Barbell Squat v Leg Press



  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    I really have to wonder why so many of you are nit-picking this topic. Certainly the OP does more than just the one exercise in the gym, and isn't a bodybuilder.

    When it comes to lower body muscles, the two exercises target almost all of the same major and minor muscles. Yes, squats are superior, but in the case when someone can't perform the squat movement, the Leg Press will at least still target the same leg muscles.

    Let's not over-analyze this. The OP asked if the Leg Press could serve as an alternative to Squats if she can't get in the rack. If she's a new lifter, please explain why she can't swap the two.
  • karadawn14
    I go to an all ladies gym that is relatively old and we do not have a SINGLE BARBELL, only dumbells.

    What would you suggest? Squats with dumbells?
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    I go to an all ladies gym that is relatively old and we do not have a SINGLE BARBELL, only dumbells.

    What would you suggest? Squats with dumbells?

  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    The leg press machine is not a good alternative to squats. Squats are the better exercise. In fact, if not used properly, one could get injured using the leg press.

    If the bar on your neck is uncomfortable, it is most likely positioned incorrectly. The bar should NOT be on your neck, but resting on your rhomboids, slightly below your neck.

    BTW, the smith machine is an even worse alternative for squats,

    So, if someone CAN'T do squats for some reason, you would tell them NOT to do the Leg Press as an alternative? That makes no sense whatsoever. Yes, it's no secret squats are superior, but to say the Leg Press isn't a good alternative if someone can't do squats is curious.
    Please explain your stance on that.

    Oh, and if squats aren't done properly, one could also get injured, just like with every other piece of equipment in the gym, not just with the Leg Press.

  • generally speaking, if it's a free weight, you're having to use stabilisation muscles, which means you're using more muscle to do an exercise and therefore burning more calories based on the effort. You can do leg press if you want, nobody will tell you not to, but using a free bar and doing squats will definitely be a better option. If you can't find a weight, improvise? Use Kettlebells or some dumbells. Find whoever is using the bar and go ask them if you can use it after them. Regardless of who they are, they should have some knowledge of gym etiquette and will therefore say yes. It's a gym, not a cage fight :) otherwise ask someone from the gym if they could help you get hold of a bar.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Thanks for all the replies :)

    Just so u know I DO do proper squats but with dumbells/ kettlebells , but if y want to lift heavy u kind if have to use a bar I guess. The heaviest kettlebell in the gym is 24kg.

    I just wondered if the leg press was a good alternative to squatting with heavy weights (ie. 50 kilos +)

    I reckon I'm just gonna have to wait my turn for that rack *scared* ;)
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    The leg press machine is not a good alternative to squats. Squats are the better exercise. In fact, if not used properly, one could get injured using the leg press.

    If the bar on your neck is uncomfortable, it is most likely positioned incorrectly. The bar should NOT be on your neck, but resting on your rhomboids, slightly below your neck.

    BTW, the smith machine is an even worse alternative for squats,

    So, if someone CAN'T do squats for some reason, you would tell them NOT to do the Leg Press as an alternative? That makes no sense whatsoever. Yes, it's no secret squats are superior, but to say the Leg Press isn't a good alternative if someone can't do squats is curious.
    Please explain your stance on that.

    Oh, and if squats aren't done properly, one could also get injured, just like with every other piece of equipment in the gym, not just with the Leg Press.


    In all honesty, a properly performed squat is safer than a leg press (other than horizontal leg press) because your knees aren't coming to your chest every time.

    If you can't perform a regular squat, there are multiple alternatives (hack squat, sumo squat, box squat, etc.) and still do the same movement. Not to mention you can use dumb bells, kettle bells, or anything heavy to squat properly.

    To the OP: there's nothing wrong with asking the guy doing curls in the squat rack to move, most likely you'll be backed up by a couple other guys in the gym.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member

    I just wondered if the leg press was a good alternative to squatting with heavy weights (ie. 50 kilos +)

    The leg press is a good supplement to the squat since it allows you to isolate your leg muscles and lift heavier (which will help improve your squat).
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I go to an all ladies gym that is relatively old and we do not have a SINGLE BARBELL, only dumbells.

    What would you suggest? Squats with dumbells?


    Agree. Also recommend the Bulgarian Split Squat. Walking lunges are a very good exercise with DB's too.
  • ChristyU74
    ChristyU74 Posts: 234 Member

    Another thing that is actually pretty decent are Bulgarian Split Squats which are performed with DB's. Not a replacement for the Back Squat but a solid exercise. If I couldn't Squat I would probably do those before doing the Leg Press, that's just my opinion though.

    On the reverse side, can I use a barbell for the Bulgarian Split Squat? Or for static lunges, and step ups as well? I have been using DBs mostly, but am having trouble with my grip strength once I get past the 25lb DBs. I feel more comfortable using a barbell for these moves, and feel like I can use more weight this way.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member

    Another thing that is actually pretty decent are Bulgarian Split Squats which are performed with DB's. Not a replacement for the Back Squat but a solid exercise. If I couldn't Squat I would probably do those before doing the Leg Press, that's just my opinion though.

    On the reverse side, can I use a barbell for the Bulgarian Split Squat? Or for static lunges, and step ups as well? I have been using DBs mostly, but am having trouble with my grip strength once I get past the 25lb DBs. I feel more comfortable using a barbell for these moves, and feel like I can use more weight this way.

    Yeah I don't see why you couldn't. The exercise just requires a fair amount of balance and the barbell will just make it more challenging.
  • ChristyU74
    ChristyU74 Posts: 234 Member
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    do the barbell squats. you'll gain more strength doing the back squat than using the leg press.
    if the bar hurts across your back then look for that foam/runner add on that you add to it.

    just wait for the bar and cage or ask to work in with someone. doing proper squats is SO worth it