Dukan diet!!

Has anyone tried the dukan diet?? im really sceptical and especially when it costs so much to be "coached" into losing weight


  • mally91
    mally91 Posts: 5 Member
    i had a go of it about a month ago, lost about 10 pounds in first week, but it didn't last long, i couldn't keep to the diet and went back to eating what i normally eat on mfp, gained 6 pounds within first 3 days of coming off the diet. now im just keeping to my mfp goals on here and losing weight gradually. so much better and i eat what i want just in smaller portions
  • yummymummyto2
    i had a go of it about a month ago, lost about 10 pounds in first week, but it didn't last long, i couldn't keep to the diet and went back to eating what i normally eat on mfp, gained 6 pounds within first 3 days of coming off the diet. now im just keeping to my mfp goals on here and losing weight gradually. so much better and i eat what i want just in smaller portions

    good for you :happy: ive not heard anything about it tbh, just wanted a few feedback and i was thinking the same about losing so much quickly then putting back on as soon as you stop!

    cheers for the input, much appreciated and good luck on your journey :flowerforyou:
  • Afrodyete
    The Dukan diet does make you lose weight quickly in a short space of time but it doesn't end there. I would recommend that you read the book if you haven't already as it will explain to you the diet in its four crucial stages.

    A lot of people try the Dukan diet without reading his book and that is where you can fail straight away. It explains the principles of the diet and how and why you lose weight on the programme. I have started the diet and it has been hard but I will stick to it knowing that at the end of my Cruise phase I will get to my goal weigh. It is about changing eating habits and not eating fatty meats as well as cutting carbs.

    The diet does re introduce carbs back into your eating habits in small quantities as you stabilize your true weight what the DD has advised you of in the questionnaire.

    As for the coaching - HELL NO... I have not subscribed to that. If in doubt I refer to the book or other sites set up for other Dukanners.

    I hope that helps as I tried to state the facts rather than my own opinion of the diet. But I do find some of the days hard especially the Pure protein day where you eat nothing but proteins.
  • yummymummyto2
    The Dukan diet does make you lose weight quickly in a short space of time but it doesn't end there. I would recommend that you read the book if you haven't already as it will explain to you the diet in its four crucial stages.

    A lot of people try the Dukan diet without reading his book and that is where you can fail straight away. It explains the principles of the diet and how and why you lose weight on the programme. I have started the diet and it has been hard but I will stick to it knowing that at the end of my Cruise phase I will get to my goal weigh. It is about changing eating habits and not eating fatty meats as well as cutting carbs.

    The diet does re introduce carbs back into your eating habits in small quantities as you stabilize your true weight what the DD has advised you of in the questionnaire.

    As for the coaching - HELL NO... I have not subscribed to that. If in doubt I refer to the book or other sites set up for other Dukanners.

    I hope that helps as I tried to state the facts rather than my own opinion of the diet. But I do find some of the days hard especially the Pure protein day where you eat nothing but proteins.

    yeah i think ill have to read the book thank you for the advice, as ive said i havent really heard anything about it until today but good luck on your journey too :flowerforyou:
  • bittybooh
    bittybooh Posts: 21 Member
    I would also recommend reading the book. I did not opt to have the coaching as I didn't feel the need to pay after buying the book(all the info you need is in the book). I have had great success with Dukan and would say to go for it, unless you have any medical issues that may need a doctor's ok. Good luck!!
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    As has been said above leave the coaching where it is, plenty of info on the web and the book is well worth a read i did the attack phase and lost a stone in 7 days (14lb) I then lost a further 6lb but because I joined a gym and am looking to do a 10k race there's not enough carbs for my body in the diet so im doing my own modified version of it with a lower carb diet
    (plus the rugby 6 nations has started and that means out with mates drinking LOL)
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Interesting, looks like a standard ketogenic diet. Other than the name, what's the difference?
  • happystars82
    happystars82 Posts: 225 Member
    I did it for a time, was succesful and lost weight quickly, however just 1 week at xmas with over indulging i gained every single pound back and then some!!

    it is a good diet but think using MFP is a much healthier way of losing weight, i am so much happier doing things the "proper" way and not doing a typical fad diet. my hubby especially didn;t like me doing it as he was always concerned for me (plus i had stinky breath!!):ohwell:

    but long n short of it is that it is a good diet, however expensive for the food and i found i was always tired and looking after 2 children it was difficult, but guess different things suit different people..

    Good luck with whatever you choose hun!:bigsmile:
  • EllieTheLondoner
    EllieTheLondoner Posts: 33 Member
    Different marketing and that's about it really! Although I like the author's quite pragmatic approach at times.

    And he's very anti-powdered meal replacements.

    And big time into the virtues of oat bran! This is lucky for us poor hungry people as it is the versatile ingredient that creates carb-like substitutes (muffins, bread, pancakes...!)

    I like the theory and had success with high protein ketogenic diets before but didn't have the motivation to get going on this until 4 days ago. I'm now 4 days in and am feeling fine, the only problem I can see is the expense of buying high protein food. Oh, and I'm a Brit but I live I Egypt, so many things like fromage frais, sugar-free substitutes and other things just aren't available here. Luckily fresh veggies are abundant and super cheap. Oops and my drinking habits, I am fond of a rum or three (terribly unfashionable to admit I know!) but sadly there isn't a diet in existence that would support my alcohol fondness, which goes part of the way to explaining why I now have 20kg to lose again!

    I have done a fair amount of research online for recipes and with a little effort there seems to be recipe makeovers for almost everything. I've collected recipes for everything from cheesecake to "bread" to pancakes, so far I only seem to be restricted by my imagination!

    Would happily be a dukan buddy if anyone wants to join me...!