NO EXCUSE Challenge ( FEB 6th – MAR 6th)



  • nhorton5
    nhorton5 Posts: 32 Member
    I would love to join as well.

    1. Drink more water
    2. Exercise 4 times a week
    3. Alcohol once a week
    4. Only have one 'cheat' day
    5. Plan my exercise and food for the week on Sunday
    6. Eat at least 3 portions of fruit and veg a day

    So I am doing really badly so far. I think I am meeting my goals but I know I am slacking. I went kickboxing last night which I planned to do. I am going to Zumba and step tonight and thursday night then groom horses and maybe clip them on Saturday.

    I know I didn't eat 3 portions of fruit or veg yesterday as I was at a trade show and ended up eating junk all day. I need to get my head in the game as think week has been a nightmare so far and it's only wednesday.
  • Thank you jadam6 I'll try the view thing. I assume you mean on the page where the topics are listed.

    Did pilates today- hate doing that when my weight's up- on track.

    I might cave tomorrow and weigh. Not knowing is sometimes worse than knowing. My mind is a terrible place to wander :)
  • i will work out 5 days a week, at least 45-60 minutes each work out
    i will drink 9 glasses of water a day
    i will plan my meals the night before
    no fast food
    no fried food
    i will log every ounce of food i eat
    i will work out and eat right, and keep pushing, even when it's hard.

    those were my goals i listed for this challenge..

    i'm doing pretty good so far...doing great but i went out to eat the other night...yikes. but other than that, i feel like i'm keeping up really good! hope everyone else is doing good too!
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    So far so good! This is day 3 for me.
    Here are my goals starting today:

    1. Workout no less than 5 days a week/ an hour per day. 3 days cardio - 2 days Strength Training.
    T- Yes - 30 mins of Zumba (taking it easy due to muscle fatique), W- Rest day b/c my muscles were filing complaints with me!
    2. Eat nothing fatty except 1 piece of cheese, almond nuts or evoo.
    T- Yes, W- Yes ( ate steamed shrimp instead)

    3. No late night snacking past 8pm, 9pm in a pinch.
    T- Yes, W- Yes Anytime I do this one, it is a great thing for weight loss!

    4. Drink 72 oz of water daily.
    T-Yes, W- Yes

    5. Take my vitamins
    T-Yes, W-Yes

    6. Eat small meals every 3-5 hours
    T- Yes W- Yes, Th- Yes

    7. Two servings of vegetables at least per day.
    T-Yes, W- Yes,

    8. One cheat meal every 2 weeks. Next one.... Valentine's Night
    Not time yet!

    9. Most carbs to be ate at breakfast or lunch.
    T-Yes, W-Yes

    Starting weight- 225
    Goal weight - 210

    The scale is going up instead of down. Mathematically this is impossible! Not sure what else to do but keep going!
  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
    So far I have met my goals every day though tomorrow will be hard. I won't be able to do my arm workout during lunch at work as my son has a "Fairy Tale Ball" lunch he wants me to go see. But I am going to pull through and force myself to do at least 30 minutes of the P90x Arm video in the evening!

    Also to help me meet ALL of my goals each day, I am going to start a goal jar, earning $0.50 a day per item in my goals I meet (for ex. I have already planned my workouts each day so I get 50 cents for doing my kenpo today and 50 cents for doing my cardio, goals #3 &4... etc.). Also, taking away a $1 for every daily goal I miss. Then after March 6th I am going to blow the whole pot on something frivolous, completely selfish, and not feel guilty!!!!
  • penelepurr
    penelepurr Posts: 204 Member
    So far I have met my goals every day though tomorrow will be hard. I won't be able to do my arm workout during lunch at work as my son has a "Fairy Tale Ball" lunch he wants me to go see. But I am going to pull through and force myself to do at least 30 minutes of the P90x Arm video in the evening!

    Also to help me meet ALL of my goals each day, I am going to start a goal jar, earning $0.50 a day per item in my goals I meet (for ex. I have already planned my workouts each day so I get 50 cents for doing my kenpo today and 50 cents for doing my cardio, goals #3 &4... etc.). Also, taking away a $1 for every daily goal I miss. Then after March 6th I am going to blow the whole pot on something frivolous, completely selfish, and not feel guilty!!!!

    that's such an awesome idea. might have to steal it ;)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Progress this week to date:
    1. I'll have leafy green veggies at lease once every day > good
    2. I'll continue the 200 squat challenge > only once this week
    3. I'll do the plank a day challenge at least 4X a week > Behind
    4. I'll workout for 3 days each week (3 x 20-30 minute interval sessions and 3 strength sessions) > I need one more workout to meet goal this week
    5. I'l do yoga for at least 15 minutes once this week > done
    6. I'll go to bed by 10:30 at least 2x a week > one time down this week
    7. I'll have at least one cup of tea: white, green or herbal > no tea this week. :(
    8. I'll take at least one daily pushup break during work and fit in 15 pushups > this has only happened 2X this week
    9. I'll try one exercise class this month > not yet

    I'll give myself a C+ but there is still time to get it done though, and meet my weekly goals.
  • I am in!!
    Here is my challenge list -
    List I am struggling with -
    1) Stop junk snacking at work
    2) Include 2 fruits a day
    3) Drink 8 glass of water a day
    4) Do not eat after 8PM
    5) Limit sugar

    List I am doing okay with -
    1) Workout 5days a week
    2) Limit white carbs
  • Did kettle bell today.

    I've been going to bed earlier, but need to shut it down around 10:15 instead of 10:30-10:45.

    I did weigh today. 139.8. I was hoping it was 138.

    Tomorrow is a double day for me. Pilates at 7 and spin at 9:15. I'll be glad when it's 10:15:).

    Also going into the weekend,which is always a challenge for me. But not this weekend. :)
  • shushour
    shushour Posts: 16 Member
    Doing pretty good with My goals up until today.....had chocolate today .....( my daughter said mom can I get this butterfinger? I will share it with could I say no to that?) Not an excuse but well worth it...never got to my work out today have a bit of a head cold and by the time I got my 31 orders placed cooked super and rearranged that wonderful daughter of mines room I was to tired to get on the treadmill .....there is tomorrow, I will make up for today...have to clean my whole house its a mess,and ill work out.
  • Did my double workout and upped my calories to 1340 today.
    Feel full and bloated.
  • I joined 'my fitness pal' yesterday ... and saw this topic ... perfect for me, SOOOO after 2 days still going strong with:
    1) ensure to get at leat 8 glasses of water
    2) journal every day
    3) exercise 5/7 days of the week - will report in on this one next week
    4) eat veggies and/or fruit at every meal
    5) no junk food
    Hopeful this will lead to a successful weigh-in next week .... had done WW for so long grew tired of it. Can't remember the last time I actually counted calories, think this just may be the new 'aha' I needed.
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    Did my double workout and upped my calories to 1340 today.
    Feel full and bloated.

    If you don't mind, I would like to know what the reason is before this. I always love learning on what others are doing. :)
  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    Heeeeeey I'm doing this challenge ON tumblr! If any of you are fitblrs you can follow me there. I usually post my weekly recap on Friday and then during the week a few other associated healthy bloggings.

    MY goals for the challenge are
    1. I will measure myself on Day 2 and Day 30 via my scale and with pictures
    2. I will go to the gym 5 days a week for at least 45 minutes each day of either a class or circuit training
    3. I will go to yoga class on Wednesday nights. I will not get embarrassed about doing yoga with students.
    4. I will keep my caloric intake between 1500-1800 calories every day!
    5. I will not drink beer.
    6. I will log everything I eat. E-VE-RY-HIN’
    7. I will drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

    So far so good! I did drink a beer once. And I haven't been to yoga :(
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    I am either having an allergic reaction to the tanning bed or the flu. I can't tell other than a terrible itching all over my body. Either way, I can't afford this due to it being Valentines weekend and I have big plans to get ready for. :(

    1. Workout no less than 5 days a week/ an hour per day. 3 days cardio - 2 days Strength Training.
    T- Yes - W- Yes, Th, Yes, F-Yes, S
    2. Eat nothing fatty except 1 piece of cheese, almond nuts or evoo.
    T- Yes, W- Yes, Th- Yes, F-NO

    3. No late night snacking past 8pm, 9pm in a pinch.
    T- Yes, W- Yes, Th- No, F-Yes

    4. Drink 72 oz of water daily.
    T-Yes, W- Yes, Th- Yes, F-Yes

    5. Take my vitamins
    T-Yes, W-Yes, Th- Yes, F-Yes

    6. Eat small meals every 3-5 hours
    T- Yes W- Yes, Th- Yes , F- Yes

    7. Two servings of vegetables at least per day.
    T-Yes, W- Yes, Th-Yes, F-No

    8. One cheat meal every 2 weeks. Next one.... Valentine's Night
    Yes, 2-10

    9. Most carbs to be ate at breakfast or lunch.
    T-Yes, W-Yes, Th-Yes, F-No

    Starting weight- 225 (224)
    Goal weight - 210
  • not sure what you're asking, but by double workout i meant i did an hour of pilates at 7am and a spin class at 9:15.

    it's the only day i do 2 hours.

    by i upped my calories i meant usually i eat around 1200 and i ended up eating around 1500 b/c i was on here searching threads about eating your exercise calories back, and thought maybe that's why the scale is barely moving.

    by i feel bloated. i just felt bloated :).
  • i was replying to shelle68's post so i hit reply on her post, but i guess i should have hit quote to make it show up in my reply.
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    i was replying to shelle68's post so i hit reply on her post, but i guess i should have hit quote to make it show up in my reply.

    Thanks! I was just wondering if you was trying something new or this is a pattern that works for you. The scale has stopped for me too so I am trying to figure out what others are doing. :)
  • kdfulgham
    kdfulgham Posts: 46 Member
    I like #5 - Reading your bible daily! I need to get back into the word myself!:wink:
  • penelepurr
    penelepurr Posts: 204 Member
    Week 1 progress- calistenics are going well, I have increased my pushups from 2 sets of 15 and 1 of 20, to 2 sets of 25 which is big for me since I hate pushups :) I increased the crunches as well from 100 to 120, 4 sets of 30. My water intake has been great, 8 per day, and 1 day I even had 12 glasses. I have been sure to have fruit or veg with each meal. I weighed in at a 1-pound loss today. Progress is going good!