Any 5'6" people with a goal of 150 or around there?

I have about 75lbs to go to my goal- still a long ways! I was wondering if there was anyone out there with similar measurements as myself. We can support and cheer each other on!


  • jmorrisof2
    jmorrisof2 Posts: 108 Member
    Hello. Yes, that is my goal. I am 5'6 and am currently hovering close to 200 pounds. At my highest I was 221.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Me! I was down to that...then back up a bit...then down to 152...then since the holidays up to 159. GRRRRRRR. It's never ending. I'm with you! :drinker:
  • ncbrowneyes97
    ncbrowneyes97 Posts: 48 Member
    I am 5'6" and am trying to get my goal weight between 145-150 and still have about 55-60 pounds to lose!! Taking it one day at a time and would love the support and be there to support you!
  • I'm 5'6 with 150 in mind (Maybe 140 or even 160 depending on... whatever). I've got about 40-50 pounds to go.
  • candie33
    candie33 Posts: 36 Member
    Yes I am 5'6 currently weighing 190 pds.....Working hard to get to 150
  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
    Meee!!!! I'm 5'6" and my highest weight was something a bit over 205lbs and started MFP at 197lbs this year. I'm down to 185 right now and aiming for the 150 mark as well! :):)
  • Me too!!!! I'm 5'6", highest weight was 195, down to about 182 and my first goal is to get to 150, I'm hoping on getting there by my birthday in October. Then I'm hoping to eventually get to about 130. High hopes and a long way to go. Here's to us! :heart:
  • KimR87
    KimR87 Posts: 295 Member
    im close im 5'7" with a goal of 160
  • yes ma'am! I'm 5'6" and 40 years old! I have struggled with my weight my whole life and was down to about 135-140 2 years ago. When I joined MFP I was at 191 and I'm at 186 now but I'm feeling hopeful! One day at a time and be sure to celebrate the little victories, too! When I make a smart food choice, I try to pat myself on the back and be thankful for the lesson learned, ya know?
  • Me!!! I'm about 192 now, trying to get down around 150.
  • Reka2011
    Reka2011 Posts: 134 Member
    Me!! I am trying to get down to around 145-150!!
  • Yep. My goal is 150lb, then I may consider going lower. I started at 216 & have dropped 13lb, so I have a ways to go :)
  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    hi guys!
    i'm 5'6" too and my goal weight is 150. I just started MFP (again) in January at 265 and I'm down 15 pounds! I am SOOO ready to get this weight off of me.
    feel free to add me if you like!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I started in January at last weigh in I was 166.2, my initial goal is 145...

    My highest weight was 190, but that was several years ago.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Me! I started at 200 lbs the first Sunday of Jan. Down to 193.4 lbs asof yesterday. It's taking me longer this time to drop the weight. A few years ago I wemt from 210 to about 168 in about six months or so.
  • garp4
    garp4 Posts: 59 Member
    Me too! I am 202 right now. Have lost around 13 so far. My first goal is 160 and see how I look and feel and go from there. I want to get into a single digit size. I think I want to get to 145ish, but we will see.
  • margebouvier
    margebouvier Posts: 12 Member
    Yep, that's me exactly in height and GW. CW is 191.
  • I'm 255 and trying to get to 5'4 though
  • I'd be thrilled to get to 150! I'm 5'6. I started at 235, down to 222 now :)
  • I'm 5' 7". I started about 6 weeks ago at 176, currently down to 163. My goal is 150.