no weight loss this week

no weight loss this week...... gutted!!!!
Counted ALL my calories last week, stayed within correct amount (low fat/carb/sodium & even only had bread on 2 days!!!) AND doubled up in my calorie burn during exercise for the past 2 weeks (High impact aerobics with HRM/1 hour of toning and also resistance training) I also didn't eat my exercise calories back!!!.... .

anybody any idea as to what happened here??

oh well......... just have to keep going and see what next week brings!

(could it be due to the fact i had such a large weight loss last week? = 9lbs)

I haven't posted my food diary as i would rather keep my food diary private because I have seen many other posts on individuals food diaries being slated/critiqued quite negatively!!!


  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    the people who critique diaries make me so ANGRY. Anywho, I haven' lost any weight either the past two weeks I average about 500 calories burned every day stay about 500 calories below my limit and since joining late Jan. I've lost 2 pounds and that's it. It's been almost a month I'm going to keep at it but I am getting pretty disheartened. I've lost a few inches and have toned up a bit but no weight loss, maybe that's it? I don't know/
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Probably partially because of your loss last week.. but also when you do weights and toning that can cause for muscle water retention..
  • IRun4Me_12
    IRun4Me_12 Posts: 240 Member
    I did not have any weight loss this week either. I'm trying not to be too bummed about it, but it does still stink. At least you did not gain any weight!

    You have the right attitude - keep on chugging!
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Some people are just like that, what you lost in one week would be great lost over a month. Just stick with it, I'm lucky to lose a couple of lbs a month and I stick to my diet(1200-1400)/exercise.

    It's sometimes hard when you see other people losing weight each week but you have to remember everyone is different.
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    I am having the same issue, and am discouraged this morning to see the scale has not moved up or down. Guess that is a good thing, but I need this weight to come off. I do see a difference in the tummy area so maybe something is working
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    I haven't posted my food diary as i would rather keep my food diary private because I have seen many other posts on individuals food diaries being slated/critiqued quite negatively!!!

    I definately understand that! From what you've said, you need to eat more if you aren't eating the exercise calories back though. If you up your exercise you need to up your calories. If you're sore, you're probably also retaining water like jrich said.
  • CSummers316
    Are you still losing inches? If so then try not to worry too much about it. Losing the weight number is always good, but there are so many factors that go into it all. Just try not to stress over it and maybe change up your workout routine
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    Not your fault.

    Welcome to being a woman.
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    When you start working out, or work out harder than before your muscle fibers tend to hold water to repair (that's what I've heard). It leads to slight gain or no loss. Also, you can't expect to bring big numbers every week! Keep at it you will see a loss soon. Also I love the measuring tape more than the scale. It is better indicative of progress.
    If it's been more than a month and no movement in scale then look into your diet closely. Are you eating back your exercise calories, what is your TDEE, how much your deficit should be, etc.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Sometimes I don't lose weight one week, and the next week I lose twice as much as usual. Overall it averages out to my goal of 1 pound per week, but it was not literally 1 pound each week. I would give it some time and see what happens.
  • Annmarie49
    Thanks guys, appreciate the support.
    just feeling sorry for myself..... expected to be losing 1 -1.5lbs/wk.

    my jeans do feel much more comfortable and maybe looking at the inches should be the way to view it.

    My abs are sore from the 2 intense toning sessions (CX works= core/abs), maybe fluid etc etc etc.......

    will keep it going and see how the next week goes. it would be soooooooooooooo easy to 'give in' but with MFP, it will keep me on track!! This is supposed to be a new way of life, here's hoping!!!!
  • TWrecks1968
    TWrecks1968 Posts: 138 Member
    I am with you. I had my first flat week since joining MFP. A little disheartening, but I will definitely keep on track. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    As far as negative comments about the diary, that all depends on the type of friends they have. I have friends who looks at my diary and gives support, which does sometimes entail letting me know my sodium is too high. I appreciate that, but definitely nothing vicious or mean.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    A week isnt a plateau or anything... just keep at it.
  • ElectricMayhem
    ElectricMayhem Posts: 214 Member
    Some people are just like that, what you lost in one week would be great lost over a month. Just stick with it, I'm lucky to lose a couple of lbs a month and I stick to my diet(1200-1400)/exercise.

    It's sometimes hard when you see other people losing weight each week but you have to remember everyone is different.

    Totally agree! It's hard to see others consistently lose each week (i did great the first 2 weeks, lost 9 pounds! but haven't lost any since ) and i've been really down about it, but i went out yesterday and bought a heart rate monitor because i felt like the calories burned listed on here weren't very accurate and i was right! I went to Zumba last night and the hrm says i burned 667 calories vs the 1000 that is listed on mfp! That's a HUGE difference when you're watching your calories like a hawk ;-)

    Also ask yourself 'how do i feel? Do my clothes still feel loose?" that is what i have to do when i don't see the numbers budge....
    Hang in there, it will happen!
  • Werk1966
    Werk1966 Posts: 1 Member
    Great topic. I'm struggling with the same issue. I've been working out like a madman. My clothes are fittng looser and my body feels stonger. My diet isn't perfect, but I'm under my numbers are good. I'm going to increase my protein. There is something to be said for water retention when training, as well as muscle is heavier than fat per square inch.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Some weeks are this way. Hopefully next week you'll be doing fine again! Keep at it! Drink your water, do your exercise and continue to eat right and you should see it melt away soon. I have a stuttery weight loss. Some weeks I'm down a lot, some weeks nothing, and some I'm actually up. Happens to the best of us!
  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    Some people are just like that, what you lost in one week would be great lost over a month. Just stick with it, I'm lucky to lose a couple of lbs a month and I stick to my diet(1200-1400)/exercise.

    It's sometimes hard when you see other people losing weight each week but you have to remember everyone is different.

    Totally agree! It's hard to see others consistently lose each week (i did great the first 2 weeks, lost 9 pounds! but haven't lost any since ) and i've been really down about it, but i went out yesterday and bought a heart rate monitor because i felt like the calories burned listed on here weren't very accurate and i was right! I went to Zumba last night and the hrm says i burned 667 calories vs the 1000 that is listed on mfp! That's a HUGE difference when you're watching your calories like a hawk ;-)

    Also ask yourself 'how do i feel? Do my clothes still feel loose?" that is what i have to do when i don't see the numbers budge....
    Hang in there, it will happen!

    I bought a heart rate monitor last weekend and still haven't used it yet...was even thinking about returning it! I've just been using the MFP calories burned as a guide. I might just break it out for tonights workout to see how close the two #'s compare. Although...I usually only eat about 1/4 to 1/2 of my exercise calories just in case.
  • leanmachinedream
    It could be many things but if you're so worried about your diary being critiqued` are you possibly hiding something? People here are only trying to be supportive and steer your towards your goals so if you're not eating properly you'll hear it.

    If you can't handle that, don't post asking why you didn't lose weight this week. We need to know what you're eating, how often, and what those calories consist of. If you're not willing to share that information then why post? If you are exercising a lot and not eating back some calories your body may not be getting all the energy it needs. Or maybe, you just aren't going to lose weight this week. You won't lose weight every week.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    It could be a few things. If you increased your exercise, it could be additional water to repair your muscles. It could be not eating of calories (this is the one I normally see) or it could be hormones. How many calories are you eating? If you only eat 1200 calories and burn 500 calories, you are only netting 700 calories which makes your body freak out and want to conserve fat to ensure for long term energy.
  • CharityEaton
    Most of you that are commenting have "join dates" of January just started your journey! BE PATIENT! it takes your body time to adjust to the changes you are putting it through! Yes, it is very discouraging to not see a constant loss but in all reality, a slow steady loss is perfect! You are NOT going to just drop the weight off. It didn't come on over night and it's not going to fall off over night.

    This is HARD work and anything worth doing is not easy! You also have to feed your body. Do NOT get sucked into the idea that if you eat less and workout longer it will speed the results...the opposite will happen.
    In fact, when you feed your body you will be able to bring more intensity to your workouts. You have to switch things up too. Can't just walk on the treadmill every day and expect great losses.
    Try something new from time to time and play around with your calories. Also, you can eat whatever you want and stay under calories but you have to remember that there is a truth to eating quality calories not just watching the quantity of calories. Sure you can come in under your calorie goals eating twinkies all day but is that going to fuel your body??

    Just a few thing to ponder and re-evalute what you personally are doing. I didn't look at anyone's diary or exercise log so maybe you are doing all of these things and maybe you aren't.
    Just don't give up. I've been at this for 6 months now and JUST came off of a SIX week plateau! You can do it! It has been hard, I have cried, I have gotten mad and today I am fighting an injury that is holding me back. It sucks but in the big picture...I'm almost there!