How many times do you workout and how long for in a week



  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    I don't really like treadmill's but I'm trying to change that outlook. I workout everyday 1.5 or 2 hours. At first I was doing Insanity and that wore me out. After I finished it I moved on to Jillian Michaels. I'm doing her shred and banish fat boost metabolism, I hate that workout! It works so I keep doing it. I got a bunch of different Golds Gym videos that are 10 minute exercises for different things. I love them! The ten minutes is up on the workout before you even know it. I workout 7 days right now. I know me if I start slacking, I will do it less and less. I come to far to mess up my weight loss now.
  • weight2go
    weight2go Posts: 92 Member
    Im pushing for 6 days aweek and 50-60 mins. This is done on the Elliptical. I used to walk for 5-6 days aweek and for 90mins+. But the elliptical is better on my knees and takes less time. Just Boring. I want the excerise and more calories.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 743 Member
    congrats on your loss..I do 30 minute circuit training videos 6 times a week at night followed by 100 squats, 100 crunches, 100 of whatever I think needs work that night! I also have started doing leg weighs..the whole time is less than an hour for sure.
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    I am working out everyday. I belong to beachbody which is the sponsor to p90x, insanity, turbo fire and much more. There are free fit clubs that I go to twice a week where I workout with others to a beachbody video. If you are interested in that, give me your zip code and I can find one for you. I also workout with a friend couple times a week to a different beachbody video called Slim series. I also workout at the gym either taking a class or doing cardio. A workout partner is the best thing to help motivate you. If you can't find that, I would suggest working out at home to a dvd or a class at the gym. Also walking is a great for of exercise and that is free. I have done several 5k which are always fun. My goal this year is to run a 10k. I am doing my first 10k walk next month. Let me know if you need any other information.
  • momtimesone
    momtimesone Posts: 85 Member
    7 days a week. Strength training M-F,Walking 5 hrs a day M-F, Sat and Sundays I usually do the ellptical for 30 mins and walk for about an hr as those are my rest days.
  • Sarl87
    Sarl87 Posts: 19
    Thank guys I'm finkin I'm gonna up my excercise and do it longer I do a mix of workouts I do strength training but mostly cardio workouts.
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 273 Member
    3 days a week at gym or zumba for a hour, walk every day about a half hour or so at a fast pase

    in a month or so when I build myself up a bit I'm gonna up myself to doing the 30 day shred on days I don't go to the gym or zumba
  • I walk 7 days a week. 1 hour and 40 minutes a day, 6 miles.
  • janluke
    janluke Posts: 15 Member
    6 days a week, swimming, cycling (badminton once a week) aim for a total of 15 hours but usaully nearer 12
  • klyssamoore
    klyssamoore Posts: 31 Member
    I'm working out 6 days a week. I teach pre-k, so my schedule is a little wacky - but I think I've finally found one that works for me. I go to the gym at 4am Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and do C25K (I'm starting week 4 on Monday). On Tuesdays and Thursdays I do Turbo Fire and on Saturday mornings I do an hour on the elliptical. I've hit a plateau, though, and haven't lost any weight at all since I started C25K - so next week I'm adding Zumba to my MWF afternoons.
  • jademh
    jademh Posts: 94
    I recently amped up my workout routine. Especially because my weight is stubborn and I love to eat.

    I work out every morning 6 days a week to the beachbody program Insanity. I LOVE IT! lol The first month of insanity is about 39-45 minute dvds, month 2 is about an hour.

    Then 5 evenings a night I go to the gym and usually do about 40 minutes on the elliptical followed by 20 minutes of the machines alternating between my arms & legs. (:
  • tracyjaynie
    tracyjaynie Posts: 28 Member
    So wow! A 500 calorie burn on the treadmill .... what speed and what in cline? I would love to know how to put my treadmill to use like that!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    HIya! I sent a reply to your message that was sent to me.. but in case you check here first...

    Keep in mind, the settings are based on my height and weight....

    Im 5'6" weighing currently 239lbs (used to be 303lbs mind you)

    0 incline = Because I have heel spurs, the guidance of the Podiatry group that I work for, gave me a free assessment. This 0 incline does not flare up my heel spurs. So, to reduce the risk of tearing my tendon clear off the bone, I have to maintain a 0 incline.

    Good stretching is first....
    The first two minutes I work up to 3.5mph.
    By minute-3, I bump it up to 4.0mph while listening to music that has a tempo/meter of 130-138. Being a musician, this part comes naturally to me where I can grab the right music to keep a steady march to the music AND keep up with the speed. Or, I just retrack the music and bring it up to the tempo that I need to maintain a steady 4.0mph pace.

    At the end of the 45 minute powerwalk, I will do an additional 3 minutes to cool down - yup, you guessed it: I have music specifically for that too!

    Im dealing with heel spurs so I have to be extra vigilant on my warm up and cool down stretches....

    My journey started July 2011 at 303lbs

    Im coming off of a six week maintenance at 239lbs by starting at the gym now almost two weeks later to really shock the system into weight loss again. Im really proud that six weeks Ive been able to maintain during Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years... I think that in itself is an NSV.

    Now that Im in a new healthcare-related position, going to the gym was key.....
  • M-F I typically do a 30 minute DVD. Usually one of Jillian's. I'm liking shredding it with weights the best right now.

    Sometimes on Fridays I swItch the DVD out with a 3 mile run.

    Saturday is always a 60 minute walk in the am. Depending on our plans either a DVD or a short run or a wii dance game in the pm.

    Sunday is always a run. I'm not training for another race for a few months so currently it's usually a 5 or 6 mile run.

    So I guess I aim for 7 days a week. At least 30 minutes. Sometimes more. Life gets heatic with two kids and work. :)
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    I try to go every night for at least an hour each time!
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I try to get to the gym 4-5 times a week. But work often gets in the way.:grumble:
    I do 60mins cardio, mixing it up, bike, treadmill & ARC. And about 30-40mins weights & abs.
    And depending on the weather & Hubbys workload, we go hiking Sundays. It might just be along the canal or it might be up onto the moors. Gotta love living in the Pennines.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    5 days a week i do 1.5hrs training and 45-60min cardio
    2 days that i dont train i do 60-90min cardio
    so total 7 days a week.........
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I would like to work out 5 days a week, but I really only do 3 consistently. I don't want to do more than 5 because I am a firm believer in rest days, but when I do as little as 3, I don't think I am getting as much benefit from it as I could. I also feel that the more I do a workout, the more likely I will be to do it again. If I only work out 3 days a week, it is all to easy to do two or one or none at all.

    I absolutely must work out more. It just needs to happen.
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    It depends if it's a good day or bad day lol. I'm working out 7 days a week, usually for over an hour. On good days I'm doing 2-3 hours of workouts (broken up), on bad ones, 30-60 mins
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    I do cardio on my recumbent exercise bike on Tuesday for 30 minutes, Thursday for 45 minutes and Saturday for 60 minutes. I have varied this routine a bit over the last few months (longer times, less resistance; shorter times, more resistance, etc.) At one point I was doing 60 minutes on each of those days but I got to the point where I dreaded doing it for so long. Because I need this to be sustainable long term, I switched to my current routine. I am thinking about trying a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) routine and see how that works.

    I do strength training on my Bowflex Extreme on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for about 40 minutes each day.

    So, that's 135 minutes a week of cardio and 120 minutes a week for strength training for a total of 255 minutes (4.25 hours) a week.

    I take Sundays off. I also take every 8th week off.

    Hope this helps.