My Plateau Nutrition Story, Learn from my mistakes.



  • Rusjo
    Rusjo Posts: 31 Member
    So I should eat according to my BMR, which is 1550-1590, and if I exercise, my total(when MFP subtracts calories burned) should still be around that? That makes sense, but then I shold probably invest in a HRM. I'll probably also need to eat more times/day. Thanks, that helps a lot! :smile:
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Well I've learned that BMR and TDEE are very different unless your regular daily activites are totally sedentary. BMR calculated what you'd need to survive if you just sat in one spot every day and TDEE is what the caculator does- accounts for all of the calories burned from your regular routine.

    I'm not a fan of all the the different online calculators. Too many different answers when inputing the same calcultions... so I prefer the original poster's formula. From there I also went with his calculations for all my of macros. Takes work figuring it all out but it'll pay off in the end! I just prefer to still use my HRM and MFP to eat exercise calories back siince my exercise is inconsistent (not everyday) So, for me; my BMR when i'm at my GOAL WEIGHT of 140 is 1400ish. My job's only about 50% desk time so the other half of the time I'm up walking around (medical assistant) so when I used the original poster's calculations I went with 1.4 for lightly active since half of my workday is movement and walking pretty quickly, lifting things. This got my my TDEE without exercise at 1960. This would be my maintainence level daily calories at my goal weight for my normal daily activities. From 1960 I deducted a 20% deficit to lose fat and gain muscle- therefore slowly inching toward my goal weight and shrinking my body. so, 1960 x .20 = 392 and 1960 - 392 = 1568 and rounded up to 1600 and changed my diary to this manually.

    Over the last month of increased calories I kept gradually increasing- like too scared to jump for the higher number right away. lol... so I started out at MFP's recommended 1300 something, learned they were calculating my BMR wrong and changed it to 1400 something and then researched more, found this thread and researched even more and increased to 1500 something for a couple of weeks and re-calculated things manually (the first few weeks relying on online calculators) and this last week learned after manual calcualtions that I should be about 1600/day before exercise. But I finally got where I should be I think!
  • Rusjo
    Rusjo Posts: 31 Member
    After checking several websites, my TDEE is around 2500. But 2000 calories/day seems like a lot, if I'm trying to lose weight. And I try to work out 5 day/week. I'd have to eat all the time? But since I have much weight to lose, can't I eat around 1500? Or will I start to lose muscle?
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    if you're really active and exercising daily, yeah 2500ish sounds about right. You still need to take a 20 or 30% deficit off of that though. So for example taking a 30% deficit would be 2500 x .30 = 750 and 2500 - 750 = 1750 daily intake. Then it depends on whether you calculated your TDEE with or without exercise outside of daily activities. If you did it with take in 1750 no matter what and don't enter your exercise (or if you want it to show on your wall to your friends enter it with zero calories burned) and if you calculated it without enter your exercise as usual so that you're taking in a net of 1750.
  • Rusjo
    Rusjo Posts: 31 Member
    I didn't count my workouts, since I usually don't do them every day. But today I have eaten aprox. 1450 calories without working out, and I have had four full meals. Does that mean I should eat another meal during the day? I would still be under 1750 cal/day with the kind of food I eat.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    sounds about right. Worth a try at least right? Give it a month and see how your body does at 1750 cals a day.
  • Rusjo
    Rusjo Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for the replies :smile:
    I'll try it and see how my body reacts to it. I want to do what's best in the long run, so I can be healthy for the rest of my life :)
  • Graciecny
    Bumping so I can find this after work...
  • smileybooliz
    smileybooliz Posts: 193 Member
    Thank you! Thank you!!:smile: I've been struggling a bit myself with this same issue. I'm pretty sure it's I'm not getting enough calories. Not intentionally though. I think I'm under calculating the calories I'm burning. I bought a HRM and thought I was calculating the correct calorie burn but I think I may be a bit off so consequently not eating enough calories. Planning on upping the calories this week and hope for better weight loss results. I'd love to be your friend. I think I'll send a request.
  • mdm3
    mdm3 Posts: 40 Member
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    OMG you guys! I need to gush, then gush, then gush some more! I'm SO FREAKIN HAPPY THIS MORNING!!! Oh my gosh. So, ive exercised and eaten after exercise like 1800-2000 cals for the last three days, had tons of water- fully and totally expected a little gain no matter how much I believe in this high cals thing the negatiity in my mind was like "you ate 2000 cals yesterday!! Totally going to be up in weight today" (yes, weighing in super often. bad habit.. can't help it, I'm so anxious to see what this increased cals does to my body each day. hence 2000 cals yesterday.... i HAD to weigh in today) On Sunday I was 156.4- this morning.... dun duh duh DUUUUHH 155.5! OMG! Finally past my yo-yo plateau between 156 and 157! I've eaten more freaken calories in the last three days (probably like 5000+ cals) than in the past I would over five full days! Wow. I'm officially impressed with this eating more food thing. I've been striving really hard to get in my lean body mass amount of protein daily (115g a day) so maybe that's also making a big difference. Actually I've gotten pretty good at getting so much protein in. It's usually more than 115- yesterday was 150! Anyways, all I know is I LOVE EATING MORE FOOD, acutally having energy to do great workouts (would kinda poop out half way through before I started eating more) and still lose weight even though I'm eating about 2000 cals a day.

    So happy. Ok, gotta get ready for work but I had to gush :o)
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    Nice post.

    If anyone wants an easier method of calculating their calories using Katch McArdle rather than doing it manually then use this link:

    Select "Advanced Options" and check the Katch McCardle box.

    Bump for later.
  • hawk1981
    Thank you for this post! I've been struggling for over a year with losing 15-20lbs. This post has me rethinking some things....
  • allie0630
    allie0630 Posts: 139 Member
    OMG you guys! I need to gush, then gush, then gush some more! I'm SO FREAKIN HAPPY THIS MORNING!!! Oh my gosh. So, ive exercised and eaten after exercise like 1800-2000 cals for the last three days, had tons of water- fully and totally expected a little gain no matter how much I believe in this high cals thing the negatiity in my mind was like "you ate 2000 cals yesterday!! Totally going to be up in weight today" (yes, weighing in super often. bad habit.. can't help it, I'm so anxious to see what this increased cals does to my body each day. hence 2000 cals yesterday.... i HAD to weigh in today) On Sunday I was 156.4- this morning.... dun duh duh DUUUUHH 155.5! OMG! Finally past my yo-yo plateau between 156 and 157! I've eaten more freaken calories in the last three days (probably like 5000+ cals) than in the past I would over five full days! Wow. I'm officially impressed with this eating more food thing. I've been striving really hard to get in my lean body mass amount of protein daily (115g a day) so maybe that's also making a big difference. Actually I've gotten pretty good at getting so much protein in. It's usually more than 115- yesterday was 150! Anyways, all I know is I LOVE EATING MORE FOOD, acutally having energy to do great workouts (would kinda poop out half way through before I started eating more) and still lose weight even though I'm eating about 2000 cals a day.

    So happy. Ok, gotta get ready for work but I had to gush :o)

    That is so fantastic!!! It's great to hear that this plan is working. You and I are almost the same weight and I've been stuck between 156 and 158 for over a month! I am thinking about trying this plan and have figured out my TDEE but having more trouble with the protein, carbs, fat numbers.
    Would love to help each other since we seem to have similar goals!
  • Kerrieontherun
    Kerrieontherun Posts: 5 Member
    So should your net be =to your daily calorie need? Ex I am a1200 a day after exercise it states 837net?
  • Kerrieontherun
    Kerrieontherun Posts: 5 Member
    So should your net be =to your daily calorie need? Ex I am a1200 a day after exercise it states 837net?
  • charlesb22
    charlesb22 Posts: 110 Member
    So should your net be =to your daily calorie need? Ex I am a1200 a day after exercise it states 837net?

    Yes, exactly right!

    Eat back your exercise cals up to the point that your net cals are what you need - your BMR. Have you calculated the 1200 from your activity level, or did MFP set this for you when you started? I recommend getting a second opinion - google "BMR calculator" and do it on a couple of different sites, then you should have a fairly accurate idea of your minimum calorie requirements.
  • lbpfox
    lbpfox Posts: 6 Member
    I am a classic "starving myself fat" case too. I just don't go for those extreme diets anymore. Everything in moderation is my motto. I try to get close to my calories each day. It was hard at first, but now I am getting better and still losing. My body is a little more stubborn as I have done this "starving" business since I was in Jr. High school and that was almost 40 years ago. But I am proof that is never too late.:love:
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    This is so true. I was having a rough time at 1000 cal, bumped it up the reccommended 1440...hello weight loss of 1-2 lbs a week! :D
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    thank you for sharing your story.

    i am getting there with this.... its been very slow going for me...but i am finally really getting it.