Metformin sickness/low carb dieting



  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Splitting my dosage up (1x in the morning, 1x before bed) helps alleviate the symptoms for me. My doctor suggested this when I told him how bad it was affecting my stomach. I don't see anything wrong with splitting it up but definitely make a quick call to your doctor (or pharmacist) to make sure. If I'm correct, they have Metformin and an Extended Release Metformin so you want to make sure.

    Do you take it with food? That always helps me. And swallow it with milk instead of water or juice. Helps it go down easier and stay down. I also notice on days that I eat better (healthier) the symptoms are nearly non-existent. But if I eat too many bad carbs (sugar, bread, pasta) then my symptoms are unbearable.
    my symptoms are opposite....when I eat more carbs im fine taking the met. when I eat healthy and workout is when it seems to flare up unexpectedly....its so odd! that's why it makes me wonder if I even need it anymore. was just trying to compare/ contrast my symptoms with others going through the same thing. but it seems everyone is affected differently.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    you've been very informative, thanks. I will have LOTS of questions to ask my gyno now:) it seems every body is different for those who suffer with PCOS. some more extreme, some less. I guess time and experimenting will tell for me. sigh.....damn pcos.....

    You're welcome...and good luck! I would suggest finding a knowledgeable endocrinologist. They are better equipped with PCOS patients than a gyno (unless your gyno is a reproductive endocrinologist).

    I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 17. I'm 37 now. My big symptoms were weight gain, difficulty losing weight, polycystic ovaries, and NO periods. Well, I'd have one year. Never ovulated. Ever. PCOS used to be called PCOD (polycystic ovary disease) but was changed to a "syndrome" because the symptoms manifest so differently person to person.

    I've been on Met for years, I've sometimes lost weight in the past, but nothing ever improved my PCOS main symptom of no ovulation/periods. Then oddly, around age 35, my body just started functioning again, despite no weight loss and no change in meds. Sometimes as you get older, your body decides it has to kick into gear so you can procreate LOL. Yeah, I have 3 kids through adoption, so I'm not interested in getting pg. I kind of miss the days of no periods LOL.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    you've been very informative, thanks. I will have LOTS of questions to ask my gyno now:) it seems every body is different for those who suffer with PCOS. some more extreme, some less. I guess time and experimenting will tell for me. sigh.....damn pcos.....

    You're welcome...and good luck! I would suggest finding a knowledgeable endocrinologist. They are better equipped with PCOS patients than a gyno (unless your gyno is a reproductive endocrinologist).

    I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 17. I'm 37 now. My big symptoms were weight gain, difficulty losing weight, polycystic ovaries, and NO periods. Well, I'd have one year. Never ovulated. Ever. PCOS used to be called PCOD (polycystic ovary disease) but was changed to a "syndrome" because the symptoms manifest so differently person to person.

    I've been on Met for years, I've sometimes lost weight in the past, but nothing ever improved my PCOS main symptom of no ovulation/periods. Then oddly, around age 35, my body just started functioning again, despite no weight loss and no change in meds. Sometimes as you get older, your body decides it has to kick into gear so you can procreate LOL. Yeah, I have 3 kids through adoption, so I'm not interested in getting pg. I kind of miss the days of no periods LOL.
    Yeah my gyno wants to refer me to an RE. I asked her to wait until I lost most of my weight though. Im doing pretty well so far~ Unfortunately the closest RE to us is two hours away! GRRRR.......... One thing that sucks about living on a coastal beach town, everything else is awesome lol.....figures the one type of specialist I actually require is so dang far away.....
    You should check out my PCOS VENT YOUR FRUSTRATIONS ONGOING THREAD. There are alot of women reading it with PCOS and Im sure your knowledge and experience would be very much appreciated!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Just looked at your profile. Hi neighbor LOL. I'm in MI too - near Ann Arbor though.
  • snorktharpe
    snorktharpe Posts: 41 Member
    i have a very bad stomach and my doctor was concerned about the metformin making me sick. so far, it hasn't but he warned me that i should always take with food. i take all my meds with food to prevent gastritis pain. if this isnt the case for you, you need to talk to your doctor as you may need to take something else. also, i go by the carbs mfp assigned according to my goals and my sugar levels are running normal. i was diagnosed with diabetes in september. hoping to lose the weight so i can get off he metformin :) good luck and hope you get some answers soon :)
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    i have a very bad stomach and my doctor was concerned about the metformin making me sick. so far, it hasn't but he warned me that i should always take with food. i take all my meds with food to prevent gastritis pain. if this isnt the case for you, you need to talk to your doctor as you may need to take something else. also, i go by the carbs mfp assigned according to my goals and my sugar levels are running normal. i was diagnosed with diabetes in september. hoping to lose the weight so i can get off he metformin :) good luck and hope you get some answers soon :)
    Thanks so much! Yes i always take the met with food.....I actually go as far to eat half of my meal or a few bites first, then take the pill, then eat the rest. lol just to ensure it is going down WITH the food.....ugh what a pain! I can't wait to be rid of it either!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Just looked at your profile. Hi neighbor LOL. I'm in MI too - near Ann Arbor though.
    LOL awesome! You know it's crazy how many people from michigan I've met here on I love it! One day I want us all to get together! like once we get to our goal weights, then we could all meet up and show off and compare our new bodies with our old before pics! too funny! Did you guys get blasted with snow today too?
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Just looked at your profile. Hi neighbor LOL. I'm in MI too - near Ann Arbor though.
    LOL awesome! You know it's crazy how many people from michigan I've met here on I love it! One day I want us all to get together! like once we get to our goal weights, then we could all meet up and show off and compare our new bodies with our old before pics! too funny! Did you guys get blasted with snow today too?

    Well, Mi is a pretty fat state lol.

    We started getting snow late afternoon. Don't have too much yet but we should get a few inches.
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    Hi! i have been on Metformin for a few years now. My OB/GYN put me on it due to PCOS. I have been trying to get pregnant during that time. (NO luck!). I take 2 pills a day (500 mg) and for the most part, no problems.
    NO diabetes here. I was borderline gestational diabetic when i was pregnant, but that went away.