Looking for friends with the same goals!

Hi, my name is Britt, I am 24, and I am looking for friends on here with similar goals. I am 5'4" and currently weigh 143. I am trying to get down to 120 and get bikini body ready! If you have similar goals, add me! I would love to give and receive support. :)


  • lmulvey2010
    I am in the exact same boat as you:) I am 5'5 and 145LBS..... we should work together at our goals :)))
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I am 5'4 and going for 135! I currently weigh a lot more than that. Friends help!
  • britt0905
    I don't care about starting weight..but it would be nice to make some friends with the same goals....It's so much easier with motivation from others!!