Are you on meal repeat too?



  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    I get on kicks all the time of eating the same thing. For two months i ate vanilla greek yogurt with raspberries for breakfast. Now for the last month i've been on a Think Thin Creamy Peanut Butter Bar and and apple kick.

    I get this way with lunches too sometimes (when i'm at work) because its just easy to make the same thing everyday and i know exactly how many cals are in there! No surprises!

    So i'm right there with ya! :happy:

    do you get stomach upsets with the think thin bars? they taste great but i think they do not make you THIN - they haev so many claories an dyou are hungry an hour later? Have you had the same experience?
  • Prettypiglett
    Prettypiglett Posts: 72 Member
    Oats so simple and skimmed milk does it for me......every day for breakfast while its cold weather....then I'll be back to weetabix every day for months and months! I also have had a chicken chow mein on a friday for the last year for tea (my special treat of the week) :D Its friday tomorrow......guess whats for tea..................yummy!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I like to cook big batches of things on Sundays -- and package them all in little containers so I know exactly how many servings and can figure out stats etcl. So yes, I often eat the same things over and over and over :)

    Currently I am trying to be "gluten-free" to see if that helps my bloating and extreme fatigue... so I'm using a little different or modified recipes but still the same principle. The only "pre-packaged" food I really eat is Fage 0% total greek yogurt and Jenni-O ground turkey though.
  • paulaann67
    paulaann67 Posts: 145 Member
    Yes I make a big pot of Sacred Heart soup at the beginning of the week . It's a great filler and low in calories!
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    Yes, I eat oatmeal everyday for breakfast along with half an English muffin. On weekends I have more time so I'll switch it up. I also have leftovers from dinner so I eat those for lunch the next day.
  • Cindy_Fit4Life
    Cindy_Fit4Life Posts: 147 Member
    Does anyone else eat the same meal at least once a day? I eat pretty much the exact same breakfast every morning. I know this sounds bad, but I know exactly how many calories it has in it, plus it fills me up. Am I the only one? :) If not what's your favorite meal ?

    You are not alone! I have the same breakfast almost everyday with a few moderations from time to time but I must say I LOVE my morning breakfast, it keeps me full, it's full of nutrients and like you said, I know exactly how much calories I'm eating. If your enjoying it, then you don't have to change it but if your bored with it theirs other options. Check out this is my favorite website for healthy delicious eating! :flowerforyou:
  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    Yes, I have bacon almost every morning. I also have greek yogurt with berries for lunch about half the time. Dinner and snacks change around a lot, though.
  • ashhills
    ashhills Posts: 64 Member
    I always have the same (ish) smoothie for breakfast. The only change is if I can't find the same ingredient in the store. I use 1/2 cup of acai/pomegranate/blueberry juice, 1/2 cup of nonfat plain yogurt, and 1/2 a banana. I eat the rest of the banana right away and take the smoothie to work with me.
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    Dr. Oz actually advises it,

    I certainly find that it helps,

    then I can be more creative at dinner,

    but then I plan to eat, not just log what I ate
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I tend to eat the same breakfasts and lunches for a week, and just switch up my snacks and dinners. Then the next week switch to a different breakfast and lunch for the week... It works out well and makes it easy to stay within my calories this way.
  • Out of sheer laziness/budget/time/etc I eat basically the same breakfast every day and basically the same lunch. I know how much it costs, I know I like it, I know it will fill me up, I know the protein/carbs/fat/calories. Dinners are usually different though. May be boring to other people, but I'm the one eating it!
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I eat the same things over and over and over and over again
  • wilberfamily
    wilberfamily Posts: 99 Member
    I eat the same thing for breakfast every work day which is a yogurt and a cup of coffee. I get up most days at 5:30 and I can't stomach much more at that hour. I also eat lunch at 10:30 which is usually a ham sandwich or one of 3 lean cuisines. Dinners and snacks I get more variety in.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I eat a cottage cheese double for breakfast 6 days a week. It's tasty, holds me until lunch, and only 100 calories so I have plenty left for bigger meals later. On Sunday I have some eggs and bacon usually.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Does anyone else eat the same meal at least once a day? I eat pretty much the exact same breakfast every morning. I know this sounds bad, but I know exactly how many calories it has in it, plus it fills me up. Am I the only one? :) If not what's your favorite meal ?

    I go on little runs of the same thing for breakfast or lunch that last for weeks then move on to something else. My dinner is different on a daily basis, but often repeats on a weekly basis for months at a time. (Right now, I have roast pork every Wednesday and Jambalaya every Thursday.) I assumed most people had the same breakfast every morning, or at least had the same thing with different condiments or the like--like oatmeal sometimes with strawberries and other times with apples or bananas, or yoghurt but with different fruits. Do people actually have something entirely different?
  • Yellowstonegirl
    Yellowstonegirl Posts: 26 Member
    I pretty much eat the same meals everyday for a week. Then I change it up. I live by myself so I will cook a big batch of something and divide it into individual servings so that I can grab it and run and I know how many calories are in each serving. It makes recording my meals easier too. I try to cook some sort of beans every week and some sort of dark green vegetable. I use Brocolli and carrots and turnips and various fruits to fill in.
  • i have basically the same thing 2 hard boiled eggs, on a 100 cal thomas multi grain english muffin with cream cheese. and i have metamucil orange with 2 cups of water...comes in under 400 calories and keeps me full utnil lunch, when i have a baked chicken breast with steamed carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. Dinner is usually something small, chicken slices wrapped around some red leaf lettuce before i go work out, then i a protein drink after. then i drink lots of water.
    If you have a sweet tooth, Popsicle brand sugar free Popsicle's are really good, and 0 calories.
    Sugar free Fudgesicle's, not so much....
  • Does anyone else eat the same meal at least once a day? I eat pretty much the exact same breakfast every morning. I know this sounds bad, but I know exactly how many calories it has in it, plus it fills me up. Am I the only one? :) If not what's your favorite meal ?

    I eat the same breakfast and lunch on work days for weeks at a time, I switch up dinners and snacks. It just makes it easier to log and pack for my work days.
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    1 cup Fiber one cereal with vanilla protein mix for the "milk". 250 calorie, 30 gs of protein, and 28 gs of fiber- BAM!
  • I just got back last week from being deployed overseas. When I returned home I bought a ton of groceries so I would have plenty to choose from to eat. Needless to say I have been eating a variety of food choices, but I havent been back to work yet.

    I suspect that when I do return to back to work I will probably have the same meals because I wont have time to actually cook during the day like I am now during my time off!