


  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I try and stick to water, and see pop as a treat. I do have a few glasses a week but I stick to cola zero, I was amazed how good it tastes. Even own brand supermarket versions are pretty good.
  • I can so relate. I am a diet Coke addict. I still am drinking 2 a day. I also drink Crystal Light, which I am sure is not good for you either. I just don't like water, but I am trying to drink more and more each day.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Switch to diet soda or try cold turkey? I switched to Coke Zero.

    No, don't do this. Quit cold turkey is the best. The chemical in diet soda make you think you want more. It's a trap. Try water when you think you want one. YOu can do it.
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    I went from 3-4 a day - regular coke - pretty much went cold turkey -

    now, i'll have a diet dr.pepper every once in a while - or ONE coke as a treat - maybe once a month..
  • I switched to coffee, I now look forward to my daily or twice a day cup! I don't even miss soda! mmmm, coffeeeee:):):)
  • I don't drink soda, because it's not healthy for you. If I get cravings for a carbonated drink, I buy club soda and mix it with one package of pure crystal light. It's so good, and you don't get all the sugar and junk that's in soda!
  • kschmi24
    kschmi24 Posts: 59 Member
    Never heard of that! I'm going to try it. Thanks!
  • thea0101
    thea0101 Posts: 54 Member
    I am happy to report that I did not have any major withdrawals. I used to consume at least 1 liter of regular Coke daily, some days I realized I didn't get a drop of water in my system at all. When I started here Jan.1, I knew the soda had to go. I didn't eliminate it entirely, but I don't consume it as much as I used to. I've been here for 40 days, and been drinking around 4-8oz per week. It's not a staple in my meals anymore, and I don't crave it even when I eat with the rest of the family with a liter of Coke on the table.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is not to focus on wanting to totally get rid of it. It's just to tell yourself "this is NOT going to help me, I'll have water instead" every time you're tempted. Then on some days, give in by having half a glass or something. It's less tempting when it's not in the "Restricted" list.

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    despite the chicken little attitude about diet soda, I think if you make that switch you'll be much better off. and, if you want to continue, use that as a ladder to scale back. go to 1 a day, then go to diet, then go to every other day with a diet, then every third, etc.

    me? one can of diet dr pepper a day is just fine. it hasn't killed me, doesn't make me want more and actually helps fill me up.
  • I'm addicted to diet soda so it isnt AS bad..but still.
    Maybe try switching to diet?
  • saxnviolin
    saxnviolin Posts: 129 Member
    I believe going cold turkey! Just give it up completely- none at all. It will be hard for 2 weeks then it gets easier. In May, I'll be 2 years soda/shake free. I only drink water and coffee without sugar now. Definitely tough, but you can do it.
  • LCBinGA
    LCBinGA Posts: 102 Member
    love the flavored seltzer waters. no calories, natural flavors...LaCroix, Perrier, or store brands!
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    After finding out how many calories are in juice I pretty much have stopped drinking any juices or sodas. i also quit drinking for right now. The only thing I drink is water and sometimes tea with no sugar or anything and count that as water as well.
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    I switched to diet sodas, but limit to having them only a few times a week. I LOVE Peach or Raspberry Fresca. It tastes fancy. I also like coke zero, then diet pepsi. I HATE diet coke.
  • Kayla165
    Kayla165 Posts: 118 Member
    I love soda well I used to drink a lot of it. Dr. pepper is my fave. I went from drinking a 2 liter a day to one can which is 150 calories every other day. Now I only drink two cans per week.
  • I loved soda, too. I stopped drinking it for a long time, especially when I was breastfeeding. Then I switched to vanilla coke zero once in awhile.

    I'll deal with the aspartame. I'm aware it's bad, but I prefer it to drinking empty calories. My S/O makes fun of me every time I drink one though. We're pretty big on keeping things simple and natural in this house, nothing with HFCS and no artificial sweetness for the kiddo, organic meat if we can afford it at the time, coconut milk, et cetera.

    I'll listen when he stops drinking 2 energy drinks a day.
  • Oh, or Izze. Izze is carbonated juice, and as far as I know, no bad or artificial ingredients. It's just carbonated juice.
  • bunji587
    bunji587 Posts: 4 Member
    I started winging myself off by making myself drink 2 cups of water before I could have a soda. Then worked it down to 1 soda a day.Now if I have the craving for a soda, I get a flavored, carbonated water drink. The carbonation & flavor make me think I'm having a soda only without the dyes, calories, or sodium. Now, I haven't had but 1 soda in over 2 months & too bequite honest, it didn't taste all that great :)
  • carrollel
    carrollel Posts: 57 Member
    so does anyone know if club soda "OK" then? is it a safe alternative?? i only drink coke zero on the weekend with vodka, its the reason im not dropping pounds and my weakness :(
  • I'm loling with all the crystal light drinkers. You realize that crystal light has aspartame in it, too, right?