I want to know your weight loss

Hi everyone I'm new to mfp and wanting to lose 50 lbs. I'm interested in everyones weight loss and how long it took you. Also what cals you are eating and what cardio / weight trainning your doing and how long. Seeing this inspires me and being my first week I need all I can get!


  • Welcome! I'm fairly new here too. I started Jan 2 and as of this morning I've lost 14lbs. I eat around 1200 calories/day and I walk 2 miles every single day....which only takes 30 minutes. Just this week I'm starting to add in jogging intervals, I hope to be able to jog a mile by this time next month.

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I started getting back into shape Sept 27, 2010, and have lost 95 pounds so far (5 more to go). I didn't use MFP much until late November or early December of last year.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Congrats on taking the first steps in the right direction!

    I aim for 30 minutes of strength training, 3X a week.
    Cardio 10-60 minutes, every day.
    Yoga, however much I need, every day.
    1200 calories a day.
    100 ounces of water or more a day.
    Losses are generally around 2 pounds a week, for a 5'4 33yo female.

    Going to start the couch 2 5k program soon. Looking forward to being able to run for more than a few seconds!
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    I started in July with WW. Joined mfp in October. Since July 27th I have lost 68lbs as of today. I have 9lbs to go to first intial goal then another 5ish maybe :)
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Hi everyone I'm new to mfp and wanting to lose 50 lbs. I'm interested in everyones weight loss and how long it took you. Also what cals you are eating and what cardio / weight trainning your doing and how long. Seeing this inspires me and being my first week I need all I can get!

    I've lost 28 lbs since June 2010. I'm about 4 pounds shy of my vanity goal :)

    You can see my diary for what I eat. I do cardio 4-5 times a week, do a pilates class about 2 times a week and do weight training 2-3 times a week (if I'm not exhausted). My main form of cardio is running and I LOVE it!

    Best of luck to you!!
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I've gone from 230 something to 159 in just about 2 years. I eat in the 2k range (1800-2300) and train for triathlons. Lots of swimming, biking and running with a little weight lifting sprinkled in. I train from 5 AM to 7 AM as well as many lunch hours during the week and long bike rides are done on the weekend (generally 50+ miles). Will be going into maintenance mode soon as I'm near my goal weight of 155-157 and will be upping my cals little by little to find the sweet spot.
  • Seminole_puppy
    Seminole_puppy Posts: 48 Member
    15 pounds since Jan. 1, 2012
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Hi and welcome! I started mfp mid last year and havent lost much but that is because the first few month I kept slacking off (being good a few days and then bad for weeks) Anyhow about 3-4 months ago I started taking this serious and since mfp I have lost 15lbs, but overall I have lost 25lbs. I try and stay at 1200 calories and lately hav been eating some of my exrcise calories and have found that it actually helps!

    I do 1.5 mi walk mon- fri and I am currently doing Jillian Michaels 30DS every day! Oh yes and dont forget the water...I drink anywhere from 8-14 cups of water a day and try and stay under on my sodium!

    Hope this helps!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I think I offer a different kind of motivation. I've lost 15lbs in 15 months. :tongue:

    Basically, don't feel like a slow start means you'll never lose weight. As long as you keep at it, an average 1lb a month can still add up.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've lost about 27 lbs and maintained that for about 6 months (or so). I am now trying to lose another 5-7. At first I was doing only Zumba and occasionally hiking. Now I'm substituting 30 min of free step with a weighted vest and 30 mintutes of dumbells for Zumba 2-3 times a week. I still do Zumba on the other days. I take Friday's off. I also do 30 min of resistance bands, squats, lunges and other non-jumping exercises on my breaks at work on work days.

    ETA: It took at least 3 weeks for me to lose anything, then I lost 20 lbs fairly quickly, then it slowed to about 1-2 a month for the last few.
  • hello, I am also new to MFP as i just recently discovered it looking for information on training.

    I started out on Feb of 2010 and weighed 220lbs....I have lost about 48lbs and am now sitting at around 172 which is at around my goal (although i may go lower in order to reduce some leftover fat around belly if needed).

    I do have to say that i reached 175lbs. at around early december 2010 and have been mostly stable there due to increasing my calorie intake and doing more weight training instead of only cardio training as i was before.

    Right now i am around the 2400 calorie range although i may eat over or under on any given day (weekends are the hardest but i try to stay strict during the week).

    I am a In-home workout freak and i like to do videos....i started with a little p90x (just the cardio, kempo dvds at first) and then i did the RevAbs program for 90 days which i really enjoyed and that one gave me major results. AFter I finished i have been trying to do hybrids so i do 6 days a week workouts where i alternate Cardio days and Weight Days.

    As you are starting your program i would like to offer some quick advise that may help you get more motivated and not quit.

    1. Have a purpose....when you think about working out don't think about working out or losing weight. Have a pair of jeans you want to fit in, dress, shirt...etc. make that your goal until you reach it.

    2. Be a warrior...In our times we don't fight any battles but we can have little victories everyday. When you are going to workout see it as a war between yourself and your body. Who wins? when you are thinking about quitting 5 mins. early or eating a donut think to yourself that you will not be beaten by that and push through.

    3. Nothing can change in a day....you will not lose 10lbs in a day...you will not gain 10lbs. in a day. If you lose your way or eat something don't quit just get back on and keep pushing.
  • katisabanana
    katisabanana Posts: 185 Member

    i lost 10 lbs in the beginning of december, leading up to christmas, i pigged out over the holidays, but managed to not gain any back, and i lost another 10 in january. i'm not near my goal, but 20 lbs feels good.
    i run an hour 4 or 5 times a week,
    30 day shred,
    play volleyball for 3 hours on wednesdays,
    and just some random strength training.
    i eat 1200 cals a day, plus i eat my workout calories back.

    eat clean & train dirty.
  • Simon_Wilson
    Simon_Wilson Posts: 1 Member
    I've been on my diet for 10 months and have reached my target weight of 75kgs today. Using the myfitnesspal app to record my exercise and calorie intake has really helped me over the last few months. For me the key to losing weight was exercising. I started off walking for about 30 minutes 5 times a week, I then progressed to cycling which I did throughout the summer for 1 hour 5 times a week. As the dark nights came in I joined a cheap gym and I currently do 20 minutes of Rowing Machine, Elliptical and Stationary bike and 20 mins of resistance weights for toning.

    Keeping a food diary is a really good idea, only weigh yourself once a week on the same day same time and if you still feel hungry after a meal drink water (it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register that your stomach is full) . The app will give a guide to how many calories you should be taking in, based on your goals and level of activity, it even tells you when you haven't eaten enough!

    Good luck with your diet I hope you achieve your goals!
  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    walk 2 miles in 30 min? WOW how fast are you walking??? (I have short legs! Only 5'2) lol
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  • 967_1111
    967_1111 Posts: 221 Member
    From May to October of 2011, I lost 30 pounds. Mostly by adjusting my diet, but I also added 40 minutes of exercise (mostly treadmill at the gym) 5x a week in July.

    I still treadmill and haven't regained the weight back.

    Keep at it! Slow and steady wins this race - for life!
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    I lost 30 pounds in 123 days by eating low fat and keeping calories at 1200. I went for an extra 10 pound loss which took longer but just added extra cardio.

    Good luck to you!
  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    63 lbs in 8 1/2 months. 1400 calories a day. 2 hours on treadmill a week (30 mins 4x a week) jillian micheals 6x a week
  • countdowntotarget
    countdowntotarget Posts: 108 Member
    took me about 18mths - but I took the scenic route :) - just perseverance and taking it one day at a time - you WILL get there

  • brandybea
    brandybea Posts: 46 Member
    15.6 since Dec.30 th = )
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