Pregnant and looking for...

I am currently pregnant with my first child. I'm not yet sure how far along I am (as I am patiently waiting for my 1st Doctor's appointment).

Are there any women out there that would like to join me on my journey to put on healthy baby weight?
I would LOVE to come accross a pin-pal sort of situation, since this is my first pregnancy and I'd love to have someone there to talk with about pregnancy related things as well.

Please get in contact with me ladies, that is if you are even out there C:

Peace, love & Happiness to all,



  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Aw!! Congrats!! I know there are plenty of preggers on here, so I'm sure you will get some responses!! Enjoy!!
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Don't have to gain much. Just increase calories per your OB's recommendations and keep fit(makes labor & delivery easier so I've heard).

    OH and CONGRATS! First babies are interesting. It's a great time of excitement, joy and even a little fear.
  • Congratulations. I hope you know that not all women stay within the 25-35 pound range and if they happen to gain a bit more, it is okay. You shouldn't be focused on being "attractive" or worried about being "moose" like- the most important thing you should be concerned with is the baby.
  • sukatx
    sukatx Posts: 103
    What wonderful news!

    I had my first and only 21 months ago. I was obese when I got pregnant, and had finally lost ten pounds when I found out she was on her way. It was terrifying; trying to wrap my head around the idea of gaining healthy weight when I'd finally started to lose some. I did it somehow.

    You can, too!

    In the end, it's completely worth it. Good luck!!
  • Aw!! Congrats!! I know there are plenty of preggers on here, so I'm sure you will get some responses!! Enjoy!!

    Thankk you soo much [=
  • Don't have to gain much. Just increase calories per your OB's recommendations and keep fit(makes labor & delivery easier so I've heard).

    OH and CONGRATS! First babies are interesting. It's a great time of excitement, joy and even a little fear.

    Thanks hun [=
  • Congratulations. I hope you know that not all women stay within the 25-35 pound range and if they happen to gain a bit more, it is okay. You shouldn't be focused on being "attractive" or worried about being "moose" like- the most important thing you should be concerned with is the baby.

    Thank you and yes my baby is my # 1 prioriety absolutely! I figure I will gain more, but it will be healthy weight [= that was just the range I had gotten off of a site.
    Ah I'm SO excited :D
  • What wonderful news!

    I had my first and only 21 months ago. I was obese when I got pregnant, and had finally lost ten pounds when I found out she was on her way. It was terrifying; trying to wrap my head around the idea of gaining healthy weight when I'd finally started to lose some. I did it somehow.

    You can, too!

    In the end, it's completely worth it. Good luck!!

    Thank you so much for your reply and you look AMAZING girl keep up the good work hun!
  • Hi Ariel,
    I'm not sure I'm the kind of pen pal you have in mind, and that's ok, but maybe I am.
    My name is Angela and I'm pregnant with my 13th child and trying to continue a healthy eating, exercise, minimal weight gain lifestyle. I'd be glad to encourage you in your journey. So many times we use pregnancy as an excuse to let ourselves eat whatever makes us feel better. It is hard to be disciplined when pregnant, and I've done it both ways.
    Hoping to make this my healthiest pregnancy ever!
    Due August 17

    Thank you for your response hun and I think we could work great together. Since this isn't your 1st you can give me [pointers and what not when I have pregnancy related questions etc. Add me as your friend and we will keep in contact for sure [= also I'm pretty sure I'm going to be due late August early September :]
  • rabbit621
    rabbit621 Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats! I had my first child 7 months ago. Try to enjoy yourself, it goes by so fast!

    As far as weight gained, I didn't gain much, but that wasn't my goal. My goal was to eat the suggested servings of Fruits/Veg, Protein, Calcium, etc. that represent good pregnancy nutrition. I found that by the time I ate all the "good stuff" I was supposed to eat, I didn't have the appetite or the stomach space for junk, especially towards the end when I got bigger.

    You mentioned you don't crave junk - neither did I. Greasy fries, chocolate, anything fried, meat in general, none of it sounded appetizing to me.

    Not sure if you are planning on breastfeeding, but for me, that is when all the bad cravings started. Your pediatrician will probably caution against a calorie restricted diet if you nurse.

    In a nutshell, my advice would be to eat all the necessary foods first, and then if you still have appetite or craving for some splurges, enjoy yourself. And be prepared for post partum fitness/nutrition to be more challenging.
  • karnypops
    karnypops Posts: 21 Member
    I am also pregnant with my first child and want to try and gain the least amount of weight possible - but by being healthy obviously but I am finding that quite hard at the moment tho as I feel sick quite alot and when I feel sick I need to eat, so I'm hoping that goes away soon - I am 10 weeks so I've heard that after the 1st trimester yo start to feel better thats when I'll really try and be as healthy as possible! Feel free to add me :)
  • tjlbg1984
    tjlbg1984 Posts: 40 Member
    Hello! So happy you made this post! I just found out about a month ago that I am pregnant with my second child! I am due Sept. 3. I am really worried about gaining a bunch of weight! I am almost 3 months along and have gained a little over 3 pounds so far I am hoping to not go overboard eeek!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    You will be just fine. Just eat sensibly. Your body will gain the weight that it needs for your baby. When I was pregnant, I wasn't counting calories and I just ate when I am hungry. I ended up gaining 30 lbs for my 1st pregnancy and 34 lbs for my 2nd (ate ice cream a lot during the 2nd). And the weight did melt off for me while nursing, not as quickly and not totally until after I wean with the 2nd pregnancy. Good luck, and enjoy the pregnancy.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    You might be interested in joining the Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant group:

    Congrats and good luck!