

  • whoiskat23
    whoiskat23 Posts: 103 Member
    Week 1: 150
    Week 2: 150 (-0)
    Week 3: 152.5 (+2.5)
    Week 4: 144 (-8.5)
    Week 5: 150.5 (+6.5)

    And we go back up on the scale :/ I feel as if I'm playing tug-o-war with myself.

    Are you measuring and tracking your food accurately?
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    Week 1: 150
    Week 2: 150
    Week 3: 148.5
    Week 4: 148.5
    Week 5: 147

    YAY!!! I had a 1.5lbs loss this week thanks to a combination of the cardio challenge and my new HRM. I've been running between 1 - 1.5 hours a day and doing the 30DS L2. I've been really sore but it has been worth it.
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    Still 193 this week. It's been really hard for me to get my motivation back after the holidays. However, my boyfriend gave me a new motivation yesterday. We've been together a long time (almost 10 years) and we've always wanted to get married but it was never anything that we were in a rush to do. We've also decided that we'd like to get married some place tropical with just us and a couple of witnesses. So, yesterday he tells me "I want to get below 200 pounds so I can go some place tropical...If you want to get married, you're going to have to help me lose weight." I was so excited I would have jumped up and down if I wasn't driving. So, this is my new motivation. I've had the marriage bug for a while now and this is just what I need to get back on track. Hopefully the scale agrees with me! Good luck this week everyone!

    That is awesome!!!! Nice motivation for ya!
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    Last week: 218.9
    This week: 216.1

    Down 2.8lbs!!! :bigsmile:

    I'm always so shocked and amazed when I step on the scale and down it goes. I'm very enthused and ready to make more change. I'm making appointments with myself to exercise and downloaded a nifty little app to take the guessing out of what kind of weight training to do. It's been a while since i've lifted weights so I need some help.

    Keep it up Summer Dolls! :drinker:

    Congrats! Great loss!!! If yo udon't mind me asking, what app are you using?
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    Week 1: 150
    Week 2: 150 (-0)
    Week 3: 152.5 (+2.5)
    Week 4: 144 (-8.5)
    Week 5: 150.5 (+6.5)

    And we go back up on the scale :/ I feel as if I'm playing tug-o-war with myself.

    did you have anything that offset a huge loss last week? sickness or anything ?
    Last time I was hung over a lost a tonne of weight fast because I was dehydrated - or when my cat was put down I didnt eat for two days - it ended up balancing out in the end. Dont be too hard on yourself - take it one day at a time and make thebest choices you can!

    I was just about to say the same thing. If that's not the case I would go back and check how much sodium you've consumed during the week and water. To much and you could be'd need to flush out your system. Also, is TOM on his way?
  • whoiskat23
    whoiskat23 Posts: 103 Member
    I have an Android phone and in the market it is called Workout Trainer by skimble. I'm going to try it this week so I'll tell you how it goes.
  • liveskinnyxo
    liveskinnyxo Posts: 259 Member
    this weeks challenge winner is lolasepicjourney with a 4.6 pound loss! great job chica! can't wait to see what the challenge is!

    our second place winner is musicgirl6 with a 3.6 pound loss!

    everyone is doing a great job & im proud of everyone for doing their best to become healthier!

    good luck this week dolls! xoxo
  • QuiteNice
    QuiteNice Posts: 35 Member
    I lost 3 pounds this week! Congrats to the winner!
  • BrownsFan19
    BrownsFan19 Posts: 117 Member
    Starting Weight: 134.4
    Week 1: 130.2
    Week 2: 129.6
    Week 3: 128.6
    Week 4: 129.6

    Ugh.... Gained back the pound that I lost last week. I have been working out hardcore at the YMCA for the first time in a long time, so I hope this is muscle gain because I feel great!
  • fitwannaB
    fitwannaB Posts: 14 Member
    LW: 205
    CW: 201.8

    Hopefully under 200 by next week!!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Challenge time! Let me think

    This week I am starting turbo fire-its a cardio intense fat burning dvd program for anyone who doesn't know. Cardio is important to burn fat but strength training is equally important.
    muscleburns more calories queen you are just even sitting there.
    This week I want everyone to start their day with 50 crunches.. It takes give minutes at most added to your morning routine. Throw in 25 push ups also. any style you can handle. They are great for core strength. Girlie-military-diamond.. Whatever tickles your fancy-just get er done!

    You can all do it!
  • fitwannaB
    fitwannaB Posts: 14 Member
    Sounds like a great challenge - something that can easily be fit into everyone's day. Thanks so much! Congrats on the win too - what a great loss! Good luck with the new workout!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • liveskinnyxo
    liveskinnyxo Posts: 259 Member
    I was just thinking today that I needed to add more crunches to my workout! great challenge!
  • whoiskat23
    whoiskat23 Posts: 103 Member
    Hmm... This is a challenge I need. :flowerforyou:
  • jevans918
    jevans918 Posts: 26 Member
    Week 1: 208.4
    Week 2: 204.4
    Week 3: 202
    Week 4: 200
    Week 5: 204.4

    Pretty much where I started and it makes me discouraged but I know I didn't drink enough water and am retaining. We will see how this next week goes.

    Definitely need the crunches and push ups nice challenge :)
  • QuiteNice
    QuiteNice Posts: 35 Member
    Great challenge! Love the crunches!!
  • helnahandbasket
    helnahandbasket Posts: 26 Member
    CW: 136

    Week 1: 146
    Week 2: 144
    Week 3: 144 (argh)
    Week 4 : 140
    Week 5: 138
    week 6: 136

    Was really hoping for one more pound (would put me halfway to my goal weight!) But *fingers crossed* I'll get there this week :)

    Good luck ladies!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    CW: 158.4

    Week 1: 155
    Week 2: 154
    Week 3: 152.4
    Week 4: 151.6
    Week 5: 151.8
    Week 6: 158.4

    Yes, it's for real.
  • crystlgrn
    crystlgrn Posts: 124 Member
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    Starting: 199
    Week 1: 199.5 (+0.5)
    Week 2: 195.4 (-4.1)
    Week 3: 195.8? (+0.4) My scale was erratic this morning. Weighed me at 195.8 and 195.2 so I'm going with the bigger number. That way I won't be disappointed next week
    Week 4: 195 (-0.8)
    Week 5: 193.4 (-1.6) Upped my calories this week and ate awful-not sure how this loss happened. I won't complain though!

    I did awful with the challenge this week. I had a lot going on and was very low on energy. Although, I really did love the idea of more core exercises. I love crunches and could always use more :)