missed periods (help?)

Hey! I'm a 16 year old girl, 5'0, 91 pound girl.
i know it seems bad but a year ago i started gaining a lot of weight and went over 116 lbs.
all i've lost was done the healthy way, i have never ever starved myself. but since i've reached my goal weight (which was 94 lbs) i started focusing on fitness (my scale tells me my fat & muscle percentage)
i've been tracking down my progress and i've been gaining muscle and losing fat, but at the same time im still losing weight :(
and my periods have been crazy which should not happen at all since im pretty sure i get the nutrition i need.
i eat around 1300 a day (though my goal is 1500, but i never get to it thanks to my stupidity) i work out 6 days a week sometimes heavier workouts than others (insanity, jillian michaels, turbofire) but im scared because my weight is getting too low and its affecting my period :(
what can i do?:cry:


  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    Common high mileage runner's problem. Are you doing hours of cardio? Check the running boards for a discussion if this is the case.

  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 795 Member
    Eat more - try for foods that are healthy but more calorie-dense, like more protein, and maybe things like peanut butter, nutella, or nuts would help you get a boost. You are eating way too low for your age - your body is still growing!! Especially if you're working out six days a week, you should likely be closer to 1800-2000 per day, at least on the days you work really hard.

    If your periods are affected, you are definitely depriving your body and/or working it too hard. Look up "amenorrhea" http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/growing/menstrual_problems.html

    This site can give you a good idea of the calories you need in a day to maintain your weight: http://www.exrx.net/Calculators/CalRequire.html To gain weight you would need to increase the calories you eat to higher than that number, or reduce your activity.

    (Also, you're too young to be a member of this site, so don't be surprised if you don't get a whole lot of responses.)

    Take care of yourself - you've got to live in this body for a long time. :smile:
  • beach_chelle
    This is the same thing that happens if you are over weight, you miss your period. Same thing happens if you are to underweight. Usually the body is designed to work within a range. Typically it is 100lbs. For someone your height it loos like you are recommended to be between 103-137 with 120 being a good middle ground. Personally with your age you should talk to a doctor.

  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    You need to see a doctor, and a nutritionist.

    Yes, you're short. Yes, you need less calories than the average sized person.

    BUT - You are too young to be that calorie restricted AND working out. You're still growing. If your periods have stopped, it is a clear cut sign that you are NOT getting enough calories. You could be doing a lot of damage to your body right now.

    Please, please, please, see a doctor. They will tell you the right amount of calories for how hard you are working. The number on the scale is a lie. I was 113 pounds and 5'7. I was so skinny and weak but the " fat " never came off. My periods stopped, I started growing HAIR all over ( to keep me warm ), I got winded and had heart palpitations. You may not be TRYING to be anorexic but your body just does not care what you WANT. It only cares what it NEEDS and this is your wakeup call.

    I know some mother's who are 5'0 and weigh 130, with super low body fat percentages.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Not to offend, but you are underage for this site and unfortunately it's not really the right place for you to get advice. You should talk to your dr about your exercise and the period problems and they may be able to refer you to a nutritionist that can help keep you on track for what you're trying to do. Your body is still developing so your requirements may very well be a bit different from an adult who's done growing. Talk to your parents and get an appointment with your dr to discuss everything that's going on and they can help steer you in the right direction. Good luck and good job being active and trying to do this the right way. Just keep in mind that things might be different for you since you're still growing, and please talk to someone that knows how to advise someone your age. :-)
  • inesribeiro
    thank you so much for all your replies! i know im too young for this website but i was actually trying to track my calories to see if i was eating enough, just that. but you're all right, im going to increase my daily intake with calorie dense food and talk with somebody who can help me!
    thanks for taking your time :)
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    this is a question for your OBGYN not an online message board.