I am a complete weirdo, I can't stand to eat peppers or onions! But, it seems every recipe in the world uses one or the other or both for flavour! Any suggestions for substitutions?


  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Poor thing :(
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Cut them in huge chunks. Then don't eat them once the food is cooked.
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    If your problem is the flavor, then leave them out. They really have no benefit other than flavor in my opinion. If it's a texture thing, then either mince them or use powdered spice versions. Hope this helps
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    Ahh, are you my boyfriend? lol

    I have the same problem with celery..I HATE IT!
    So i usually substitute onions in that case, because i actually like them

    Remember, you're the one cooking these things..either leave them out entirely, or substitute with a veggie you like.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    I am a complete weirdo, I can't stand to eat peppers or onions! But, it seems every recipe in the world uses one or the other or both for flavour! Any suggestions for substitutions?

    Don't eat them, don't buy them, don't cook with them. Simple!
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Cut them in huge chunks. Then don't eat them once the food is cooked.

    Whenever I cook things that call for bell peppers, I have to do this for my wife. She hates physically eating them but apparently doesn't mind the flavors (she's weird). Those nights there's always a little pile of bell pepper pieces on her plate when she's done.
  • CrystalMarie253
    If you don't like them don't eat them! LOL! I used to hate onions too. I just left them out of the receipe when I cooked it :)
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    I hate peppers...love onions.

    Carrots, celery, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, etc...Add spices for added flavor!
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    I can't use green peppers in anything so always substitute red or yellow, totally different taste. Don't like yellow or red or purple onions I only use sweet onions. Might be an option.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Try Red Peppers they are sweeter then Green peppers. For onions try Scallions, Shallots or Leeks.
  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    Many of these recipes are using them for color as well, I usually substitute tomatoes for something red (Grape tomatoes whole or sliced or quartered Romas work great for most dishes) For something green, try fresh green beans. I love sweet onions so they aren't usually a problem, but if I need something milder or for color I might also use green onions chopped. Another good item to add for flavor is garlic... I LOVE garlic..lol :flowerforyou:
  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    I'm exactly the same. Onions and peppers are the only two vegetables I really don't like. Personally I just leave them out of recipes or add something else. You could buy a jar of like powdered onion stuff to use for flavouring, it gives food flavour but doesn't really taste like actual onion.

    When I go out places it's harder, food will often have a lot of onion in it and it's hard to pick it all out. Peppers are easier to just pick out and leave on the side of the plate.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    ....don't use them? If it is a texture thing use onion powder. There are a ton of other veggies out there you can try for flavor. Fennel, carrots, zuchini, mushrooms, celery any root veggie is good for flavor.
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    I'm not a big onion fan myself, but I don't mind them if they're cut small enough, most of the time I don't even know they're there. As someone else mentioned you could also cut them up in large pieces and pick them out later. I tried cooking without onions but food just did not taste the same.

    Peppers, I find I like them better if they have a bit of crunch to them, try adding them last. I don't find food tastes different if I leave it out.
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    I leave them out of any recipe that calls for them and I never have a problem with taste etc. If there are green peppers around I can even smell them..yuk. I suppose if I pureed them so I could not see them and mixed them up with other items I could include them but that is just too much trouble.
  • SgtCyd
    SgtCyd Posts: 25
    Lots of great ideas here! Thanks everyone! There are some veggies you've mentioned that I've never tried before so, I'll give it a shot. I just hate the idea of ruining a meal and wasting food if I can't eat it. But, if you never try, you never know!

    Thanks again!
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I have never cooked with either. I hated both of them growing up and never needed them as i got older. I simply left them out if a recipe called for it.

    Now though, i seem to crave flavor. My taste buds seem to be changing. I still don't like to hit an onion or pepper but like the flavor so sometimes i keep them large like someone else said and get the flavor that way or blend them after sauteing them (i like that one better) and add to my recipe.

    Lately i am craving hot and spicy too......never liked that one either growing up
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I am of no help here. Onions and Peppers along with green beans are the only veggies Ilike.

    My bride makes peas and macaroni all the time. I DESPISE peas but love the flavor. I just pick them out and push the pile onto her dish.
  • michmill98
    Is it a texture thing or do you think it's just a taste thing? How have you tried eating them? A former friend of ours swore he hated peppers and onions too, but yet I could mince them up fine and add them to spaghetti sauce, salsa, meatloaf, etc and he'd eat it. But he'd never put a raw onion slice on a burger or eat raw peppers off a veggie tray.
  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
    I'm weird. I don't mind the tastes but hate the textures of celery, tomatoes, onions. But tonight I made a soup using all of them and mushrooms which I hate. I just puréed it all and it tastes pretty decent. I also usually replace onions with onion powder for most recipes since its a common ingredient.