Help I'm starving!!



  • rachelpries
    rachelpries Posts: 26 Member
    I have found the following to be satisfying. I eat it as soon as I am done with Bikram yoga in the morning.

    1/2 c oatmeal
    1 T chia seed
    5 prunes (diced)
    2/3 c water
  • elenaamaretto
    lots of water. i drink smoothies or naked juices in place of a meal sometimes and i eat baby carrots or an apple with it and im full. also try not to drink coffee because it will dehydrate you. substitute tea if you can. and try not to eat artificial sweeteners, they'll only make your body crave more.

    i snack a lot on baby carrots, apples, and bananas. they usually help when im starving. i also drink a glass of water before i eat.
  • Ericacea
    I've stopped drinking anything with calories, so I save calories for things that are filling. Also, raw or steamed veggies are full of fiber and many are really low-cal and filling. But hey, I still feel really hungry sometimes too, and people generally just say "drink water, eat more protein." I think you also have to put your mind to ignoring the hungry feelings and/or making sure their cause isn't emotional. Good luck!
  • delsey2007
    delsey2007 Posts: 68 Member
    I agree girl, I'm going thru the same thing. I find that when I try to track my intake I end up getting hungry by doing that. I'm trying (again) and hopefully will get more progress...but anyway, yeah, I get the same way. Fiber and proteins are supposed to help and if nothing else, find foods that are low in calories that you can eat a lot of and it'll make you feel more full. I've been drinking water pretty much every day all day now instead of soda intake and have found that I get hungry less, but at the same time, I still went over my calorie goals for each just goes by planning too.
  • Inacay
    Inacay Posts: 47 Member
    Hi there. I found this and just did it. I remembered your post about "starving." One of the things I do is that on the days I don't work out I meditate, educate, or focus on my life and weight loss. I found this and just did it about changing habits. Hope this helps:
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Exercise more! A lot of the time, I only exercise so I can eat more :) It doesn't make you that much hungrier, but you get to eat as many more calories as you burn.
    good idea but as a single mom of 7 I don't always have time to workout:frown:

    Wow - Just a thought - what is your activity level set at? I hope it isn't sedentary as I don't think it is possible to take care of 7 kids and be sedentary!
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    You want high volume/low cal foods. Veggies and to a lesser degree fruits. If you think you don't like them start small, apple, orange, carrots. Or try a salad with carefully measured dressing. Oatmeal for breakfast with 1/4 cup of fruit is really good and satisfying.

    Your post says 1290 cal goal. Your diary is mostly showing higher amounts. 1400ish is probably good.

    Take the kids out and play tag, touch football, basketball, go for a walk or bike ride. They will feel loved, they will also being getting good role modeling for their own lives.

    I have found completely changing what I'm eating is easier than trying to eat less of stuff I'm used too. I concentrate on getting 25-30 grams of fiber. To do it meals need to be predominately veggies and fruits. I have many days of only 1000-1200 calorie intake (should be 1400) but I'm not hungry.
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    1. Eat small meals throughout the day... sometimes I feel like I never STOP eating... so I almost never feel hungry anymore.
    2. Eat foods high in fiber (fruit and whole grains like oatmeal, flaxseed, millet, and chia seeds)
    3. Eat foods high in protein (beans, mushrooms, quinoa, almonds etc)
    4. Drink LOTS of water. Drink water ALL DAY LONG. We often confuse thirst for hunger, and eat when we are really thirsty. Also, your skin will thank you :)
    5. If you're "starving" after you just ate, it may be emotional. Consider seeking out the help of a councilor or therapist.

    Good luck. It's almost impossible not to eat when your brain thinks you are "starving"...sometimes all the so-called "willpower" in the world just isn't enough.