Turbo Jammers 6/22-6/28

Good morning everyone! I did turbo sculpt saturday morning...then went out for wine tasting and steak! ahhh! :noway: it was good though. :tongue:

Nothing for yesterday..tonight i am going to do 20 min and ab jam.

i need to step it UP!

have a great day girls :heart:


  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey..I LOVE turbo jam. I also run and do ChaLEAN Extreme too! I did the punch, kick, jam this am..if you are in team beach body...add me as a fitness buddy (ccfett). Always love to meet fellow turbo jammers!
  • HipsLipsMama
    hey cc! have you had fabulous results with chalean extreme? I am saving up my $$ to get that later in the year as well as some bowflex selecttech weights. what kind of weights do you use? :heart:
  • ronkswife2000
    Hi Ladies! I haven't been on in a few, had a family reunion. With our vacation and reunion and go, go, go it's been so very hard to stick with it... thinking of throwing a gym membership in my routine. My girls are off for the summer and the gym I'm scoping out has an awesome kids club so I figured it would be fun for them and benefit me as well... all the while still doing my TJ at home.

    I just got my CP3 and Lower body jam in the mail yesterday so I'm excited about those!!!

    Have a great day and WELCOME TO ALL THE NEW MEMBERS OF THE THREAD!!! Happy to have you!!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • HipsLipsMama
    Hey Amber you are doin good...just get back into the routine of things :) i know I need to do the same. I have been eating bad and I need to really workout 6x a week!!! cuz the scale isnt budging!

    we can do it!!! :heart:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Tagging for later ... I'm warming up with the 20 Minute Jam, then heading out for my first run. I'm hoping I can beat my mile time in Junior High ... 10:45 if I remember correctly.

    See you in a bit!
  • cpafford79
    cpafford79 Posts: 88
    Logging in for today! I did LBJ and Fat Blaster last night. My 6 year old (who also loves to do TJ with me) is begging me to do PKJ, so we might give that one a try tonight!

    BTW - I returned those size 14 jeans to the store on Saturday and ended up buying a size 11/12! Who knew 8 lbs. could make such a difference! :noway:
  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey all! LOVE to see fellow turbo jammers! I am a runner and fell in love with it as a cross training..it's so fun to rock it out:)
    As far as ChaLEAN Extreme, I just started it and have worked with it with others! It's a really good program with great results. She gives you a tutorial on how to use weights/bands and also eating. I am using the bands for now as I want to get those bowflex weigths too (I have some reebok ones..which are fine..but need some heavier ones)..so will do 90 days with bands..then will go back through with weights..as the two challenge you in diffferent ways!
    I hope to see you all in team beach body..it's always nice to see other turbo jammers in there when I log in to WOWY! If you are in there..send me your user id so I can have another good turbo fitness buddy!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Ok I'm back from my run. I probably should have not watched my HRM so closely while doing so because it made me want to slow down when I probably didn't need to; it turned out to be a really easy run and I did an extra lap to cool down. But I'll go out again, maybe on Saturday since Kenpo X is just too easy for me.

    So here goes week 2!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hi all,

    Quick questions for all you jammers... How long after eating do you exercise? I am reading this thinking that I should up upstairs jamming my *kitten* off :laugh: but I just ate!

    How long do I have left for that excuse to work before it runs out and I have to go up and push play?
  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey guys!
    Good job on the runs by the way..it takes time but eventually it gets enjoyable when you are trained for it!
    As far as eating, it's really person to person and what you eat. Most times it's best to wait an hour or two..but if you eat something light you can probably start sooner. Carbs are gonna be best right beforehand to fuel the workout!
    Happy jamming!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    Checking in w/ 20min TJ this morning and Ab Jam and a 2mi walk/run scheduled for after work. Really starting to enjoy the walk/run in the evening - a great stress reliever! I am recommitting to 1 TJ before work each day, like I used to do and a walk/run in the evenings. I am also going to dust off FB, my least favorite of the TJ set. I've been reading about HIIT and this seems to fall into that catagory, please correct me if I'm wrong. Anyone who uses FB on a regular basis, will you pease post how it's working for you? I thought I was getting more of a calorie burn in practically the same amount of time w/ the other TJ's but maybe it's not all about the "calorie burn" and I'm missing something important.

    Hope everbody has a great Monday,
  • corky882002
    Hi everyone

    I'm new to MFP and turbojam. I just wanted to know which set of videos I should get next and where would I get it the cheapest. I have the basic TJ with cardioparty 1 and abjam as well the 20 minute jam and the learn and burn. I 've heard others talk about 3T and other cardioparty dvd's. I don't see them listed on the beachbody website. Should I get the new ones off ebay or is there a better site? What should I reasonably pay for them? How many more are there and there seem to be different packages out there ...which one should I get?

  • HipsLipsMama
    Hey Everybody,
    Checking in w/ 20min TJ this morning and Ab Jam and a 2mi walk/run scheduled for after work. Really starting to enjoy the walk/run in the evening - a great stress reliever! I am recommitting to 1 TJ before work each day, like I used to do and a walk/run in the evenings. I am also going to dust off FB, my least favorite of the TJ set. I've been reading about HIIT and this seems to fall into that catagory, please correct me if I'm wrong. Anyone who uses FB on a regular basis, will you pease post how it's working for you? I thought I was getting more of a calorie burn in practically the same amount of time w/ the other TJ's but maybe it's not all about the "calorie burn" and I'm missing something important.

    Hope everbody has a great Monday,

    Hey girl! I really like Fat Blaster because it is HIIT. Basically you have lower intensity turbos which is aerobic exercise, and then the high intensity turbos which is anaerobic. doing this in intervals will keep your metabolism burning for a much longer time than just aerobic or anaerobic alone. I burn a lot more calories with this video and my little heart can really feel it.

    If you dont like FBs format itself, I suppose you could do HIIT with any of the TJ videos, you would just need to work a little less intensly for a minute and then for 45-60 seconds give it all you got until you can really feel that heart pounding and like you are going at your max. then take it back down for 1-2 minutes ... lather, rinse, repeat :)

    Good luck and you truly are an inspiration to me with your commitment and positive attitude!!!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    corky, this is the one you're looking for: http://www.beachbody.com/product/fitness_programs/advanced/turbo_jam_fat_burning_elite.do ... you can also find them on eBay. There are 5 videos there.

    As for FB, it is HIIT or interval training which is more effective in improving athletic performance and burning fat than other workouts that burn the same amount of calories. So definitely pull that one out and see if you can learn to like it, hehe. It really is the workouts that make you uncomfortable that will give you the most results.
  • HipsLipsMama
    Hi everyone

    I'm new to MFP and turbojam. I just wanted to know which set of videos I should get next and where would I get it the cheapest. I have the basic TJ with cardioparty 1 and abjam as well the 20 minute jam and the learn and burn. I 've heard others talk about 3T and other cardioparty dvd's. I don't see them listed on the beachbody website. Should I get the new ones off ebay or is there a better site? What should I reasonably pay for them? How many more are there and there seem to be different packages out there ...which one should I get?


    Hi Corinna,
    I have the set you have as well as the "Fat Burning Elite" set. I got it on Beachbody, it was offered as an extra as i was checking out with the original set. Maybe try going to the site and typing fat burning elite into the search. OR you could get them on amazon (same title), or try to purchase them individually on ebay.
    The set includes:
    Cardio Party 2
    Cardio Party 3
    Fat Blaster (highly recommend this one)
    3T (strength training with resistance bands)
    Lower Body Jam

    I paid 3 monthly payments of $19.95 for these on beachbody.com, so dont be suprised if you see them in that price range, although I'm sure you could find a better deal!


    Here is the amazon link... buy it from one of the sellers in the middle of the page for 60.99. Amazon is trying to sell it for 135! i dont think so!!!!

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • ronkswife2000
    Hey Amber you are doin good...just get back into the routine of things :) i know I need to do the same. I have been eating bad and I need to really workout 6x a week!!! cuz the scale isnt budging!

    we can do it!!! :heart:

    I started eating bad too :angry: It's discouraging but it's seems that if I don't do something new every once in a while I just get bored with my routine... This summer isn't helping either because we've been steady going, going, going...

    Thanks for the words of encouragement though... I know I'll get it together again!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Ok, I'm feeling left out .. I'm gonna start swapping the 20 minute jam in the beginner schedule with FB starting tomorrow, hehe.
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone,
    Checking in with a 60 min run/walk and Ab Jam yesterday, and on schedule for Lean 2 today. I'm still sore from Lean 1 on Sunday though! :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning all!
    Starting out with the base turbo jam workouts (learn and burn, 20 min, cardio party 1, etc) is best...she has a schedule in there for what is best..but you can mix it up. I didn't do learn and burn a lot..I do go back to the learn area from time to time to work on form!
    From there you can get on the team beach body site and she has several upgrades to the next level. These have more "turbos" which increase your heart rate up and down..which is great for calorie and fat burning! Be sure to do the turbo sculpt or any strength training with it as muscle burns fat..the more muscle you have the more calories you burn!
    I started my ChaLEAN Extreme yesterday..and LOVE it! I was going to use bands..but didn't like them so switching to weights. Now I need to go heavier..so thinking of buying the Bowflex Select Tech dumbells..yikes huge investment!
    I have a turbo/chalene challenge group on facebook if anyone is interested...I love talking to fellow chalene fans (turbo jam/kick and chalean extreme).
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I did FB for the first time and followed it up with Ab Jam afterward. I was able to get into my AT during most of the high turbos and even hit the low end of VO2 max for a second during the last one, hehe. I'm looking forward to learning that one a bit more!