Needs a push

Hi I am new to the group. I am trying to lose 100 pounds which is about 45kg, I have started changing my eating habits which is a plus but I need a push to workout at home. Anyone have any good advice on weight loss the healthy way?


  • JessikarRenee
    VLC Diets work a wonder. Do weights in the morning to get your body motivated and then jogging at night.
  • Flyer615
    Flyer615 Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome to the group! I think this is a great place. Nike probably said it best, "Just do it." I saw a great saying that said: No matter how slow you go, as long as you're moving, you're lapping everyone on the couch. You CAN do this. Friend me if you like. I'll send encouragement at least once a day. Good luck in your health journey.

    Endeavor to persevere.

  • teamflatbelly
    teamflatbelly Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks :)
  • butterfly10398
    Best way to get started working out at home is workout videos.... I personally love Jillian Michaels DVD's. Also, just make a conscious effort to be more active, walk a little more, do more than normal...
  • jcnewme11
    Welcome...I joined a while back but started posting on here today bc I am serious this time!! Eating right is the main key....Keep it up. My advice is YOUTUBE.COM!!! Find the exercise videos you want to try with out buying them first. I did this with Hip Hop Abs and Zumba!! I tried the youtube videos to see if I would like it and stick with it. I ending up buying the HHAbs videos and finding a few Zumba classes to go to...its addicting. Good Luck and Have Fun!!! :)
  • teamflatbelly
    teamflatbelly Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks everyone I have heard Zumba is great I might have to try it. Didn't think about youtube :) I have an ab roller that I use daily but I don't really like it because I feel it caters to smaller people so when I lose more weight I sure I will enjoy it more. :)
  • Mamaincali
    Mamaincali Posts: 65 Member
    I really like hip hop dance and zumba DVDs. Work out as soon as you get home each day or wake up! If I sit down after getting home I will not get back up!
  • teamflatbelly
    teamflatbelly Posts: 177 Member
    I worked out this morning and am suppose to workout out later we will see how that goes
  • SuzieZimm
    SuzieZimm Posts: 238 Member
    VLC Diets work a wonder. Do weights in the morning to get your body motivated and then jogging at night.

    what is VLC?
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    1) Couch to 5K!

    Google it! It's Brilliant! I have friends who can do 60seconds of running (the first week's exercise) who are almost 300lbs! Just keep the speed on the treadmill at a medium... like a 5, or a 5.5 to start... nice slow jog that you could actually WALK if you hustled.

    2) Jillian Michael's 30-Day-Shred

    AMAZING... 3 minutes of weights, 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute of abs... & the levels start low!

    3) Chalene Johnson's TurboJam

    .... might want to do this one when no one is watching... she gets you dancin' & groovin'... it's fun :)
  • spoiledbmeg
    little hints: walking to different store that are near you house instead of driving, packing farther away from the store when shopping, never go food shopping hungery, also keep a 100 cal snacks in places Like work bag, gym bag, pocketbook, your car also get a re usable water container so when you at the gym or at work you can drink water instead of the vending machine trips. the stair instead of the elevator also if possible do a few laps at your job try to build excerise into your day. meeting on another floor, having to call someone if possible walk to them. Be creative !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lunch time if eating near the office walk there and drink water on the way.
  • flygirl222
    If you have any of the game systems, you can use some of the workout videos. A good one is the biggest loser, or a dance one. It will certainly not be boring. Hope this helps
  • teamflatbelly
    teamflatbelly Posts: 177 Member
    Thank you all
  • melodymist
    melodymist Posts: 43 Member
    Jillian Michael's 30-Day-Shred - For the win!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • teamflatbelly
    teamflatbelly Posts: 177 Member
    I just found out about this maybe I will try it thanks
    Jillian Michael's 30-Day-Shred - For the win!!!!!!!!!!!!!