1200 a day for a week and i have put on not lost HELP???



  • If you are an average woman you are probably burning about 1700 calories a day without a bit of exercise so you are not even eating enough calories to cover your bmr. Your body can not sustain that kind of deficit. It will lower your metabolism and you will lose muscle. I speak from lots of experience. The best thing you can do is slowly increase your calories to at least basal rate and burn the rest with exercise.
  • Candy1973
    Candy1973 Posts: 10 Member
    The 1200 a day would also depend on if you have had any type of WLS. I had a gastric bypass over three years ago and was told by my dietician not to go over 1200 cals. a day. I do maintain at that amount but have to kick it down in to the 800-900 range and really do a lot of exercise to lose this far out from my surgery. But again I have had WLS and things are a little different once you add that in. How fast a person loses is always different from someone else, don't be discouraged over a week, just try it for another week and I would imagine you will see some results if you stick to exercising and eating right and stay within your calorie goals.
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    When maintaining the 1200 calories a day I also did not lose when I upped my intake to between 1300 and 1500 per day I started to "melt". Try it. You will need to find where your count should be.
  • Quality counts. If you are eating high quality proteins and carbs such as RAW fruits, vegetables and lean cuts of meat you will lose weight eating 1200 calories and exercising. However, if you are eating hot dogs, white breads, pastas, etc you may not lose weight due to your bodies digestion of high glycemic foods. Also, as others have mentioned you must look at water retention because of high salt intake and not eating enough food. As your body consumes far too few calories your body holds onto every calorie out of fear that it is in starvation mode. If you are doing all these things and still have problems losing weight, there could be something going on with your body prohibiting you from losing weight such as higher estrogen levels, or bloating from your period (if you're a woman)
  • A diet is a life change, not a quick fix. No one should be only eating just 1200 calls per day as this will not provide a long term healthy balance. A mixed balanced diet of health food with plenty of water is sensible alongside a realistic calorie cap. I have been advised to work at my body weight in pounds x10 for a calorie cap which will lead to a realistic diet structure. I use the counter to keep track, not manage my diet plan.
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    As we start a new weight loss/exercise plan sometimes we trade fat for muscle so we don’t see any change on the scale. Take your measurements and keep that as a record. Many times we see changes in our clothing and measurements when we don’t see the numbers on the scale change. You will need to 'play' with your plan to see where your healthy weight loss comes into play.

    Keep doing what you are doing and make sure you are getting in enough protein, veggies, fruits, good fats/oils, - basically the daily good health guidelines. Moderation and continuation will tell the final story.
    We didn’t get to my fitness pal over night and we would lose the weight overnight. Slow and easy and steady make for a lasting journey. Changing our lifestyle as far as eating and exercising is the way to go – not fad diets with quick weight loss and return quick weight gain.

    Also depending on the amount of exercise and effort you are exerting are you replenishing your caloric intake to compensate for that? Our bodies need a certain amount of fuel – food just like our cars need gasoline. They don’t work without proper fuel, lubrication and loving care.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    :cry: Im having the same problem. Im not eating 1200 calories a day, only eating 7-900 calories daily because i cant. I had gastric by pass on Jan. 19, 2012. Im following their plan and it does have me eating alot of protien (60-70 grams a day in protien shakes in addition to food). I have lost inches, but the scale isnt moving this week (its my third week) and I too check it everyday (which is not good to do). I FIGURE ALL THE PROTIEN IS BUILDING ME MUSCLE AND IT DOES WEIGH MORE THAN FAT!!!

    muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. muscle is denser than fat therefor takes up less space and looks better on the body. I feel bad for bodybuilders because they will tell anyone in a heart beat that losing weight is way easier than building muscle
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I have been doing my fitness pal for a week now being really good sticking to the 1200 cal and exercising 3 times a week and i have put on 2lb anyone know why ????help

    also what are those 1200 calories made of. see you can eat 1200calories worth of snickers, or 1200 calories worth of the "good" stuff good=subjective but most people agree fruits/veggies whatever have you. drink plenty water
  • HopeytheHopester
    HopeytheHopester Posts: 122 Member
    You may be eating to much fat or carbs cause I'm on the same calorie amount as you, 1200. I've lost 6 pounds though. I think if you start out from let's say 1300, and gradually progress lower than you might start to lose weight. I hope you do well on your weight loss journey. It's difficult, but everyone can do it. :embarassed:
  • KLMett
    KLMett Posts: 11
    Keep it up. Your body may be changing. It took me almost a month to start seeing the pounds drop but I noticed my body composition was changing daily. I've only lost 5 pounds but dropped one size (almost 2 sizes). My body is still changing but the scale is not showing a drastic weight loss. I keep focused on exercising, eating right and know that whatever the scale shows I am doing the right thing.