new to the is my!

I loveeeeeee can make me happy or sad...but i have decided its time to make a change and slim down...2 kids later its been tough but i been doin my diet for a week now and I feel good and bad...bad because i miss all the good stuff i used to eat and it makes me so sad....seriously no joke i loveeeeeeee food!!!


  • ajalcazar
    ajalcazar Posts: 76 Member
    Who doesn't love food? I am sort of in the same boat you are and need to get healthy for my 4 kids. I have been on here for about 10 days now and find most on here are really supportive. Feel free to add me :)
  • MzFreeSpirited
    Its just time to love the right ones :):wink: Just search on here for recipes. There are some good ones on-line. You can modify anything : ) Best of luck to you. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • tamtam36
    Just keep rocking your life and start getting into the habit of logging food. You'll see you'll want to make better choices eventually.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I know what you mean. I think about food all the time and it drives me nuts. I wish I could be free of my obsession. I never really thought of it this way but maybe I have an eating disorder.