Discouraged.... Rant

some days I jut get so frustrated with the fact I have to work so hard to loose weight and some people just never gain and have it so easy I'm doing good and have lost 12.5 pound in 4 weeks but some days I just get really frustrated and want to indulge in some yummy food! I'm doing a weight loss program so I feel like I can't go off path or I'll get myself bck to where I started but dang this is hard. Sorry I just needed to complain for a min. Anyone else ever feel this way? Any suggestions on making this easier?


  • wrecked_willow
    My trainer once told me that if you have one meal per week that you treat yourself it is not enough to affect your diet. So maybe enjoy a good dinner with a dessert on saturday night? It won't screw up your whole week, but you have to get back on track the day after.
    Don't worry, you're doing awesome so far :)
  • tboothgenthe
    I hear ya sister. right there with you at times.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    My advice is to work some non-diet food into your routine. The more you feel like you're dieting, the more likely you are to binge or give up, so give yourself something you enjoy! A lot of people here do a higher calorie day so they don't feel deprived. I work my little treats into my daily calorie allowance. Also, you've lost an unusually high amount of weight so don't be discouraged! That's more than 3 lbs per week! Keep up the good work!
  • mimstero
    mimstero Posts: 119 Member
    I absolutely feel that way! Why are some people so lucky, eat whatever they want, never, ever exercise, and never seem to gain weight? I truly believe that if I didn't work out daily (500-1000 calories because I am training for a half marathon in May), and ate what I wanted, I would be 230 pounds. It is very frustrating! Not to mention, there are days I stick to my calories and still gain a pound or two overnight. It's such a puzzle! Sometimes I think I don't eat enough, but then what is enough? Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • HealthyKat24
    HealthyKat24 Posts: 19 Member
    You are doing great!!! Give yourself credit! Do something nice for yourself that is nonfood related.... like a bath, buy flowers, read your favorite book, get a massage, get a pedicure...... something that celebrates how far you've come!!!!

    Also, do indulge a little in your favorite food in small portions every once in awhile. Don't completely deny yourself things you love. It will backfire. Give yourself a little treat. Its chocolate get a small piece of your favorite brand...... if its mac and cheese get a small container from a deli.... get something. Try to stay within your calorie limit while still having a small indulgence. I usually find that I can do this. Some white wine is only 90 cal for 4 oz.!

    Good luck and be proud of how much you've accomplished. You've inspired me. I'm back on here recently after being gone for awhile!
  • ChelleReneeJoey
    Let's face it some of us are cursed with slow metabolism (its like that kid with straight a's who never had to study grrrrrr) so this is what I do I have my come apart (piss and moan) in private or to a friend and then I look in the mirror and say you look great for an old lady! Then i grab my iPod, boat and either go hiking or for paddle with my kayaking pup Ocoee. It is what is toots the key is never give up on yourself! Chin up chica!
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks, it's nice knowing I'm not the only one to feel this way! I'm doing a strict plan set to loose 40 lbs in 14weeks and so far I have been doing and feeling great and no cheating or going off track. I don't know why but today I just want to eat everything (I haven't though) and it's annoying! I know that I will never be able to go back to the ways of eating what I want everyday and this will always be a struggle for me....
  • HealthyKat24
    HealthyKat24 Posts: 19 Member
    Good for you! You can do it!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I am a strong believer that depriving yourself from the food you like is a huge mistake... "frustration sets in"... all in moderation is better than the feeling of discouragement because of wanting something and not allowing yourself to have it.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    eat whatever you want... in a moderation that lets you stay within your macros.
  • shellyt1
    shellyt1 Posts: 119
    So hear you! But I'm not allowing myself until I reach a certain weight that will let me enjoy that great yummy food and not put me back to the start. It is hard but once you get there you can have your yummy day! Stay strong and rant when you want!
    We have all been there.
  • klhinrichsen
    klhinrichsen Posts: 26 Member
    Had my day yesterday. Ate a few too much potato chips and had to run miles afterward to burn it off. Don't think there are too many people who can eat whatever and as much as they want and be small. I had an uncle who growing up was the smallest out of 6 kids. He could out eat everyone. When he became an adult, he was the biggest.
    I have had a lot of people who tell me how lucky I am all the time because they see me chowing down a big meal and think how lucky I am to be so small after eating so much. Well, they don't know that I just ran a 13 miler so this is my recovery meal to balance out the weight lost from the run. And if I had a dollar each time someone tells me I'm small because I'm asian, I would be rich by now. It is a lifestyle choice. It is difficult at times but the reward is better health and a sexier you. For me, the reward is worth the hard work.
    You will have moments when you don't want to have to stop eating and you don't want to go and exercise and that is ok. Just don't let it be a habit where you are doing it most or all of the time.
  • jdleadley
    I have those moments at least twice a week when I'm out on the road. Drive by a burger joint at lunch time. Smell the onions..oh lord do I feel like caving in! But I catch myself and remember one thing that has helped me with weight loss, getting into shape, and even quitting smoking. It was something I heard Tony Robbins teach back in the day. He would say when you have moments like these, focus in on the pleasure you will receive when you reach your goal, versus the pain you will experience if you give in. You can do it! You are off to a great start! But, I agree, do treat yourself once in a while in moderation when you get to a maintenance point in your plan. Be good to you :-)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    If it fits the macros then eat it!
    If you cannot pronounce an ingredient dont eat it!
    If it says DIET on the label run away!!!!
    If you have a craving at night EAT!
    If you want to have a snack after 8pm we've broken that myth too!

    Did you know that the #1 thing that stops someone from losing weight?
    #2 is lack of research.


    Eat well, sleep well and this journey will be easy!
  • MrsWife2011
    MrsWife2011 Posts: 28 Member
    I feel the same all the time. Especially when tiny girls are telling me they lose weight without even trying, seriously, I do not need to hear that.

    It is even worse when you tell people you are dieting and my friends that are around the same size don't even care (about themselves) and eat anything they want right in front of you, makes me want to forget the whole thing and eat and do what I want just like them, until I look in the mirror or have a hard time doing an activity that use to be easy for me.

    I do so much better when I hear about other people working hard and it pays off, makes me feel like I can do it too :happy: .

    Sorry I guess I went into a little rant of my own. Stick with it, it will be worth it in the end.

    Love all my friends that work just as hard to make themselves healthier.
  • Edwillia
    You are totally not alone. For the past 2 weeks I have been having this internal battle inside my head. Do I eat this? Do I not? Do I really want to be on a diet? Do I not? Then I have a slight binge. Like I eat a quarter thing of cookie dough (which I have to drive to the store for) or I have another glass of wine. Then I feel all bad about myself and it just sucks. I told my sisters about it and they were going through the same thing. Except they were only fighting with themselves over 1 cookie and a cup of coffee. Just knowing I wasn't alone and crazy made me feel a bit better.

    Anyways, on those days I didn't log in, but I must have had a couple of good days or a little more restraint than I thought because at weeks end, I still lost a pound. It sounds silly... a stupid pound. I did HCG and lost a pound a day (this was a year ago) so a pound a week seems miniscule, but my goal is to learn some moderation in my life (and stop having those stupid fights within my head. A couple of cookies or wine won't kill me) and hopefully loose 15 or a tad more by July. My thought is if I do it really slow, I will be able to keep it off.

    What is helping me are peppermint baths and a book on helping me with my food addiction. It is called "Unchain your Brain" by Dr. Amen. It is super cool to learn about the brain and why we binge and what we can do to reverse that. Did you know that there was a study on rats where they were given sugar vs. meth and 96 percent choose sugar! I guess sugar is a total dopamine high- for anyone.

    Good luck and keep your spirits up.
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    Thank you everyone, I needed the encouragement! I know I can do this and I want to look good and be in shape! I want to be able to surprise my husband when he comes home from deployment so I'm trying hard to stick to my goal! I am doing a structured program that is really helping me and teaching me to eat better but I like to come on here because once I get off the program I need to be able to continue and maintain on my own. My biggest problem was I eat when I'm stressed and bored and with two toddlers and the husband being gone I gained 15 lbs on top of already needing to loose. Now I'm trying to better myself and make the lifetime change!