Fruits and Veggies...HELP!

Hey MFP users!
I absoultely love fruits and veggies, especially fruits. I find myself eating a lot of fruits!!! Instead of eating chips and snacks i eat fruits, but sometimes i feel like i am eating too many fruits. I have read that you shouldnt count fruits and veggies in their diet because the amount of fruits and veggies you can eat are limitless. I have been really confused because i have heard both sides saying u should count them and others saying you shouldn't. Does anyone know more about this topic??
Thanks so much, i appreciate all the input possible because we are all here to help eachother!


  • ahersh00
    I don't really understand why you wouldn't count them?.... I do... lol... am intrigued to see other's responses to this post!
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  • kmacgera
    kmacgera Posts: 137 Member
    Weight watchers has a point system, and some items are "free", especially rabbit food. Fruits, not so much. The sugars. It's better to eat than drink fruits, but if you're trying to lose weight, in my humble opinion, eat more veggies. Broccoli, spinach, kale, cauliflower, green beans and salad veggies. Try reading a book called "Eat to Live." Bon appetit!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member

    of course you should count them..they have calories
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    You have to count them. And the fact that you can eat as much of them as you want isn't the problem. It's also not true, if you eat 5000 calories of fruit and vegetables every day, you will gain weight. But a more realistic scenario is that you are trying to stay at 1500 calories for example. You eat 1000 calories of fruit. And you eat 1000 calories of something else. If you don't record your fruit, you will think you were under for the day. In reality you went 500 calories over and will not lose weight.
  • zeroXOXOzero
    zeroXOXOzero Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks Everyone. I was never leaning towards one thing because i was so dang confused, so many mixed messages. But thanks so much for clearing it up for me!
  • Rscrappy
    I always count them. My nightly banana is like 70 calories. I count and log everything except my lifesavers as they are like 15 calories a piece and I have 1 a day after lunch if i have a craving for a cigarette. Which is usually 2 times a week.
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    Yes, I love fruits too, and I'm frustrated by the amount of sugar in them, which I'm trying to hold at a moderate level. I've tried buying much smaller fruit, or eating 1/2 a fruit in a sitting. Small banana v. large, save 6 g of sugar. Small apple v. large, save 11 g of sugar. To me, that's a huge difference, and I can still have my fruit.

    I hope this helps--good luck.
  • sandi50lock
    sandi50lock Posts: 71 Member
    I am on weight watcher and we don't count fruits and vegetables they are free but you only get 5 serves so that is not a lot and I have lost weight.
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    If you're doing Weight Watchers, fruits and some veggies do not have "points" and do not have to be counted. But if you're counting calories (which is what My Fitness Pal does), you should count them.

    Personally, I don't think anyone ever became obese from eating too many apples. Unless you are diabetic or have problems regulating your blood sugar, I really wouldn't worry about it (if you are, then you need to watch your intake of fruits). Otherwise, having a piece of fruit when you crave something sweet is a great way to stay healthy (cravings for sweet foods are often your body's way of telling you that you need glucose, which you can get from fruit). Having vegetables when you crave something savory is also fantastic. If you're not going over your caloric intake and are still meeting your protein needs, don't worry about it. You'll probably see fantastic results :)
  • nay33
    nay33 Posts: 31 Member
    I count everything and log everything daily. But that is only because I have put a limit on how many calories I intake in a day. But my opinion would be to keep track because there are calories in fruit too.