Anybody else feel incredibly depressed after taking your 'before' picture to track weight loss? I just took mine in the bikini I'm hoping to wear this summer I can't believe I let myself get to this point. I feel horrible! :(


  • kandi810
    kandi810 Posts: 88 Member
    The rest of us are right there with you - just keep on keepin' on. You will get to where you want to be with a little determination! Good luck!
  • Fozzyspotts
    Fozzyspotts Posts: 50 Member
    Completely understand. 7 years ago, I could complete the firefighter challenge, in full gear, on an air pac, in just under two minutes. Now? The thought takes away my breath and I feel tired.

    It will get better, so just stick with it and don't expect miracles overnite. It took awhile for this to catch up with you, it will take awhile to fix things.

  • KristyGirl8
    KristyGirl8 Posts: 20 Member
    You don't need a "before" pic! Just delete it! I hate the idea of being photographed in a bikini!
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Yup! I took pics of myself 3 weeks ago, and again a few days ago. I was very pleased to see a little bit of decrease in my stomach pooch and also my waist. Then I decided to also take a pic of me from the back--- AARGH!!! Frightening, I had no idea I looked that bad from the back. Terribly, terribly discouraging.
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    You don't need a "before" pic! Just delete it! I hate the idea of being photographed in a bikini!
    Don't delete! Just hide it and don't look at it until you feel ready to take your after. You will be amazed at yourself.
  • froats1
    Well I'm almost 54 and I know that I never be back in one. One way to keep you going is to try it on about every 2 weeks to see your progress and I bet you will like what you see and that the hard work was worth it. Good luck.
  • AnotherJenn
    AnotherJenn Posts: 62 Member
    I haven't done or even thought to do that, seems like a good idea though. May just be the motivation (slap of reality) to keep me moving :-)
  • JenniferInNY
    JenniferInNY Posts: 65 Member
    Did you measure yourself, too?

    As you exercise and work out, be sure to measure yourself as well as weighing yourself. You'll probably see improvements in your measurements more quickly, and it will be motivating. It will help you see that you are moving away from the measurements that were in that "before" photo.

    I never took a "before" photo and now I kind of wish I had. I am proud of my loss so far but worry I may gain it back. If I had an alarming "before" photo that might help me stay on track. I do have just random photos around of me "before," though, and they do not look great.
  • reneealyse
    YES!! I did this just last week and the picture almost made me cry, it disgusts me but I can't stop looking at it! I knew I'd gotten fatter, just didn't know it was that bad! I don't look like myself - or the myself that I thought I looked like and I can't understand why I look in the mirror and don't see myself like that, but it's crystal clear in those pictures. I even felt sorry for my boyfriend for having to deal with that (I was smaller when we met).

    It kicked me into gear a bit though, forced me to seek out better foods, watch my portion size and go harder at the gym. Encouraged me to track EVERYTHING on here properly and to start being honest with myself. Keep the picture, it willo be worth it in the end when you can look back and see how far you've come. It could be the thing that stops you from falling back into bad habits :smile:
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Don't feel horrible. You are taking the steps to become a healthier you. That's a big deal. Your body will change, and you can look back and see how awesome you did.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Take a new one in 4 weeks. I find it really fun to compare and to see where my body is dropping fat (and where it is holding on for dear life!LOL) It helps keep me accountable and actually makes me look forward to taking new ones to see what improvement there is. I'm lifting heavy, so I know the scale isn't going to accurately depict my journey. Pictures don't lie!
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 274 Member
    Yup! I took pics of myself 3 weeks ago, and again a few days ago. I was very pleased to see a little bit of decrease in my stomach pooch and also my waist. Then I decided to also take a pic of me from the back--- AARGH!!! Frightening, I had no idea I looked that bad from the back. Terribly, terribly discouraging.

    Exactly! I knew the problems I had in the front...the pictures just exaggerated what I had in mind...but the back was a real eye-opener. :(
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 274 Member
    Did you measure yourself, too?

    As you exercise and work out, be sure to measure yourself as well as weighing yourself. You'll probably see improvements in your measurements more quickly, and it will be motivating. It will help you see that you are moving away from the measurements that were in that "before" photo.

    I never took a "before" photo and now I kind of wish I had. I am proud of my loss so far but worry I may gain it back. If I had an alarming "before" photo that might help me stay on track. I do have just random photos around of me "before," though, and they do not look great.

    Yes, I started measuring last week. I've decided to measure once a week every Tuesday. I'm glad I took it because I'm sure I'll be proud of the after results, they were a shock. :(
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    I think it is great to measure your progress in as many ways as possible so you have lots of reasons to feel proud.

    I found when I started that while the scale didn't move, the measurements did change because I was doing weight training.
    However, since the weight loss has been more steady, it is taking more loss to make the measurements change, so I only ever measure every fortnight at the very least. So don't get disheartened if the tape measure doesn't move either. I'm finding it is taking in the region of a 5 - 7 Ib weight loss to see even a little budge in the tape measure.

    Good luck!
  • Fat2PhatRT
    You are not alone-It was seeing myself from the back that got me here. But know that this is the worst it can get and from now on it only gets better.
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 274 Member
    You are not alone-It was seeing myself from the back that got me here. But know that this is the worst it can get and from now on it only gets better.

    Very true! I woke up this morning and I was down 1 lb. Woohoo! One step closer to losing that back fat! :)
  • viclee1
    viclee1 Posts: 156 Member
    I totally feel your pain! lol ALthough I try to be grateful (it COULD be wose no offence to anyone here!!)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    don't worry, that's why it's called a "before" picture.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I feel your pain but at least now when I feel like my WLJ has stalled I can take a current picture to compare to my before picture and I know there have been huge changes. Just keep working towards your goal and you'll get there.
  • GrahamBarwick
    You should surround yourself with pictures of pictures of where you want to be. I leave my mine mens helath mag's all over the house and even have stuck front covers on my fridge door. Constant reminders of where you want to be, help you stay positive and focused. You cant change what has gone before but you can change what is to come. :smile: