My weight loss is just, wrong.....

I need some advice/wisdom/clarity whatever...

So i've been excercising and staying at 1200 calories per day and i'm about 11stone, so the other day i'd gone up to 11st 3 think it was Saturday then Tuesday this week I was just under and I was elated! I'm trying to get down to 9st 5 see, then I step on the scales today and I'm back up to 11stone 5!!! I really really can't understand this even though my excercise programme tells me to measure inches, which I am losing, I wanna see them scales go down!! Even though I tell myself I don't care what I weigh as long as I don't look like that, I'm just completely baffled by my own body! Any advise greatly appreciated!! :grumble:


  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    And the number on the scale matters exactly why? Do you have scales built into your shoes that continually update everyone around you about your weight?

    It's water retention mostly. Chill.
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    Eat more.
  • cmwood123
    understad it doesn't matter, itsjustI know when I've lost weight in the past I've seen the calesgod down, but thist ime I am doing it more healthily, three meals a day etc. Its just really as I've got a target, for March, so some days I'm positive and the other days frustrated! Thnak you for that though! :smile:
  • cmwood123
    Eat more.

    I'm eating within my 1200 a day.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Eat more.

    I'm eating within my 1200 a day.
    That's the problem. It should be 1200 MINIMUM PLUS whatever you burn in exercise.
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    You're probably not eating enough. I was eating 1200 a day and not losing, and I upped my intake to 1500 and lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks. From what I've read, 1200 is a really low amount to be eating. And at 11 stone, you don't have that much to lose. So it's probably not realistic to eat 1200 calories and lose weight.

    Also what the other poster said. It's not all about the scale :)
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 859 Member
    First, don't weigh yourself every day. It's a surefire way to make yourself go crazy.

    Second, yes - eat more. You need to fuel your body well enough to make it think it's okay to let go of fat.
  • RihK
    RihK Posts: 4
    How is fat loss related to weight loss in the grand scheme? For all we know you might be gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time...