What is your most embarrassing exercise experience?


In HS when my period exploding and I was wearing WHITE sweatpants. HORRIFYING and I am scarred for life.


  • divasoofly
    divasoofly Posts: 50 Member
    I once fell asleep walking on a treadmill, lol. I was doing my cool down, winding down to some relaxing music and didn't wake until I hit the wall behind me. I still laugh at it. :happy:
  • sporadica
    farting in a yoga class. Loudly. Luckily my face was already red, so at least no one noticed the blush! :)
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    I once fell asleep walking on a treadmill, lol. I was doing my cool down, winding down to some relaxing music and didn't wake until I hit the wall behind me. I still laugh at it. :happy:

    wow lol I hope you were ok
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    We drove into my girlfriend's sister's house at night (my fist time there). I got up early and went for a good long run. Upon returning, I came into the house, there was an older couple sitting at the table. I introduced myself, but they still looked confused, and a bit frightened. I realized my mistake. I asked them if there was another house on this street that looks like this one. They said yes, five houses down.
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    farting in a yoga class. Loudly. Luckily my face was already red, so at least no one noticed the blush! :)

    i only thought that happen on movies lol
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Doing inversions at yoga (shoulder stands or whatever you call those), and, when they have you lower your knees over your head at the end of it, a little "toot" escaped. Mortifying but fortunately quiet enough that I don't think anyone noticed (I hope).
  • eolivero
    When I was still active duty in the Marine Corps I had a blowout. A real mudslide. Better known as the beer ****s, on mile # 2 of a 5 mile run.

    I was in Yuma, AZ - so not exactly a whole lot of fresh streams of water.
  • ConnieM20
    ConnieM20 Posts: 493 Member
    i farted when doing double leg raises...at the gym...when it was crowded...:grumble:
  • sophiareal
    sophiareal Posts: 43 Member
    Falling off the treadmill while "Defying Gravity" from Glee was playing - it was "rush hour" at my gym and I made a beeline for the last remaining treadmill, stepped on it and just went flying until I landed on my back with the rest of the gym staring at me. Turns out I had stepped on the treadmill that someone had left running, at 16.5km/h!!! I dont even sprint at that speed, so to go from standing to step onto a treadmill running at that speed was just too much. I ended up having grazed skin on my arms, elbows, kneeds and shins ... instead of a nice run I ended up taking a taxi home (still in workout gear) as my knees hurt too much to bent (were slightly swollen) and spent the evening on the sofar drinking beer and feeling sorry for myself. I do now laugh at this though!
  • Fraileya19
    When I was still active duty in the Marine Corps I had a blowout. A real mudslide. Better known as the beer ****s, on mile # 2 of a 5 mile run.

    I was in Yuma, AZ - so not exactly a whole lot of fresh streams of water.

    Terrible experience, I hope you can laugh about it now. This is probably my favorite one.
  • vonalj
    vonalj Posts: 124 Member
    Omgosh, I've so been there! Its histerical now, but at the time not so much. I was training for a marathon and went out on an evening run, although I was 5 min from my house I couldn't make it. Thank god my husband, bf at the time, loves me unconditionally! I waddled into the house, told him to bring me a garbage bag, bleach, and papertowels to the bathroom. lol! Btw, I think this happens more often than not....yeah, i'll go with that! :)
  • Fraileya19
    Falling off the treadmill while "Defying Gravity" from Glee was playing - it was "rush hour" at my gym and I made a beeline for the last remaining treadmill, stepped on it and just went flying until I landed on my back with the rest of the gym staring at me. Turns out I had stepped on the treadmill that someone had left running, at 16.5km/h!!! I dont even sprint at that speed, so to go from standing to step onto a treadmill running at that speed was just too much. I ended up having grazed skin on my arms, elbows, kneeds and shins ... instead of a nice run I ended up taking a taxi home (still in workout gear) as my knees hurt too much to bent (were slightly swollen) and spent the evening on the sofar drinking beer and feeling sorry for myself. I do now laugh at this though!

    Oh my goodness, I am wincing in pain just reading this.
  • rayleansout
  • Fraileya19
    farting in a yoga class. Loudly. Luckily my face was already red, so at least no one noticed the blush! :)

    Love it. Just glad I wasnt the person behind you ;)
  • londonms
    londonms Posts: 7 Member
    I dropped my ipod while on the treadmill. I bent down to pick it up and both the ipod and I flew off the back. This was at a college gym surrounded by sorority girls. One came up as I was trying to get up (completely embarrassed) and asked if I was done using the machine. I didn't even respond. I just left.
  • Fraileya19
    These are all great! Keep them coming!!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    This past Thursday, I got off my arc trainer and went to get wipes ... I wiped down the machine and was wondering why it didn't seem as sweaty as it did when I had gotten off. Then I looked up and realized it was the one next to the machine I had just been on. Sooo I ended up wiping down two machines. :]
  • Fraileya19
    I dropped my ipod while on the treadmill. I bent down to pick it up and both the ipod and I flew off the back. This was at a college gym surrounded by sorority girls. One came up as I was trying to get up (completely embarrassed) and asked if I was done using the machine. I didn't even respond. I just left.

    LOL, what a wench she was!
  • Tivo8MyNeighbors
    Tivo8MyNeighbors Posts: 151 Member
    High school track practice, we were doing partner stretches, sitting on the floor, legs out, feet touching our partner's feet, arms linked, leaning forward and back to stretch out our backs. About the fourth stretch, I farted. Fortunately, our gym floor was rubberized, so there wasn't too much noise, and my partner had been my friend since about first grade. Still, I turned about nine shades of crimson, and this is the first time I've told anyone about it. So, it's just between me and you, Interwebz.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    Falling off the treadmill while "Defying Gravity" from Glee was playing - it was "rush hour" at my gym and I made a beeline for the last remaining treadmill, stepped on it and just went flying until I landed on my back with the rest of the gym staring at me. Turns out I had stepped on the treadmill that someone had left running, at 16.5km/h!!! I dont even sprint at that speed, so to go from standing to step onto a treadmill running at that speed was just too much. I ended up having grazed skin on my arms, elbows, kneeds and shins ... instead of a nice run I ended up taking a taxi home (still in workout gear) as my knees hurt too much to bent (were slightly swollen) and spent the evening on the sofar drinking beer and feeling sorry for myself. I do now laugh at this though!

    That sounds painful!! Why in the world would someone leave on a treadmill? Especially at that speed!!!

    Also, had to add this in....Defying Gravity is from Wicked, not Glee LOL I love both shows, but the song is from Wicked, and amazing musical that Idina Menzel is in! which is probably why that had that song on Glee! LOL