what's the most difficult part of being healthy for you?



  • treekins
    treekins Posts: 73 Member
    The most difficult part for me is that it's NOT IN MY NATURE to live this lifestyle! Haha seriously, I would much rather sit on the couch, EAT, and watch tv than work out and not eat.
    It's a constant thing, reminding myself I should get up and move and make healthier choices.
    I'm inherently lazy, what can I say.
    But, I remember what it was like to weigh 50lbs more than this...not being able to fold my leg underneath me when I sat down...not looking good in anything, etc etc...and so far it's enough to motivate me off the couch, thank goodness!

    All that said, it's gotten easier over the past 5 years...it's sort of a habit now. :)
  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Avoiding foods that I like because of their high sodium content. *sigh*
  • Sierra_419
    Sierra_419 Posts: 201 Member
    eating at night is probably the worst thing.. cuz i watch movies with my mom at night before bed .. she is always snacking away.. having chocolate & stuff like that .... ill have chex mix or something lite & its gone before i know it.. : / then i wanna get more... sometimes i do .. but ive been a lot better on that lately. i grabbed them 100 calorie smart pops... just need to figure out what i can add to the pop corn to make it taste a lil better lol .
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    Eating at night was a major problem until I started intermittent fasting... Now its weekend family gatherings!
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    Good question! I hadn't really thought about this before. I guess it's 1) wanting something sweet to end each meal 2) not being able to just have one glass of wine and 3) working out in the AM. For 1) I've found a way to have an almond milk/protein powder "smoothie" if I really need something (or an apple if I can afford the sugars). For 2) I've pretty much stopped drinking unless I'm with my fiance (who lives across the country- so this winds up being 1x/mo) for 3) I'm still struggling.