Sugar vs. Splenda



  • agave nectar! artificial sweeteners wreak havoc on insulin, your body doesn't know how to metabolize it. Not worth the chemicals. You will eventually get used to not using sweeteners.

    If you have time, check out this article: (not tryting to start a debate, just useful information) Good luck!:smile: " Sugar substitutes and the potential danger of Splenda"
  • I use Splenda daily. In my coffee, in my water bottles, oatmeal, etc. I like the taste of it and it has no allergic reactions to me. I do not like the Blue packet or Pink Packets of artificial sweeteners. But I do like the Splenda in the yellow packets. (NOT Twin in yellow packets that I do not like). Some people use Stevia or Truvia, but they're more expensive. I tried Stevia and found it to be too sweet for me. I prefer Splenda.
  • This past week at a Carb Review class for diabetes the nutritionist said the following: if you are a one coffee per day type person and don't have any other sugar free foods or foods made with artificial sweetner then one splenda per day is okay. But if you drink diet soda, eat sugar free desserts, ice cream etc then you need to remember how much of the artificial sweetner is in your system per day and more then once is too much. One teaspoon of sugar has 7 grams of carbohydrates and you might be better doing that then using pure chemical. We don't really know what it's doing to the brain and other organs.
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    I agree with moderation, but I try to cut out as much processed sugar as I can. I use stevia, I HATED it at first, but your body does get acclimated to it.

    I really have found that with Stevia (truvia, whatever name it uses by brand), less really is more. The more you use, the more likely it tastes bitter. If you use less, it tastes better. At least, that's been my experience.


    I didn't think it tasted bitter, I was just holding on strong to my International Delights French Vanilla creamer! lol I actually used two drops of the liquid stevia in my coffee and it was too sweet!
  • Hi

    I'm new to this MyFitnessPal but wanted to reply.

    I cannot drink my tea without sugar in it and realise it's a lot of calories to have even just one sugar, however have a splenda sweetner tastes the same and is 0 calories. I understand that doesnt help with anything other than tea, but I find theres not much I eat that requires sugar to be put on it anyways.

  • SarahMay272727
    SarahMay272727 Posts: 14 Member
    I started using Splenda for specific recipes and now use it some of the time in cocoa and that sort of thing too. I may be totally wrong but I understood it to be one of the least potentially bad for you artificial sweeteners. I try to avoid aspartame amid its regular health scares (and my mum tells me it used to give me headaches and sleeping problems when I was younger).

    But to be honest I'm not that militant about any of it!

    'They' say unprocessed sugars like honey are better for us but has anyone ever seen a reasoned, scientific argument for it?
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member

    Read this bit of information on aspartame. In large doses, like a person drinking a lot of diet soda every day can lead to death.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I don't use any artificial sweeteners at all. The few chemicals in my body, the better. I use real sugar or Stevia when I need something sweetened.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    It is my understanding that splenda was created while trying to develop ant poison.

    On the rare occasion I use sugar, I either use dates, sugar in the raw or blue agave.
  • try xylitol! Hard to find, usually in the organics section!
  • jrodx2
    jrodx2 Posts: 203 Member
    try xylitol! Hard to find, usually in the organics section!

    I've heard good things about this! Looking to try it soon.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    By some of the accounts on this site, my daily use of Splenda packets should have left me riddled with cancer in my 20s.

    So anyway...

    I use both stevia and Splenda to save on calories.
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member

    Read this bit of information on aspartame. In large doses, like a person drinking a lot of diet soda every day can lead to death.

    Sorry but that site is awful. Not a jot of scientific evidence, no quoted research and certainly no blind/double blind studies. It's very scaremongering and has a huge agenda.
    As for 'in large doses can lead to death'?! So can water!

    In any case splenda does not contain aspartame.
    I only use it in tea because I can't stand unsweetened tea and don't want too much sugar. I've read lots of arguments for and against it but there is no reliable evidence for health risks.
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    I'm wondering everyone's thoughts on sugar vs. Splenda. I realize sugar has more calories, but I feel like Splenda is a chemically packet of ick that may not be great for me....despite not having calories. I've never tried truvia or anything like that. Thoughts!?

    I know what you mean. I have been making some dukan bran muffins (although I'm not on the diet itself). They are very tasteless and I am thinking about adding some splenda and lemon essence,,, BUT i really don't want to develop an aspartame habit, as I may not be as thin as I'd like to be but I do feel healthy. Don't really want to deliberately dump crap into my body........ :8 Maybe just two spoons between 12 muffins would be ok............. ok-ish.
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    It is my understanding that splenda was created while trying to develop ant poison.

    On the rare occasion I use sugar, I either use dates, sugar in the raw or blue agave.

    That's a good idea to use a few dates. They are so unbearably sweet when you eat them neat. What on earth is blue agave?
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    It is my understanding that splenda was created while trying to develop ant poison.

    On the rare occasion I use sugar, I either use dates, sugar in the raw or blue agave.

    That's a good idea to use a few dates. They are so unbearably sweet when you eat them neat. What on earth is blue agave?
  • I make room for sugar...
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    I went from Sugar to Splenda and then Truvia. I don't find Truvia to be bitter at all nor do I find it to be nearly as sweet as others have said. I didn't really have a problem with Splenda but my Dad, who is a chemist, really encouraged me not to use it. He and my mom use Stevia but I can't stand it. That's how I ended up with Truvia which is an acceptable alternative / compromise for me. When I am at a restaurant I use Splenda. I can honestly say, I don't miss sugar at all.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    I used to use Equal (aspartame) but have switched to a stevia blend, which depending on the research is better or worse. I have only used it on fruit so far, not to sweeten tea, but it tastes great to me and has 0 cals.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I'll eat any sweetener but sugar.