~bigger ladies



  • Hey.. I'm 33, 5'8" 230 and started somewhere around 275. I have been hovering around 230 give or take 5 pounds for ages and feeling like I'm never going to get below 225.. haha. My goal is somewhere around 160-170 but I really have no idea what any of that even looks or feels like. My primary goal right now is 199, baby! Anyone feel free to add.. support=success in my books. Rachel :)
  • lisabell118
    lisabell118 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 239 lbs. Feel free to add me. It helps to have friends on here. It helps to motivate me.
  • Hey.. I'm 33, 5'8" 230 and started somewhere around 275. I have been hovering around 230 give or take 5 pounds for ages and feeling like I'm never going to get below 225.. haha. My goal is somewhere around 160-170 but I really have no idea what any of that even looks or feels like. My primary goal right now is 199, baby! Anyone feel free to add.. support=success in my books. Rachel :)

    Its a big freakin deal getting under the 200 mark isnt it? You've done so great so far, keep it up!! xx
  • chenoamac
    chenoamac Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 5'1 and I was at 236.5 lbs I am not 194.1 hoping to get down to 130-140 lbs
  • I'm 5'5'' and I started at 290, and am down almost 15 pounds. I actually love being a curvy lady, I'd just like a wider selection of clothes at stores lol (also that whole healthy thing, you know) Feel free to add me! :)
  • karley511
    karley511 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 36, 5'11" and started at 250. I got down to 208 on my own and then joined MFP. I'm now down 15 more pounds (but I only record my weight loss on Saturdays so it shows 12 pounds lost) so that puts me at 193 currently. My goal weight is 155 but I am very small boned so that number is not unrealistic for me. Feel free to add me if you want. Also, I haven't posted any large pictures of myself because I can't look at them without crying. Silly, I know but hopefully I will post some next week.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I am currently around 230 but I am much taller than you. I'm 5'11". Send me a request if I can help.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member

    When I started last Jan (Jan 2011)I was 23, 232lbs, and in December (2011, 11 months later) I got down to my goal of 164lbs.
    I'm now 24, still here, still on the wagon, still at goal, very happy to help motivate/support any way I can

  • witheredorchid
    witheredorchid Posts: 164 Member
    I was around the exact weight when I was your age and stayed that weight for til I was 26. Glad your trying to make the change now. I wish I would have started earlier.
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member

    I'm 28, 5'4", starting weight 270 lbs, current weight 176 lbs, goal weight 160 lbs.

    Feel free to add me!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I started out at 223lbs and I'm currently 165 and hoping to get around 130 (maybe lower depending how I feel then). Sending you an add... and everyone else feel free to add me :)

    Edit: oh and I'm 5'2.5 and 29yrs old
  • neversettle
    neversettle Posts: 168 Member
    I'm 5'5, started at 215, now at 177, goal is 140.
    Feel free to add me!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I'm 25, a bit taller at 5'8, and started at 226 last August, but have a a highest weight of 260, not included while pregnant. I'm down to 189 now, and hoping to shed a bit more, aiming for between 155 and 165, but not too worried about the number on that scale. Mostly, I just want to be healthy, fit, and strong :) A bit of lean would be nice too, but I've got a viking frame, so I don't really see lean in my future haha. Anyhow, feel free to add me :)
  • fightin2bFit
    fightin2bFit Posts: 23 Member
    I'm around the same, although a lil taller. I'm 24, 5'7". I started out at 233 with a goal of reaching 140. Currently I'm 227, which is up a couple of pounds from last week but I'm hoping some of that is muscle I've gained :)
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    I'm 5'3, 24 years old, and started out at 241. I'm at 197 now. My goal is 140-150.
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'6", and I started my journey at 216. I am down to 203 now. I have two kids and at my heaviest I was around 227. My goal is to have a healthy BMI, which for my height is 150ish. So - that is where I am headed. In the past I have been a chronic yo-yo'er with my weight, between 180 and 215. But - this is where I am hoping to end that - and find a way to lose and keep it off.

    I am turning 30 this June - and in honor of my birthday I'm running a half marathon. Mostly, just to prove I can.

    Feel free to add me. :)
  • hi im 5'4" and started at 319lbs ive lost 11lbs in 2 weeks and im 31 add me if you want to come on this journey with me, maybe together we can get there!! im wanting to get to 150lbs ideally but id be happy with 160/170 too :0)
  • I am 41 yrs old and weighed 188.. this is the biggest I have ever been. I lost 8lbs not even realizing it.. when I realized I decided to do something more to increase weight loss so joined mfp and since I have only loss 2lbs but I am determined to to get to at least 140lbs. I want to like what I see in the mirror again. I love me but dont like my weight it has my self esteem very low. And I could use all the encouragment I can get as well so feel free to add me... we can encourageeach other.
  • makkc02
    makkc02 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey there I'm 31 5'3" and started at 230. I've lost 16 lbs before joining MFP my goal is 140. Feel free to add me as well!
  • slimmergalpal
    slimmergalpal Posts: 235 Member
    well, looks like I have a bigger journey than some of you, but I am fairly new to this and would love any motivation. I am 5'3 started at 275, down now to 265 . learning to eat smaller and need to start moving my body !! Would love any support. Had my first comment yesterday from a new friend and it made my day. Thanks !