What is your most embarrassing exercise experience?



  • High school track practice, we were doing partner stretches, sitting on the floor, legs out, feet touching our partner's feet, arms linked, leaning forward and back to stretch out our backs. About the fourth stretch, I farted. Fortunately, our gym floor was rubberized, so there wasn't too much noise, and my partner had been my friend since about first grade. Still, I turned about nine shades of crimson, and this is the first time I've told anyone about it. So, it's just between me and you, Interwebz.

    It will be our little secret.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member

    In HS when my period exploding and I was wearing WHITE sweatpants. HORRIFYING and I am scarred for life.

    Mine was also an embarrassing moment from high school gym class and my period! We had been doing that presidents test thing to see how many reps you can do of different exercises in one minute. Well we went in groups, and we had been sitting for quite some time, so of course, once I stood up and had to do jumping jacks.....well lets just say my grey sweats ended up ruined.... soooo horrifying because we had mixed classes when it came to stuff like that, so of course, there were boys there too. I don't think they saw it though because my best friend was awesome and told me as soon as she saw it and walked behind me as we rushed to the locker room!
  • JackKsavestheday
    JackKsavestheday Posts: 182 Member
    Shart! if you don't know what that is.... well never trust a fart!
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    We drove into my girlfriend's sister's house at night (my fist time there). I got up early and went for a good long run. Upon returning, I came into the house, there was an older couple sitting at the table. I introduced myself, but they still looked confused, and a bit frightened. I realized my mistake. I asked them if there was another house on this street that looks like this one. They said yes, five houses down.

  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Every day of gym class from first through 12th grade.
  • JackKsavestheday
    JackKsavestheday Posts: 182 Member
    I dropped my ipod while on the treadmill. I bent down to pick it up and both the ipod and I flew off the back. This was at a college gym surrounded by sorority girls. One came up as I was trying to get up (completely embarrassed) and asked if I was done using the machine. I didn't even respond. I just left.

    AWW ouch and ouch
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    In the middle of a packed step class, I tripped over the top of the step- flew forward, did a sommersault and about took out the girl in front of me. I just cawled back to my step mortified and tried to get through the rest of the class...
  • In the middle of a packed step class, I tripped over the top of the step- flew forward, did a sommersault and about took out the girl in front of me. I just cawled back to my step mortified and tried to get through the rest of the class...

    Yikes!!! Good job finishing the class!