5"8-5"9 goal weights??

Hello MFP--

I've been on this journey since May 2011 and I'm down 25 pounds and currently weigh 149. I'm about 5"8 1/2 and wondering what others goals are for this height?!?! I thought once I got down to 140 I'd be happy but I feel like thats not the case. I still feel like my belly has some serious chub there. My current goal now is 135 but I'm just not really sure.

Just want thoughts and opinions! Thanks :)

Feel free to add for my support. I need all I can get! :)
Best of luck to All!


  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Hey! I'm 5'8 1/2 also :))) I am currently maintaining between 155-157 and looking at 150 as my ultimate goal...anything lower would not look healthy for me at this point in my life...
  • Mnata
    Mnata Posts: 35 Member
    Does your goal have to be a weight? I put a number on my weight loss when calculating my calorie goals, but I really want to be more in shape so I can do the things I want. I also want to look better in my clothes. I use the scale to make sure I'm going the right way, but other than that I look to other qualifications for my goal.
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    I'm 5 9 and a 1/2. My goal is 144. I would love to be 144, but I do know that I wasn't particularly happy with my size when I was. I looked good in clothes but not naked. The thing is, I have a very small frame and so at 144 I was still fatty, especially around the middle. Maybe when you get to goal, you could post a picture and ask people what next - it may be more of a question of toning than of losing. Well done for what you've achieved so far.
  • Wow, I'm 5'8" and my goal weight is more than what you guys weigh now, it's 180 for me. I have a large frame though and lots of muscle.
  • highgear
    highgear Posts: 30 Member
    I only set a goal weight as a temporary target to aim for. People seem to think once they reach a certain number they've crossed a finish line and can then rest (or in this case stop the regeim of working out / eating healthy). Once that occurs, back comes the bad habbits and weight. This is why so many people have the yo-yo weight loss / gain.

    Screw that, and screw the numbers on a scale. Those are just a tool to help you figure your caloric needs. Keep working hard and eating right and your body weight will figure its self out. This is a life long process, and if you keep challenging your body it will continue to change.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    I'm 5'8" and my current goal is 74kg/163lb. That's the top of my healthy weight range and I haven't been a healthy weight since I was a pre-teen. I'll reassess from there. Nobody needs a specific goal weight.... Just keep losing until you look in the mirror and go "Wow, this works for me."
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    Wow, I'm 5'8" and my goal weight is more than what you guys weigh now, it's 180 for me. I have a large frame though and lots of muscle.
    Nothing wrong with that. When I last lost weight, I got down to 86kg/190lb and I looked f***ing hot! Different people hold their weight differently.

    I doubt I'll want to go far below the top of our healthy weight range which is, as I mentioned above, 74kg/163lb.
  • I'm 5'8". My goal is 160 ish... So, between 165 and 160. I'm in my 30's and have a large / curvy frame and want to keep that! Once I hit about 165- it's all going to be about toning from there. I want to be strong and not jiggly and look great in my clothes. I lost weight before and got down to 158; people were saying how I looked too thin and bony..... So, I'm not looking to go that low again! Good luck with your weight loss!
  • LisaLashesxx
    LisaLashesxx Posts: 133 Member
    i am 5ft 10" and hope for a target of 165ish that puts me in the healthy weight rang for my age and height (at the top i have to say) but i have been this weight before and i was wearing a size 10/12 english sized clothes and people commented i looked TOOOO thin. This will put my weight at 11.11 so i will consider if this is too thin along the way or maybe as i build muscle i will feel i would like to be a little lower than this.......i will work that out when i get there.

    Sometimes it is a matter of toning the areas that are wobbly and not losing more weight..........tone the belly if it seems a little wobbly.....target the problem areas and this will help.

  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Mine is 145ish. My goal is based on body fat, though.
  • I'm 5'9 1/2 and my goal weight initially is around 190. I got down to just under 200 a couple of years ago and people were saying I shouldn't lose too much more as my upper body was pretty lean at that weight (I carry my weight on my upper thighs/hips). I am very active though so being able to compete in activities at the level I want to is more important to me than what the scales or the labels in my clothes say. Both my GP and trainer said taking my frame into account I shouldn't aim any lower than 175-8, so I've initially set my goal for 190 (which I know I can achieve without too much struggle) but if the weight continues to come off after that then I'll see how things go.
  • Im 5'8" and my goal is for around 160lb. Though thats flexible for me, i want to look better but not thin. I like to be curvy but not wobbly. So ill stop when i reach that point.
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    Looking at this, I reckon I might need to rethink mine. I'm 5'8 and had set 135 as my goal but think it might be a bit low now, although it is still in the healthy range
  • msjones2831
    msjones2831 Posts: 126 Member
    I am 5'9.5" and my goal weight is between 150-170
  • hooligansmom
    hooligansmom Posts: 122 Member
    I think that if you are 5'8" and you weigh 140 or so, that is a good weight. If you still don't like the way you look, maybe it would be better to have your calories in a maintenance range and then exercise to tone the area that you don't like. I bet you look fabulous.

    I am 5'9" and I keep thinking of how I looked at the different weights I have been. I think I liked myself best at 150, so we will see when I get there!
  • I'm 5'8" and my "goal" is to stay anywhere in the 150s. I'm currently 160.8 -- so almost there. I've spent the last few months focusing on fitness and bulding muscle, and although the scale hasn't changed my body has. At this weight, I'm 38"-29"-36", a size 6 top and size 8 pant, and I'm happy with that.

    Several years ago while working 50+ hours a week on third shift, I got down to about 143, and that was too little for my frame -- lost cup sizes and just didn't look very healthy.

    My current focus is to decrease body fat to get rid of the little remaining jiggle on my rear and thighs.
  • divasoofly
    divasoofly Posts: 50 Member
    I'm 5'8.5" and I want to get down to 170ish. I once got down to 155 and my friends and family said I was too thin. They said I looked either like a bobblehead or just plain crackish, lol. So I have decided that a toned 170ish would be wonderful for me.
  • I'm exactly the same height as you, and i've put mine as 133lbs, that's nine and a half stone, don't know if i'll make it, but trying my best :) Good luck!
  • Your bone structure has a lot to do with what's an appropriate weight. Judge by how you feel and look, not by figures on a scale. Definitely don't try to go too low; too skinny is not attractive.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    Im 5'8" and I would like to get back to about 145-147, what I weighed in my twenties at some point so I know it is attainable. I am 165 now so about 20 more to go. But now I am weight training and wasnt then. my legs look better already than they did then so I dont know if 145 is too low, but we will see when I get there. its all about how I look and feel and not the number on the scale. I think a size 6 is a reachable goal for me. between 8 and 10 now.