Should I be concerned with weight gain?

I'm kinda slowly losing my mind about this. I've been doing MFP for a little over a month now. In my first week i lost 3 lbs, then i weighed myself a week later and had gained 2lbs. I was disappointed so i waited and weighed myself 2 weeks later and gained 4 lbs! so in 3 weeks of the month that i've been on mfp i technically gained 3lbs since i started! (Since i only gained 3lbs over my beginning weight). It's very frustrating. I've readjusted a few things and two days later i weighed myself and i've gone down .5 lb. So maybe im back on track, but has this happened to anyone else. What did you do about it? Did you stick with it? What were your results?


  • sarabissa
    sarabissa Posts: 22 Member
    I gained about a pound or two last week, i think it was water weight. Today that is gone and actually down a pound from the week before . So only 2 pounds in almost a month. It can get frustrating I try to judge how I am feeling not so much the scale. I know what you mean, I don't want to give up just don't want to waste another month not doing the right strategies. Keep your chin up and workin hard!
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    Thanks for your reply! But i understand it is sooooo frustrating. I don't think giving up is the answer though. I'm glad you're sticking through! I hope we both eventually get our goals accomplished, i know we can do it!