis. I actually gained a few pounds. I am hoping that it is due to muscle weight because I have been doing cardio, strength training, and some yoga and I have heard that muscle weighs more than fat. I am trying not to get discouraged, but it is hard. I am a working mom of 3 young boys, so finding time to exercise is the key for me. Thankfully, I am able to do it all at my house. I have a treadmill, eliptical, and I do WII Fit Plus.

    So, I am there with you, but I will keep pushing along. I got my sister and 2 of my friends to join, so we all can work on it together. Hang in there....
  • mrscruikshank
    mrscruikshank Posts: 26 Member
    I have lost less than 8 pounds in the last month or so since I started. I have noticed that the last few days it has been harder to remember to log my food. I'm frustrated as well but I stocked the fridge at work with all sorts of healty stuff so I won't be tempted by the treats that everyone here thinks "is a nice gesture" to bring in!!!!

    Just keep at it and results will happen.

    : ) Add me if you'd like some more friends!
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    Have you been checked out by a doctor for metabolic syndrome, poor blood sugar control, or hypothyroidism?
    It might be nice to know right off the bat if you're up against any of this stuff.
  • I don't mean this in a nasty way - but I'm so glad I'm not alone! I'm in my third week (for the second time around - I gave up last year because I wasn't getting anywhere, but I'm determined to stick with it this time)....I'm eating under my calories every day and exercising near enough every day..and I've lost no weight, and no inches! :(

    I bought myself a HRM which arrived today, I'm hoping that that will give me an insight into whats going wrong - maybe I'm vastly over estimating the calories I burn or something..
  • Failing is the first step in learning how to win!!!

    Open your diary so we can see your diet if you really want help.
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    Last month I lost 2 lbs total then gained 1 lb back. Then i bought an HRM last week and it shows I burn half the calories MFP says I burn. I have now lost 3.6 lbs in one week using the HRM count of calories burned while exercising.
  • skippykip
    skippykip Posts: 15 Member
    these are what I have found work for myself.
    1. Don't save calories for the evening. You're not exerting yourself, so they won't burn off. Eat evenly throughout the day.
    2. when you work out: carb before (apple) protein after (chicken)
    3. don't eat complex carbs starting at dinner for the rest of the night.
    4. Eat AT LEAST 1200 calories a day!!!!!!!

    I'm still a work in progress, but that's what i have found has gotten pounds off quick when I focus.
  • OfficialPR
    OfficialPR Posts: 1,578 Member
    How is your sodium intake, water intake and type of workouts?
  • suzclark66
    suzclark66 Posts: 13 Member
    Try adding some strength training or conditioning classes to your exercise. Also vary the type of cardio you do and increase the intensity every so often. That keeps the body guessing!

    Don't give up. I had lost 68 pounds and had a major set back and gained 30 of it back. I spent several months beating myself up about it..it finally took my personal trainer sitting me down and having a come to Jesus meeting with me to snap me out of it! I'm getting back on track! Focus on the positive...you are exercising and eating right and that is healthy for your body!
  • So you say you are eating under your calorie goal, but what types of foods are you eating to get under that goal. And are you following the guidelines for carbs, proteins etc. A few years ago I joined Weight Watchers and thought it was a great program. Turned out in the end, it was a game for me. A game of finding ways I could eat badly with as few calories as possible. So I was eating diet this and that, drinking diet soda etc. Processed foods are terrible for our bodies. We need to eat cleaner. So I say to you, if you are, stop eating CRAP (carbonated beverages, refined sugars, artifical sweeteners, and processed foods), and eat more FOOD (fruits and veggies, organic lean protein, Omega 3 fatty acids and drink lots of water). And keep up the good work with the exercise.