Stomach fat



  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    looks like I'm stuck with mine then if can only get rid of by lifting heavy weights as I'm not able to due to physical disability.

    I've also lost about 35lbs, lost 13" off my tummy at first and 7 " off waist and gone from a UK size 20 to a 14 which I'm thrilled with. I'm currently stuck hovering between 10st (140lbs) to 10st 4 but currently have my TOTM.. I'm hoping to be able to drop to 9st something, hopefully reach 9st 7 (133lbs).

    Thing is I seem to have lost weight of face, neck and arms and my wrists were already thin, now people think I am looking too thin just going by my wrists and neck and assuming the rest of me is as thin and don't believe me when I say I'm still 10st! As I'm 42 I don't want to lose too much off face/neck as its going to age me and after all my face is first thing everyone see's rather than my tummy and butt which I can conveniently hide as I sat in wheelchair all day!

    I have Hyporthyroidism also and have read about the 'doughy abdomen' associated with it and have cut wheat from diet which helped with weight loss but I don't seem to be getting much smaller and only losing a few pounds a month now! :ohwell:

    I am trying post pregnancy DVD which is mainly floor exercises that I can manage as they usually target those muscles to tighten them back up after pregnancy so hoping they may help!
  • DannieR
    strength/resistance training doesn't HAVE to be done with heavy weights in order to achieve your goals. Resistance bands and light dumbells are effective as well. Do what you're physically able and comfortable doing and you'll see results. Men get much better results from strength training because we have more muscle mass to begin with.

    One of the best and most obvious statements anyone has ever made about the eating habits of humans is, "we, as humans, eat for entertainment instead of consuming it for fuel". If you focus on eating the right types of foods at the right time of day to keep your body's energy levels up and stay away from the 'entertainment' foods that we eat only because they taste so good (fried foods, sweets, etc...) your body will react in kind, burning through what you take in and not storing the excess.
  • Wrigleymom
    I did read wheat belly and tried cutting out carbs for several weeks, I lost a little weight but still had the puffy tummy area :(
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    mine is a lot flatter (when its not bloated!) - from TOTM not from wheat) but it doesn't look bad.. I'd still like to lose a bit more off it but maybe resigned to staying at size 14 as I don't want face and neck to be really thin (as weight seems to be coming off face, neck and arms first) my wrists are so thin i can wrap my little finger and thumb around and they slightly overlap and I am 42, I think it really ages you when you have loads of lines co face is so thin... that was one advantage of being chubby I always looked young!