5'3 122 lb woman REALLY wanting to lose 15 lbs! Need tips!



  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Have you checked with your doctor? You are at a healthy weight based upon the information given. Maybe you just need to tone for the sleek look.

    Unless Chelsea has wide hips (genetically) or is a very curvy woman (being Latina or Black American), being anywhere close to 120 lbs and only 5'3" is considered very heavy for this height.

    I am much happier being under 110 lbs then being close to anywhere near 120 lbs.

    Mmm...I'm 5'3" and a size 6 at 130 (my goal weight), which makes me happy and not at all "very heavy".
  • xcbballuver
    Have you checked with your doctor? You are at a healthy weight based upon the information given. Maybe you just need to tone for the sleek look.

    Unless Chelsea has wide hips (genetically) or is a very curvy woman (being Latina or Black American), being anywhere close to 120 lbs and only 5'3" is considered very heavy for this height.

    I am much happier being under 110 lbs then being close to anywhere near 120 lbs.

    Mmm...I'm 5'3" and a size 6 at 130 (my goal weight), which makes me happy and not at all "very heavy".

    eh im 5'3" and a size 6/7 at 122..i think im pretty heavy -.-
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Personally I don't think 56g protein is enough. Your diet should be at 20-30% protein. I'm set at 25% (I have 18 pounds left to lose) and after I exercise, my protein goal is usually 120g or so. I'm not saying you have to eat this much but I work out at least an hour everyday 6 days a week so this works for me.

    I second jogging. Also, you need to be eating MINIMUM what MFP sets for you. If it's 1200, eat at least 1200. If you exercise, eat all your calories. The last 10-15 lbs are harder to get off because you're in a healthy weight and your body knows that it's fine...though you may have a little more jiggle and want to tone up more, get rid of a couple more percentages of body fat, you can do that, you just have to work harder. It's usually eat more, work out more, to lose the last few pounds.

    I know you said you don't have time...which is why you should try to find a work out that's the same amount of time you're doing now but more effective, i.e. circuits. Try bodyrock.tv or Beach Body programs ... programs that specifically say they're great for fat burners 'cause the last few pounds are just fat that you want to get rid of.

    Also, I'm Italian and I have an *kitten* and boobs and big hips...so it's not just the Latina and black girls!! :bigsmile:
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    At 5'3" 120 is NOT EVER considered heavy. That being said, if you're trying to lose a few pounds, it's all vanity weight, meaning your body doesn't need to lose it. So I'd suggest paying close attention to your diet beyond just counting calories. Make sure you're eating quality whole foods, try to eliminate anything processed.

    Eve, I'd loooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvveeeee to agree with you so, so, so, so, so very much b/c then it would mean I could stop working out and be "healthy".

    But I went to get my fat measurement at my local gym by a fitness trainer a few months back. My Body Fat percentage was 30% when I was only 120 lbs!

    According to their chart, for women, up to 33% is considered "Fat", over 33% is considered "obese".

    I wish I made that up, but I did not! That was really a slap on the face for me. :noway:

    That's a really harsh number...I could see it if you were really flabby but it sounds like you've been in good shape as well. When I first started exercising, I weighed 165 and the gym measured my body fat at 28.5%. I wonder about your number...you should check it again and see if it comes out similar.
  • supermom1114
    So I've read through all of the post and gosh its just insane how much info is out there that is either straight up wrong or could be taken the wrong way.

    First and foremost let me tell you I'm in my senior year studying to become a Registered Dietician. My biggest advice for you if you really believe you need to lose 15 more lbs is to see a registered dietician. They can assess everything in your diet and tell you whats going on. I don't think you need to lose weight and I don't care what the body fat % scale said, you should get your body fat % tested by a professional, usually they'll dunk you in water, or theres an expensive test called a DEXA scan, dont trust a body fat scale a theres so many factors that play into how accurate they are.

    However if you want to lose weight (theres a difference between want and need- you are healthy and active so you don't need to lose weight) you need to EAT some more!! 1000 cals a day and are doing intense workouts, you are actually doing your body more harm than good. When you workout muscle is being broken down and you're body can't rebuild that muscle if you're not even giving it enough calories to do basic functions every day. You should get your basal metabolic rate(BMR) calculated, I'm pretty sure MFP has a calculator for that. Eat at least that much everyday, I'm 5'3" and mine is around 1400ish cals a day. When you use MFP for weight loss and use the built in plans it puts your calorie count under your BMR and then tells you to eat your exercise calories. That works for individuals who have quite a bit of weight to lose but for someone who is at a healthy weight and is looking to lose that last 10-15lbs the game is different. I HIGHLY suggest you get Jillian Michael's Book Making the Cut Its a program specifically for people trying to lose the last 10-20lbs. If you aren't eating enough your body holds on to every ounce of fat it has left, and hangs on for dear life. If you continue the work outs and eating only 1000cals a day you'll start feeling weaker and weaker, not be able to keep up with your workouts that you were doing before, and if it goes on for long enough you'll actually start getting sick more often, your body will breakdown muscle for energy, break down bones and other tissues for essential minerals and vitamins you're not getting for such a strict diet. Its just bad news to drop so low with your calorie count. And if you have muscle from working out so much, your BMR is higher than a normal individual's and you require more calories so eating only 1000 cals is even more dangerous

    Also, consider taking an extra day off a week from exercise every couple of weeks, just give your body time to recover and rest.

    If you teach your body that you will give it exactly what it needs throughout the day by eating fruits veggies 100% whole wheat products lean meats healthy fats and time your meals right throughout the day (every 4 hours, breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner) And continue with workouts you love that continue to challenge your body you'll see a change in your body but its going to take time, don't be surprised if you don't lose 1lb a week like people who have more weight to lose.

    I hope that helps a bit, but again see a registered dietician so they can get a nutrition assessment on you in person and take any other measurements etc. Since you're eating so little you may have nutrient deficiency that they can catch as well. And buy Jilliian's book, its amazing and so is her book Master Your Metabolism! And I'm going to try to find a link for you to another post that I think you should read, its specifically for short small women trying to lose weight.
  • supermom1114
    Have you checked with your doctor? You are at a healthy weight based upon the information given. Maybe you just need to tone for the sleek look.

    Unless Chelsea has wide hips (genetically) or is a very curvy woman (being Latina or Black American), being anywhere close to 120 lbs and only 5'3" is considered very heavy for this height.

    I am much happier being under 110 lbs then being close to anywhere near 120 lbs.

    I don't know where you got this info from but you're completely wrong and I don't want people reading this and thinking they're overweight when they're healthy. 120lbs for 5'3" is considered normal and heathy, no where near "very heavy" even if she has a small frame up to 124 is considered healthy, medium frame 135 is considered healthy. Even in your statement you say you are more happy at 110 and not 120 but I doubt you are anymore healthy at 110 than you would be at 120.
  • SandraMay1982
    Ideal Weight Calculation:
    According to your height of 5' 3" your ideal healthy weight is 126 pounds. Your recommended weight range is between 112 and 140 pounds.

    This was calculated using Hamwi formula, a simple formula commonly used by many clinicians.

    These are recommended weights. Talk with your doctor about what weight is best for you and before undertaking any new diet or exercise programs.

    You can learn more about BMI and see what it is for your current weight by checking out our Body Mass calculator.


    my copy and pasted two cents from a website.
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    Wow.. this post has gotten pretty lengthy.

    I guess I should clear things up.

    First -- No, I don't think that 125 lbs for a 5'3" built is fat...I actually thought I looked GREAT!!!! I just gave facts about what my Professional Trainer at my gym told me when he did a Five-point Body Fat measurement. I was disgusted and didn't believe him either. That's why I didn't hire him. Anyhow, that's what he told me.

    Second -- I am a very small frame. I am Asian and I have no hips, no boobs, no *kitten*, nothing! :yawn: I had to lose 19 lbs to get the waistline and abs I have now (see picture). It took me 12 weeks of working out everyday and an intensive diet plan.

    Third -- When I was 125 lbs, I had love handles, a muffin top and large thighs. You name it, I had it. But I thought I looked good... Not as good as now, though...

    Everyone is different, depending on your ethnic and body type. So, yes, if I had hips, an *kitten* and boobs, I would love to have remain at 125lbs at 5'3". ....But for my small frame, it wasn't very good looking at 125 lbs and I don't fit the typical BMI and Body Fat chart.
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    I would say that you aren't eating enough calories. Use the BMR calculator under the tools tab and find out what your minimum calorie intake should be. Generally speaking for any adult - you should never eat less than 1200 calories.

    Agreed. 1200 cal/day is the absolute minimum.
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    So I've read through all of the post and gosh its just insane how much info is out there that is either straight up wrong or could be taken the wrong way.

    First and foremost let me tell you I'm in my senior year studying to become a Registered Dietician. My biggest advice for you if you really believe you need to lose 15 more lbs is to see a registered dietician. They can assess everything in your diet and tell you whats going on. I don't think you need to lose weight and I don't care what the body fat % scale said, you should get your body fat % tested by a professional, usually they'll dunk you in water, or theres an expensive test called a DEXA scan, dont trust a body fat scale a theres so many factors that play into how accurate they are.

    However if you want to lose weight (theres a difference between want and need- you are healthy and active so you don't need to lose weight) you need to EAT some more!! 1000 cals a day and are doing intense workouts, you are actually doing your body more harm than good. When you workout muscle is being broken down and you're body can't rebuild that muscle if you're not even giving it enough calories to do basic functions every day. You should get your basal metabolic rate(BMR) calculated, I'm pretty sure MFP has a calculator for that. Eat at least that much everyday, I'm 5'3" and mine is around 1400ish cals a day. When you use MFP for weight loss and use the built in plans it puts your calorie count under your BMR and then tells you to eat your exercise calories. That works for individuals who have quite a bit of weight to lose but for someone who is at a healthy weight and is looking to lose that last 10-15lbs the game is different. I HIGHLY suggest you get Jillian Michael's Book Making the Cut Its a program specifically for people trying to lose the last 10-20lbs. If you aren't eating enough your body holds on to every ounce of fat it has left, and hangs on for dear life. If you continue the work outs and eating only 1000cals a day you'll start feeling weaker and weaker, not be able to keep up with your workouts that you were doing before, and if it goes on for long enough you'll actually start getting sick more often, your body will breakdown muscle for energy, break down bones and other tissues for essential minerals and vitamins you're not getting for such a strict diet. Its just bad news to drop so low with your calorie count. And if you have muscle from working out so much, your BMR is higher than a normal individual's and you require more calories so eating only 1000 cals is even more dangerous

    Also, consider taking an extra day off a week from exercise every couple of weeks, just give your body time to recover and rest.

    If you teach your body that you will give it exactly what it needs throughout the day by eating fruits veggies 100% whole wheat products lean meats healthy fats and time your meals right throughout the day (every 4 hours, breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner) And continue with workouts you love that continue to challenge your body you'll see a change in your body but its going to take time, don't be surprised if you don't lose 1lb a week like people who have more weight to lose.

    I hope that helps a bit, but again see a registered dietician so they can get a nutrition assessment on you in person and take any other measurements etc. Since you're eating so little you may have nutrient deficiency that they can catch as well. And buy Jilliian's book, its amazing and so is her book Master Your Metabolism! And I'm going to try to find a link for you to another post that I think you should read, its specifically for short small women trying to lose weight.

    Wow, thanks for the advice!!
  • jvmulhall
    jvmulhall Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'-3 and 122, trying to lose 5 more...my trainer told me 130 grams of protein a day and 130 gr carbs...and 1300 calories. in the last 6 weeks I've lost 4 lbs of fat doing this. I literally eat grilled chicken breasts cold as a snack, and 3 protein shakes a day! get the optimum nutrition at bodybuilding.com large container of powder, I mix it with almond milk.
  • rastrillo
    rastrillo Posts: 28 Member
  • rastrillo
    rastrillo Posts: 28 Member

    Alll of the women in my family have an *kitten*. My hips are like BAM, I like a womanly figure. I look good at this weight, and I'm a midget :wink: I just had to represent for the curvy ladies,

    Thanks to bellinachuchi for representing. Women are supposed to have curves.
  • jvmulhall
    jvmulhall Posts: 4 Member
    Me too!!! I'm 5'-3, 122, 21% body fat, and I would like to be more like 18%. I do a bootcamp 3x a week and work with a trainer, who has me on a 40-40-20 diet, but ti's so hard!! next were going to try is nutrition cycling. on and off days of carbs. With a family to feed, it's so hard not to pick at the pasta I'm feeding them. I'm 44, and it's just not coming off. People say I look good, but I want to be ripped.
    Yesterday I ate oatmeal for breakfast, ahi salad for lunch, chicken and cherries and pretzels for snacks, and mahi and sauteed spinach for dinner. and NO WINE!!! yay for me.
  • steffipaulina

    Unless Chelsea has wide hips (genetically) or is a very curvy woman (being Latina or Black American), being anywhere close to 120 lbs and only 5'3" is considered very heavy for this height.

    I am much happier being under 110 lbs then being close to anywhere near 120 lbs.

    You made me laugh "being latina or black american" :laugh: There's curvy anglo women out there, I assure you. Ummm, for myself, Italian, large frame, 5'2, 134lbs. Alll of the women in my family have an *kitten*. My hips are like BAM, I like a womanly figure. I look good at this weight, and I'm a midget :wink: I think the poster suggesting she ask her Dr. is probably on the same level as most of us reading this, like "You're 120lbs. and want to weigh less??". To each his own, if that is where you feel comfortable, then by all means :) I just had to represent for the curvy ladies, and point out that amusing classification of yours.

    I agree with this. I am half latina and I have wide hips but I got it from my caucasian side. My latina mother has no hips/*kitten* and very thin legs.

    Also, I have a less curvy friend who weighs in the 130's at this height and looks great. At 5'3 the healthy weight range goes up to 140lbs.
  • Always_Smiling_D
    Always_Smiling_D Posts: 118 Member
    Perhaps your first step should be to start logging your food, make sure you are indeed eating enough and hitting your macros -

    Also, depending on your workout, your weight could be more lean muscle based than # itself.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    At 5'3" 120 is NOT EVER considered heavy. That being said, if you're trying to lose a few pounds, it's all vanity weight, meaning your body doesn't need to lose it. So I'd suggest paying close attention to your diet beyond just counting calories. Make sure you're eating quality whole foods, try to eliminate anything processed.

    Eve, I'd loooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvveeeee to agree with you so, so, so, so, so very much b/c then it would mean I could stop working out and be "healthy".

    But I went to get my fat measurement at my local gym by a fitness trainer a few months back. My Body Fat percentage was 30% when I was only 120 lbs!

    According to their chart, for women, up to 33% is considered "Fat", over 33% is considered "obese".

    I wish I made that up, but I did not! That was really a slap on the face for me. :noway:

    Gyms don't sell personal training sessions by telling clients they're perfect they way they are LOL.
  • GothicaAdore
    GothicaAdore Posts: 82 Member
    Dear last 4 or 5 posters,

    Please look at the date stamp, these posts were from 2010.

    Thank you.
  • LadyHomestar
    LadyHomestar Posts: 16 Member
    Sometimes you might not be eating enough calories for your muscles. I was at a plateau when I was eating 1200 calories a day. I increased it to 1400 and I'm losing again :) I'm 112 lbs at 5'0 and my goal is 90 or 95.
    Dear last 4 or 5 posters,

    Please look at the date stamp, these posts were from 2010.

    Thank you.

    Well *kitten*..