when in doubt... eat oatmeal



  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    oatmeal ROCKS!!! o_O
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I enjoy oats, I haven't had the ones in the packet in a long while, I usually just get a jumbo size of the plain quick or old fashioned oats, cook them with 4 tbsps of ground flaxseed and eat it. Sometimes I had one tablespoon or a teaspoon of brown sugar and a little half and half but sometimes I just eat it plain and its fine.
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Whenever I gain weight, it's primarily because I'm eating too much oatmeal. The calories in that add up so quickly!
  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    i like plain organic oatmeal with a bit of butter, nothing else
  • bluefairy1
    bluefairy1 Posts: 16 Member
    I love my morning oatmeal, I use "Rogers porridge oats and add my own Craisins, cinnamon, nutmeg, a dash of all spice and chopped almonds! Keeps me full right up until lunch time!
  • regions02
    regions02 Posts: 154 Member
    I eat a bowl of oatmeal every morning - put lots of cinnamon in mine.
  • what store did you buy that oatmeal from? that sounds so yummy >.<
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    i like oatmeal. i used to like it with peanut butter but pb is band from my house

    Have you tried pb2 peanut butter powder??
    It tastes nearly the same and is MUCH better for you!!!!

    How is it better for you? The fat is the healthiest part of the peanut.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    When I eat oatmeal in the morning (not the instant stuff), I feel hungry for the rest of the day. When I virtually anything else, I don't feel as hungry. This is the first time I've eaten oatmeal for three weeks, and the first I've had trouble staying under calorie (honestly, I usually have trouble getting to my calorie goal, much less staying under it...) in about three weeks, and the first time I've had oatmeal for breakfast in as long. I had a suspicion before but today it was really verified...
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I eat mine dry.

    There's a reason I'm beautiful.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    If you want to do the oatmeal (i have it every day for breakfast) then add some raisins, walnuts and some cinnamon to the oats. Some stevia or splenda to sweeten it up and you have an awesome meal. I also add freshly ground flax or put a tbsp of chia seed into it to add extra fiber.

    That is filling and will last me about 4 hours. It's a great start to the day.

    that sounds good...*writes down*

    I do something along the same line. I always hated oatmeal until I discovered steel cut oats. Now I love it.
    In my rice cooker:
    3/4 c steel cut oats
    2 or 2 1/2 c water (depends on how moist you want it)
    1 tsp vanilla
    1 - 2 tsp cinnamon
    1 -2 Tbsp ground flax seed (optional)
    1 Tbsp chia seed (optional)
    2 tbsp raisins
    2 pkts stevia (or your preference)
    when this is done cooking, add one chopped up apple and close lid and let sit for 3-5 minutes.
    This is fantastic!
    Serves 3
  • KC4800
    KC4800 Posts: 140 Member
    I like my oatmeal watery. I put in brown sugar, or real maple syrup. When I have neither, I use fruit spread like Polaner All Fruit.

    This my preworkout meal on most mornings. I think I will try PB, but I doubt it will mix well. How do you guys get it to mix nicely in the oatmeal?
  • oatmeal is basically a carb food, right? and carbs drive insulin and insulin drives fat.... do the research!

    next time, consider eating protein with fats...you will fuller so much longer and more satisfied......

    youtube.......undergroundwellness guy.....

    do the research :)

    mmm, I have done the research, and oatmeal is an awesome food for weight loss, partly because it IS a carb! In addition to that it draws cholesterol from your body. Maybe you need some more research!
  • Over 40 studies show that eating oatmeal may help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. According to Quaker, all it takes is 3/4 cup of oatmeal each day to help lower cholesterol. The soluble fiber in oats helps remove LDL or "bad" cholesterol, while maintaining the good cholesterol that your body needs. In January 1997, the Food and Drug Administration announced that oatmeal could carry a label claiming it may reduce the risk of heart disease when combined with a low-fat diet.

    The soluble fiber in oatmeal absorbs a considerable amount of water which significantly slows down your digestive process. This result is that you'll feel full longer, i.e. oatmeal can help you control your weight.

    I stopped reading at ''according to Quaker''. You do realize they are the ones trying to SELL you their oatmeal, don't you?!!!!!
    Quaker brand or not, oatmeal and other foods with lots of fiber remove the cholesterol in the same way.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I have been eating a lot of oatmeal, but I have always liked oatmeal. Of course the old me used to load it up with REGULAR sugar.

    Now I usually have 1/2 cup dry (of course it's cooked, just measure by 1/2 cup dry first) about half/to a full teaspoon of Stevia, 1/4 unsweetened vanilla almond milk and 1 tablespoon of ground flax. This morning I added a tablespoon of sliced almonds. It was delicious. In fact I have had oatmeal for breakfast every single day this week.

    I will have it again tomorrow but after some grocery shopping today I am thinking some of those raspberries or blueberries I just bought added on top will taste great.

    BTW, this is the Quaker quick oats in the big cardboard canister. I don't eat flavored oatmeal in packets. The 1/2 cup dry (which actually expands to about 3/4 when wet, but you measure calories dry) anyhow it's only 150 calories. Woot! :wink:
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    Have you tried pb2 peanut butter powder??
    It tastes nearly the same and is MUCH better for you!!!!

    How is it better for you? The fat is the healthiest part of the peanut.

    That's what I was thinking. WTF good is peanuts with the fat removed? What's left... a few measly grams of protein and a couple grams of fibre?
  • positivelylisa
    positivelylisa Posts: 32 Member
    Almost every morning my breakfast is:

    30 g or so of dry oats
    1 C. skim milk
    either: <100 g banana or around 120 g apple chopped
    .5 oz walnuts
    little vanilla extract
    packet of splenda

    Micro for 2 minutes or so. I like mine pretty wet, not thick.

    Holds me from about 6:30 am until noon.
  • what store did you buy that oatmeal from? that sounds so yummy >.<
