Creepy guys at the gym



  • billgiersberg
    It's difficult to put myself in this guys place. I would not try anything like that to meet a woman and I suspect that is what he is trying to do is to "meet" you. ANY response you might give to a creep would likely only play into his hands. Ignoring him is perhaps the most wise response.

    I do my workouts at home. I tried a gym once and while I was doing some cardio, I was amazed watching this one lady far off in another corner doing a stair-stepper and talking on the cell phone. Her pace was astounding. I failed to see that the direction of my gaze caused me to look past another woman near me who must have thought I was staring at her. I saw in my peripheral vision he yank her head in my direction to see if I was looking at her. I felt like a creep then and after a minute or two went off somewhere else so she would not feel uncomfortable.

    I read enough user comments on MFP to make me glad I don't need to go to the gyms.
  • LilyBugsMommy
    LilyBugsMommy Posts: 109 Member
    He probably was just being a guy. They can't help it :)

    However, if someone makes you uncomfortable, I would go with ignoring them unless it became unbearable and then I would bring it to the gym staff attention.

    I don't have the problem of guys checking me out (b/c I am overweight) however, I get the older or sketchy guys that want to come and chat with me, give me advice, etc. I usually am polite, thank them for their advice and put my headphones back on. If they continue I let them know I am working with a personal trainer or just flat out tell them that I really need to focus by listening to my music and cannot talk to them.
  • Fatphuck
    Fatphuck Posts: 18 Member
    If the guy was a creep thats one thing and its UNACCEPTABLE ! HOWEVER!!!!! Many women dress up in skimpy shorts or skirts and flaunt their *kitten* and boobs all over. This is ESPECIALLY true here in Miami ( South Beach) Then they have the audacity to ***** about being checked out. This is not cool and it happens all the time. I dont know you and I am not saying this is what you did, but keep in mind we're only human and if you dress provocatively then expect to be noticed by guys who like it.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Women do this to me all the time, but really... Can you blame them? I mean they are only human after all. I usually just wiggle my *kitten* and give it a good slap for them and call it a day.
  • PNWriter
    PNWriter Posts: 223 Member
    say nothing but do a happy dance on the inside...considering the fact he was checking out your *kitten*!
  • ambut
    ambut Posts: 49 Member
    Haha...I love these gross-out suggestions. You'd be the pariah of the weight room, but no one would bug you!
    "Can I help you?"
    "I can handle this, thanks."

    Oooooor you could fart really loudly next to him if he tries to help you again. THAT would be the cat's pajamas!
    Ignoring him is probably best. If that doesn't work, try picking your nose in front of him. I guarantee he will no longer rush over to help you put away the weights and he probably will no longer be interested in checking you out. In fact, you will likely have the weight station all to yourself from that point on! lol
  • Fatphuck
    Fatphuck Posts: 18 Member
    @PNWriter - EXACTLY ! you have a postive attitude.! (LIKE BUTTON)
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    People look at each other at the gym. It's usually harmless. If it makes you terribly uncomfortable, then say something. Otherwise, just go about your business. :smile:
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Women do this to me all the time, but really... Can you blame them? I mean they are only human after all. I usually just wiggle my *kitten* and give it a good slap for them and call it a day.
    Hell yeah. There's a guy I see on the bike trail along Lake Michigan all the time who looks just like you and I check him out every time. Maybe he can start doing that booty shake for me.
  • Dkittery
    I make eye contact every time I catch them. It's funny as all hell to watch them turn away very quickly.... :) It's my little way to let them know they were caught... hehehehehehehe. :)
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    I'm the kind of person that likes to experience as much as I can so I can speak with some semblance on a topic at hand. Now, to explain my view on this, I must tell a story. So, here it goes...

    I had just started seeing a girl a few years back, and, she had a gay brother. They were all going out one night to a gay bar and she invited me... Now, I'm not homophobic at all, but, I was a bit apprehensive. To comfort me, she simply said, "please... They have dollar bottles tonight." "SOLD! And, I'm not driving," I replied.

    So, I met her along with everyone else at her place. We all jumped into one car and away we went. We walked through the door, and, all at once, every single guy in the bar looked me up and down. If you'll notice, this happens to every single woman that walks into any bar of any general style. To be honest, it kinda made me feel very uncomfortable. It was a classy looking place. Clean, nice bar, etc.... So, I go to the bar and order a round... Not 10 minutes later, I'm back for seconds. The shirtless bartender sporting the sweet chest sweater comes over and says, "you want another sweetie?" I just nod and swallow hard. "Relax," he said, "we ALL know you're not gay!"

    The point of the story? I know how it feels, because of that experience, to be objectified or stared at. If it were a bunch of women, maybe it would have been different. If it were a group of women, would they have been thinking, "he's cute, he's not that cute, nice shirt, stupid hair" etc... Because with men, from experience, I don't think I can list the things that would run through their heads...

    So, I would just ignore the guy that's staring at you. Most guys can't help it. I know I can't. I see a pretty girl at the gym and a sneak a glance now and again.It's very hard not to admire a pretty woman. But, I'll never stare.
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    ignore people like that, i always have my headphones on and i am in my own world at the gym, i could care less who is checking me out, or you could come up with a smart *kitten* comment to make him feel stupid. that is always amusing lol
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I am so glad I am not female.
    I'd calmly walk over, grab his head and crush his face into my boobs.

    What a bad girl I would be!

    I am the girl version of you then, because that is exactly what I would do!!! That or's a toss up
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    also be rude. If he ran over to help me I would have said "um, I have it, thanks" rudely. Sorry, but if someone is being uber creepy I have no issue being rude
  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member
    Gay Bar Story

    That does give some insight.


    If you really want to know what its like to be a woman, you'd have to go to this bar 10 times a day, every day.


  • Cberg9
    Cberg9 Posts: 123
    Give him the stink eye then Buck at him with that chest out arms open gangsta pose...If he doesn't instantly turn around and stop watching I don't know what else to say but this works for me lol
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    I am so glad I am not female.
    I'd calmly walk over, grab his head and crush his face into my boobs.

    What a bad girl I would be!

    Love this perspective!
  • angelgutierrez
    I have a creepy guy that goes in about twice a week. I am usually there before he is on the elliptical, he always has to get on the one next to me, if i move to the stationary bikes he moves to the one next to me, when i move to the weight machines he moves to one near by....whats creepy is he never says anything just stares.