Hi, nice to meet you.

Hi, I'm Louis. Looking to make a few good friends on here to help one another along this journey. I'm at 210 looking to drop down to 160. Been working out for the past 2 months. Its going well so far. Feel free to add me. Lets be friends for life :smile:


  • Mongoose7
    Hi, I'm new aswell. Nice to meet u
  • mstoya02
    Hi I'm Toya, I'm looking to lose around 30-40 pounds. I would like to get healthy and feel better about myself.
    Add me, I need help and support.
  • Shinkermom
    Shinkermom Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I'm Susan and a Newbie... looking to lose at least 25lbs and can use all the support I can get. Add me if you woud like :-)
  • francesmoberly
    nice to meet you too. our goals are about thee same.
  • meyerl218
    meyerl218 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I'm Linda and new to this message board, but I am on my way to lose 41-ish pounds, lost 11 already, 30 more to go!!
  • mariafonseca87
    Hello everyone! I'm not new here, but I am just getting back to working out due to a minor foot surgery in December. I'm excited to get back into the groove of things.
  • ValRawn
    ValRawn Posts: 51 Member
    Hello! Nice to meet all of you! Being a newbie is often hard... it's good to meet others in the same boat! :)
  • captaincharisma24
    heck yeahhh. thats awesome. give me some tips!