Hello! I am going to be trying Zumba tonight and honestly i am a bit terrified!!

is there any advice you have for beginners?

Usually i dance after i have liquid courage so this is VERY MUCH out of my comfort zone


  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    Just have fun :) Most people don't have good rhythm the first time they go...I know I didn't!

    Shake yer booty!
  • Sydney0710
    Sydney0710 Posts: 61 Member
    No advice, but have fun! It's moves very fast and it's tons of fun. Just keep moving even if you lose your count.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You'll be fine. You will not get the steps perfect on your first visit. Perhaps not on your second or third or even fourth. No one does. No one else there will care because they will be having too much fun to notice. Plus, on any given night there will other newbies.
  • ginam84
    thanks guys! i looked up zumba on youtube and it looks suuppeerr fast!
  • mnd32
    mnd32 Posts: 6
    My mom and I go....she can't carry a tune in a bucket and has absolutely no rhythm but she still has a blast! It's super fun, just relax and go for it. Everyone there felt like you do at some point!
  • Zumba is so awesome, I've been doing it for like 2 months and still can't nail all the moves, but I'm laughing so hard and sweating so much that it has to be beneficial somehow. Major morale booster.
  • MissesJai
    I :heart: Zumba! I do it 4 days a week - it's a great workout. Two things to remember - have fun and keep moving. Other than that, throw all caution to the wind, enjoy the music, and sweat your butt off!
  • Jakolin
    Jakolin Posts: 10 Member
    I have been to Zumba in my area, and as the trainer says "there are no mistakes, just happy accidents" My advise, is as long as you're moving you'll do fine. After so many classes you'll catch on to the moves and you'll then start to notice you're sweating more and feeling better with each time!! I Love it.:tongue:
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    I just started Zumba and it is fun. No one cares if you don't know the steps. They will even help you along. I had a 80 year old woman in front of me She said " Honey, it doesn't that you don't know all the steps. Just move!!!!
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Keep moving...I tell my first timers this is their free pass. I don't care what you are shaking...something on that body has to be moving :wink:

    Have fun...everyone was a beginner once upon a time :bigsmile:
  • jpalimpsest
    Stand in the back and do your own thing. Have fun with it. Just dance and sweat; that's all that really matters :D
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    HAVE FUN!!! No one is there to watch or judge how you dance. Everyone is there just to shake it and have a blast.

    Sweat, feel sexy and just let go. It's an awesome experience to go to a Zumba class.
  • Costello08
    Costello08 Posts: 18 Member
    Monday was the first time I went to a class and it was really a lot of fun. I've done it on the Wii but never in a class. I can't wait to go back!
  • oddree80
    oddree80 Posts: 71 Member
    One thing that I was told when I did was the first couple of times that you go don't worry about the arm movements. Figure out the foot steps and as you get comfortable with that start working on the arms. Plus go to the front so that you can see the instructor! No one will be watching or judging you they are there trying to keep up and watching the instructor too! Have the greatest time!!!! :wink:
  • mindylee23
    mindylee23 Posts: 3 Member
    Everyone looks stupid their first time! I've been doing it off and on for years and I still look stupid! :) Have fun!
  • ginam84
    thanks guys! this is making me feel more relaxed about it!
  • Natley
    Natley Posts: 58 Member
    oh its sooo fun!! first time is confusing, just keep moving and have fun!!
  • mfiggs
    mfiggs Posts: 155 Member
    I started going about 2 weeks ago, totally out of my comfort zone, cried before I went! I absolutely love it. Everyone else is too busy making sure they are doing it right to be worrying about what you look like. I am addicted! I wish I could go more than 2x a week!
  • LilMizDetermined
    LilMizDetermined Posts: 175 Member
    DO NOT STOP MOVING! Zumba is one of my FAVORITE exercises to do!! I burn about 630 calories on average :D

    You honestly just have to jump in and do it. Pace yourself but HAVE FUN!!! No matter what, do not stop moving!!
  • mwest11
    mwest11 Posts: 89 Member
    I agree 100% with everyone. I have no rhythm and usually only dance at weddings. But throw caution to the wind and just MOVE! It really does get easier after every time you do it.