Ideas for breakfast?

I need some ideas for breakfast that are lower calorie but high fiber, or something that will help keep my fuller longer.


  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I have been having a piece of wheat toast and a egg for breakfast and I notice it keeps me full for a lot longer than cereal, even high fiber ones. You could also try cottage cheese, or a banana. Those fill me up.
  • myopus
    myopus Posts: 321 Member
    Oatmeal with a spoonful of dark chocolate peanut butter
  • Clhumpal
    Clhumpal Posts: 38 Member
    I cook an egg in the microwave - 1 minute - in a cereal bowl, which makes it the perfect size to fit on one of those thin buns to make a sandwich (toasted) - I usually put some type of veg in with my egg - some chopped up brocolli or spinach or tomato - salsa sometimes - then I either put a little bit of super hot pepperjack cheese on it, or spread a laughing cow wedge on -

    OR - I have steel cut oats and mix in some fruit and vanilla yogurt (I put the oats, water and frozen peaches in the slow cooker overnight, then add a T of yogurt when I eat it in the AM - so delicious!) - google 'slow cooker steel cut oats' and there are some good recipes - plus it's nice to wake up to breakfast done - and have leftovers for the rest of the week (you can even freeze individual portions)
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I like oatmeal, usually have Better Oats, 100 calorie maple brown sugar. Eggs are also very good for keeping you full. Pears have lots of fiber if you want to have it w/ something else or even as a mid morning snack
  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    I have a list of breakfast Ideas that I try to rotate so I don't get bored. These are my top 3 that keep me full:

    *eggs, peppers, onions & cheese (only enough cheese to taste-like a spice!) on a flat bread or tortilla

    *Shakeology with natural PB, 1/2 banana & 1/3C dry oats

    *One of the oatmeal recipes from 75 Ways to make Oatmeal (I usually opt for the baked variety-so good!)

    Once in a while, I'll have Total cereal with berries or Chobani Yogurt with sprinkled granola in it
  • rachelpries
    rachelpries Posts: 26 Member
    1/2 cup dry oatmeal
    1 T chia seeds (milled)
    7 bite size prunes or about 5 regular chopped into small peices
    Add 2/3 cup of boiling water until absorbed

    3 T Hemp Seeds (shelled)
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Oatmeal with a spoonful of dark chocolate peanut butter

    This is my exact breakfast! I eat it at 630 full for about 4 hours
  • irishbabe_78
    irishbabe_78 Posts: 60 Member
    thanks everyone!
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    I love the baked oatmeal from - with a 1/4 cup serving of vanilla yogurt on top. I double the recipe and put it in cake pan - and the family eats it all week. Easy to portion out and go.

    I like omelete's with all the veggies I want (typically spinach, mushroom, tomato and onion) with two eggs and some canadian bacon. So good, and if I want to keep the calories down, I skip the toast.

    I am in LOVE with Total cereal, since it helps me keep my iron high (100% in one 3/4 cup serving). I will eat with milk, or have a serving of yogurt with berries and add the cereal on top for some crunch.

    If I am in a hurry, I like to grab a banana with one crunchy granola bar. Pecan Crunch and Dark Chocolate Oat is my favorite.
  • Pohudet
    Pohudet Posts: 179 Member
    Trader Joe's oat bran!!! Full of fiber! very low in calories. Keeps me full. I never use any sweeteners on it, I just love its naked taste. At some point i put some raisins in it, or some other dried fruit, but now that I want to lose weight, I don't. It also helps with constipation almost miraculously.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    3/4 C Kashi Go Lean mix in: Dannon Light & Fit, 1/4 C frozen raspberries, 1 TLB sliced almonds. 250 Calories ... 16.8 gms protein, 10.5 gms fiber, 4.6 gms good fat ..... keeps me full until lunch

    Chobani Greek Yogurt (flavored -0%), with a side of Kashi Heart to Heart Cinnamon cereal (1 C) 287 Calories ... 19.3 gms protein, 7.7 gms fiber, no fat

    Steel cut oats mixed with PB2 (powdered peanut butter) and sweetened with maple syrup ..... you could mix in protein powder if you like
    215 Calories ... 9.4 gms protein, 5.8 gms fiber, 3.8 gms fat
    ELIZACAY236 Posts: 39 Member
  • GdeVries
    GdeVries Posts: 232 Member
    greek yoghurt and 1/4 cup high fiber meusli
    sometimes an apple as well
  • I have trader joes organic un salted peanut butter on traders joes golden crackers sounds like it sucks but its pretty good , I usually have 6 crackers with PB on them

    gives me energy and protein for my work outs
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    Raisin bran w blueberries or thomas's multi-grain English muffin w peanut butter.
  • klhinrichsen
    klhinrichsen Posts: 26 Member
    Fiber One is a high fiber cereal that fills me up at breakfast time. Usually it is 1/2 cup of cereal with 1/2 cup of silk soymilk unsweetened and I'm OK.
  • -Steel cut oat meal w apples, walnuts and cinnamon
    -whole grain bread with cottage cheese
    - my favorite 'rushoutofthehouse-breakfast' highfiber cereals with berries(no need to cut) and an OJ

    Tip...if you need more fiber buy one of those 'fiber powder' and put them in everything you want up to 4 times a day.
  • I'm boring...getting kids ready for school instead of enjoying my breakfast. Corn flakes and sunflower seeds, almond milk, applesauce.
  • Trallaurrum
    Trallaurrum Posts: 25 Member
    I love the baked oatmeal from - with a 1/4 cup serving of vanilla yogurt on top. I double the recipe and put it in cake pan - and the family eats it all week. Easy to portion out and go.

    This is one of my favourites too! I also love making my own granola, I start from Chatelaine's Maple Ginger Granola, minus the sugar (you don't really need it) and add or subject fruits/nuts/seeds as I feel it. It's a loose granola, not a clumpy one. With a good serving of yogurt, it fills me up until lunch.

    Once in a while, I'll making Easy Morning Glory Muffins, but be careful if you search the recipes out there... I replace the tremendous amount of oil the usual recipe calls for with unsweetened apple sauce, reduce the sugar thanks to the apple sauce, add in a fistful of bran, sub out the coconut for rolled oats, and replace at least half of the white flour with whole wheat. So... not really morning glory muffins anymore, but damn tasty! Just don't use sunflower seeds, they turn green.

    When I actually keep bread in the house, I'll also do a toasted slice of rye (I LOATHE WW bread, so this is my compromise to avoid white) with a poached egg and a teensy bit of shredded low fat cheese on top. If you keep the yolks runny you don't need to use any sort of spread. That with a piece of fruit and I'm good to go!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I need some ideas for breakfast that are lower calorie but high fiber, or something that will help keep my fuller longer.

    Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein and low in calories. One medium egg has only 60 calories and 6 grams of protein. Two eggs will go a long way to keeping you hunger-free until lunch. I eat them hard-boiled because I can make them up in advance and they're quick and easy, but poached can be good if you have the time and adds no extra calories.