3 Things made you happy today.

kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
Happy to be alive.
Happy to have a great life. Thank god for all the blessing.
Happy to be married to my amazing wife.


  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    1. I got my tax refund.
    2. The burger I had for lunch.
    3. "Friends" is on.
  • Yup I have to agree, happy to be alive.
    I had some yummy chocolate cake.
    My daughter and my husband, and seeing my mom!

    oops thats four...i could keep going.
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    Lost another pound
    I got to tutor my favorite little kids
    My parents lost some weight too :)
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    My Daughter
    My Daughter
    My Daughter!!!

    she is the light of my life and was such a great girl today - she's 3.5 yrs old and super sweet.
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy to have moved and live in a safe neighborhood where I took my little girl on her first walk here today

    Happy to see my little one so happy when we spend time together

    Happy my husband tells me I'm his world and how much he misses me while he is away
  • jennp1129
    jennp1129 Posts: 277 Member
    Life is good
    Made a new friend
    Had a fun NSV this week.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    The Hispanic dance music on the radio.
    Finishing up a lot of school work in class.
    Today was cardio recovery of Insanity :)
  • ehoward54
    ehoward54 Posts: 18 Member
    Happy my new running shoes came today.
    I bought a new blueberry pie candle.
    My sister telling me about her new school and how much she likes it.
  • daniivdean
    daniivdean Posts: 105 Member
    Happy I am feeling better today
    Happy to be healthy
    Thankful for all I have
  • stuey39
    stuey39 Posts: 159
    Just woke up with breath in my lungs
    Very large fresh coffee
    The dog has dumped in my Wifes slipper - priceless haha
  • kattydid65
    kattydid65 Posts: 65 Member
    Being married to amazing husband also my BFF.
    Having 78 more days left of my deployment
    Having supportive,motivating and hard charging friends on MFP
  • I managed to get a shower before the kids woke up!
    I was under calories yesterday!
    Got paid today and when I balanced the credit card I still have enough to buy some food this week...Yay!

    Not bad its only 7am only been up an hour haha x Of course I am also happy that I discovered my fitness pal yesterday x
  • deniserenee_02
    deniserenee_02 Posts: 158 Member
    My Marriage
  • Happy I got to talk to my friend Andy...
    Happy I am at -22 lbs
    Happy that today was better than yesterday...
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    1) I was happy when I saw my gate open when I got home that my dog was waiting on my front steps for me and didn't get hurt.
    2) I was happy when my mom called to tell me she loved me!
    3) I was happy that my leg felt better after doing my hamstring curls!
  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    1. Managing to stay under my calorie limit.
    2. Getting to spend some quality time with my boyfriend
    3. The weather today was stunningly beautiful and warm
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    1. My son behaved at work today.
    2. I got my new desk and kitchen table.
    3. I organized all the clutter leftover from my old desk into my new desk.

    Now, I'd have a #4 if I could just get to sleep!! I guess that's what I get for letting my 2 month old sleep for 6+ hours before his actual bedtime.
  • 1. My daughter. She amazes me every day with her ever growing vocabulary.
    2. My 1lb weight loss hehe
    3. My new fabric softer makes the clothes smell amazing!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    1. School
    2. Hot guys at school ;)
    3. My kitty cat!
  • sarajo16
    sarajo16 Posts: 142 Member
    1. My amazing husband and super cute daughter who make me smile every day
    2. Flahavans porridge and a cup of tea
    3. Flat shoes cos my legs are killing me after Pilates