The Scale Wont Move!

Hey MFP Fam,

I'm having a rough day today because I weighed myself and the scale hasn't moved significatly in TWO WEEKS!

I've been on this program for 3 weeks now. I drink Herbalife Formula 1 shakes twice a day and consume an average of 1000 calories per day. I do INSANITY Monday through Friday and try to hit the treadmill on the weekends. Besides going over on Superbowl Sunday last week, I've been REALLY good!

The first week, I lost 7lbs. Week two, I only lost 0.8lbs. Today (week 3) I got on and went up 0.2lbs. I don't understand whats going on and I'm starting to get discouraged.

Please Help!
<3:angry: Tiff


  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Eat more!

    1000 is not nearly enough calories, ESPECIALLY when you're doing an intense workout like insanity.
  • edwardsimmons
    edwardsimmons Posts: 2 Member
    Make sure you are drinking water. How are you clothes fitting/ if they are improving RELAX
  • TiffADee
    TiffADee Posts: 20 Member
    Eat more!

    1000 is not nearly enough calories, ESPECIALLY when you're doing an intense workout like insanity.

    Well I usually eat the 1200 that MFP says to but then at the end of the day when I work out, I burn like 300-500 calories =/
  • TiffADee
    TiffADee Posts: 20 Member
    Make sure you are drinking water. How are you clothes fitting/ if they are improving RELAX

    My clothes aren't fitting any better, and my inches aren't moving either
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,245 Member
    Eat more!

    1000 is not nearly enough calories, ESPECIALLY when you're doing an intense workout like insanity.

    Well I usually eat the 1200 that MFP says to but then at the end of the day when I work out, I burn like 300-500 calories =/

    On MFP you need to eat the calories you burn while exercising. Most other sites will set your calories higher with the expectation you will be exercising. MFP does the opposite. The exercise time/calories is a goal to reach, but not calculated into your calorie allotment. Instead you need to eat those calories when you do workout. I would also suggest that it is likely that even not exercising, 1200 calories is likely too low for you. Start by eating your exercise calories and see what happens in a week or two.
  • mmarcy11
    mmarcy11 Posts: 38 Member
    Eat more!

    1000 is not nearly enough calories, ESPECIALLY when you're doing an intense workout like insanity.

    Yes, that is what I have done and it has helped. When I first started back in January I lost about 1lb to 1.5 lbs per week, and I wanted to lose more. I started going to the gym 6 days a week and burning 600 calories each workout. At that time I didn't start tracking my calories but I'm sure I wasn't eating more than 1,000 calories a day. I weigh myself each Saturday and I actually gained .05 of a pound and I was so mad. I started tracking my calories and I asked for help on this site. I realized I wasn't eating enough. My net calories were about 800 per day when the net calories should not go below 1200 per day for women. Since Monday February 6th I started tracking my calories and made sure my net did not fall below 1200 and I actually lost 2lbs when I got on the scale yesterday. So from my experience I agree that you need to eat more.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Eat more! You are doing heavy activity.
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    My journey started the EXACT same way. I was ready to throw in the towel on week three. How could the scale go UP if I was eating like a rabbit? I was ready to break out the Twinkies and say screw it. Stick with it. Your hard work WILL pay off. You are just learning a new way of living/eating and your body is saying "Uh-oh..where's the food?" DO NOT eat LESS, but rather MORE of the GOOD STUFF-as close to natural as possible.
    You didn't gain the weight in three weeks, you won't lose it in three weeks. Be patient.:smile:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    We all know it's counter-intuitive but eat more. Especially if you are working out. Also, building muscle is he best way to burn fat when you are doing nothing.
    REad this thread.
  • Single_Ma
    Hey MFP Fam,

    I'm having a rough day today because I weighed myself and the scale hasn't moved significatly in TWO WEEKS!

    I've been on this program for 3 weeks now. I drink Herbalife Formula 1 shakes twice a day and consume an average of 1000 calories per day. I do INSANITY Monday through Friday and try to hit the treadmill on the weekends. Besides going over on Superbowl Sunday last week, I've been REALLY good!

    The first week, I lost 7lbs. Week two, I only lost 0.8lbs. Today (week 3) I got on and went up 0.2lbs. I don't understand whats going on and I'm starting to get discouraged.

    Please Help!
    <3:angry: Tiff

    So you've lost 7.6lbs in 3 weeks? That's more than 2lb/week and great progress! Slow and steady...
  • wantasmallbummum
    wantasmallbummum Posts: 45 Member
    Check your scales, mine wouldn't move , and then I weighed in at the doctors and I'd lost 2 lb, so I stood my 7 yr old on the scales instead, and they still didn't move. BROKEN SCALES. I could've got really disheartened, good job I was due at the doctors.
  • Hilary75
    Hilary75 Posts: 90 Member
    I could have written this post, except I haven't enjoyed any significant loss at all, but it sounds like we should be eating more. So lets give it a try and see if we see any change...if not I like wantsasmallbum's idea and just get a new scale.
  • simplyblessed5
    simplyblessed5 Posts: 130 Member
    My scale wouldn't move for two weeks either... then I noticed my clothes getting way looser. The scale finally caught up with the inches for me- and I haven't increased my intake. Just stick with it! IT will move if you keep on, keeping on!
  • cbn711
    In a similar situation here, except without the major loss in the beginning. I posted on a board, and was so encouraged by all the responses and support I received. DON"T give up!!! You do need to keep your net calories at 1200 otherwise your body fights against you because it thinks you are starving it. Keep up the work, stay strong, and know it will kick in! Good luck!
  • TiffADee
    TiffADee Posts: 20 Member
    @farmgirlsuz : I was so0o headed for the Red Velvet cake >=O glad I didin't

    @Hilary75 : Ready. Set. Go!

    Well it seems like the overall consensus seems to be that I'm not eating enough. #LightBulb!

    I guess I misunderstood the way the MFP calorie counter works. I will try to eat more and see how the next few weeks go. Patience was never a virtue I was gifted with, but I'm trying.

    THANKS GUYS. You are all amazing!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    consume an average of 1000 calories per day. I do INSANITY Monday through Friday and try to hit the treadmill on the weekends. Besides going over on Superbowl Sunday last week, I've been REALLY good!

    undereating. big time. you've been bad.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    You're undereating.

    I also wouldn't bother with the herbalife. Not doing you any good, and potentially doing harm. (Several studies link it to a range of liver issues.),or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=643&ix=seb&ion=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=ws
  • todaysanewday
    mangia mangia mangia. lol, you get the idea.
    nice work on your workouts!
  • khuckaby1
    I had this problem and then for a few days I upped my water from 8 to 10 glasses and it helped tremendously.
  • Hilary75
    Hilary75 Posts: 90 Member
    I had this problem and then for a few days I upped my water from 8 to 10 glasses and it helped tremendously.

    This is probably super dumb, but how does water help you lose weight?