Low Impact Cardio

yet again, I ended up pushing myself too hard and I made my asthma flare up. They put me on Dulera and told me do ONLY low impact exercise. NO running or anything that makes me breathe too fast/hard.

.. *sigh* any ideas besides walking?? (and swimming,, it is a bit cold out)


  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Exercising without breathing fast or hard? Tough task, I'd say. Walking really does sound like a safe bet. Maybe some yoga or stretching until you're cleared to workout again.
  • beckyannj
    beckyannj Posts: 12 Member
    I LOVE Walk Away the pounds by Leslie Sansone.
  • ionamorgana
    ionamorgana Posts: 30 Member
    I know right?? I did not even know what to say to the doctor when he said that. I am hoping this new medicine works. (everyone keep their fingers crossed)

    I loooove walking away the pounds. I forgot I had that one!! thanks for the reminder