would like to know honestly, how supportive



  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    I gave my partner a little bit of a lecture last night about how I would like him to be a little supportive. Not that he's really unsupportive, just doesn't really think about things much. Like a couple of days ago he used up both the milk and the bread while I was out at work, didn't buy any more or tell me we'd run out. Instead, he orders a whole lot of pizzas and other junk food from Pizza Hut. So the next morning when I go to eat my breakfast (I usually have either porridge or a sandwich) and realise that there's no milk or bread, and I don't have enough time to go to the store being going to work. So I end up having some of his leftover pizza for breakfast. (ick!)
  • My husband has always been supportive in everything I do. He always tells me I'm beautiful no matter what (sometimes I think he is lying) He is great at being the perfect amount of support without making me feel bad, or nagged at. He will let me vent at how bad I want a cheeseburger as I act completely childish and doesn't judge me. He is wonderful at talking me into going to the gym when I just don't want to go. Best of all, he gave up buying some of his favorite junk food so it won't be in the house for me to eat. (he eats that stuff at work or school) I thank him all the time for his support
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member

    I know he loves me now matter how I look, but he says all the right things when I'm fitting into smaller clothes. He's willing to try new foods - he's a convert to quinoa pilaff - and though he still buys the odd chocolate or cream bun treat for himself, I don't find that a temptation: his treat foods aren't what I would choose to eat.
  • pearsy67
    pearsy67 Posts: 104 Member
    My wife is very supportive, she has encouraged me to join the gym and use a trainer, and now has moved in has a session with the trainer before me. It can be very entertaining. Mind you, she runs marathons and I just run out of puff :-)
    She is fit but not eating enough of the right foods, I am unfit and fat and not eating the right foods. Focusing on eating better is something we can both work towards and support each other in.

  • My boyfriend isn't not supportive but he's not exactly supportive, haha. He will encourage me to not give up on my exercising because he knows it's important to me, but when it comes to food he wants me to have whatever I want. Like I've cut out sugar completely recently and whenever I'm craving it he'll want me to have some. So he's supportive with exercising, not so much with food, but not unsupportive, he just wants me to be happy :P

    This is my situation exactly. He likes to make me happy. Part of making me happy before has been to bring me various treat items. This is just the kind of pattern we have fallen into. He doesn't want to derail my progress, but he doesn't want to deprive me of something either. If that makes any sense. He's really proud of my efforts, though. :-)

    Today we promised our girls ice cream as a treat. When we pulled into Sonic he asked me if I wanted anything, but he didn't push it when I said no. That's supportive in my book. His quiet acceptance is really what I need. I don't need someone riding my *kitten*. Stuff like that just irritates me and will often subconsciously drive me to rebel. I just need someone to be proud of the work I'm doing and provide encouragement if I need it. His 'support methods' worked fabulously when I decided to quit smoking. I suspect he will be just as helpful on this journey.