iPhone app help

Hey Guys,

Not sure if I am way off base here or not, but does anyone know how or IF you can alter the portion size of an item when trying to log it? Like say the database portion is 1 cup...but you only had a half cup. I know the blackberry app could, but I have recently made the switch and I am having some trouble adapting!


  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    tap number of servings....you should be able to pick all kinds of choices from zero (0) through ridiculously high. You can also do fractions of a serving there like 1/2, 1-1/8, etc.

    BTW - this was probaby the wrong place to post this question.
  • dominions
    Or put 0.5 is half of 1.
  • cupcakecutie1985
    cupcakecutie1985 Posts: 110 Member
    Yea, I could have probably put it under tech support somewhere! Thanks for the instructions! Works like a charm now!