1000 Calories over the limit

so....after watching a random youtube video in which the girl reminded me of my ex, tonight I went on a binge. Ended up eating 20 of those little chicken wings at rallys and icecream. Any tips for recovery?


  • inge88
    inge88 Posts: 184 Member
    Do some exercise to burn off some of those calories. Drink lots of water. Make healthy choices the rest of the day and be back on track tomorrow!
    Don't worry, everyone has days like this. The important thing is to get back into it straight after.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    sure..just let it be.. its ok and its not the end of the world. just start again tomorrow, and keep on track then. its ok..it really is..try not to beat yourself up over it. its understandable.
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    Alka seltzer
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Alka seltzer

    That put a smile on my face. Thank you. I needed that
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Thank you everybody for the encouraging words. I appreciate them very much right now
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Yes, buck up, sleep well, and take up the fight tomorrow.
    Gird yourself for a battle you must punch through.
    We either have that drive or need to find a way to ignite it.

    To light that fire, be honest, and answer for yourself:
    Why do I want to be healthy and fit? Discover the real answer, and attach great pleasure to that as you set your goals.
    Feel and experience that joy when you think of being healthy and fit.

    And then ask yourself why do you NOT want to be fat?
    Connect with that reason burning pain that you can really feel every time you think about being fat.

    This is the key to internal motivation.
    Few people can actually do this which is why most people fail in their efforts over and over.
    Take the time to do this, and you'll touch off a powder keg of determination and drive.
    Sure, you may have challenges; we all do, but you'll keep punching and reach your goals.

    All Is Possible!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    With 73 lbs to go by your ticker I'd assume you are set to lose 2 lbs per week... if you ate over by 1000 calories today all you did is 0'd out todays deficit.
    I went over today too, by 200, but it's within my 1000 calorie deficit.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    sure..just let it be.. its ok and its not the end of the world. just start again tomorrow, and keep on track then. its ok..it really is..try not to beat yourself up over it. its understandable.


    also, i'm assuming your "limit" is with a 500 calorie deficit, so you're over your TDEE by 500.

    it just means the current pound you're losing will be lost 1 day later.

    you don't have to try to do anything to recover. just be on track starting right now, and live one day longer.
  • razindawn
    i too had a bad today, wound up eating a whole 8 inch ham,onion and cheese pizza and then a donut! Ugh! I felt so stuffed afterwards and dissapointed! Then I thought to myself "why beat yourself up? You know you can do this, youve done it well so far!" Thats when I sat down and wrote out my meal plan for the next three days, it helped me get back on track and remember all the yummy healthy dishes I can have. The healthier youe at the more you can eat! :)
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    It sounds like there's a much deeper problem going on here. If watching something that reminded you of your ex made you binge now you know that's a trigger. There are two options here: you could avoid things that make you think about your ex forever (which is probably not going to be helpful or work out in the long run) or you could try to seek some closure. I'd really recommend scheduling an appointment with a therapist if you don't see one already to talk about healthier ways to cope with your break-up. Obviously I don't know the whole story, nor do I want you to feel obligated to share it here. That's your story, but talking to a professional about that will really help you a lot, I think. Good luck :)
  • maryjay51
    ya just drink a ton of water... and try to put in an extra hour of workout .. im from buffalo.. wings are everywhere here ..ive FINALLY beat that drug ..doesnt help when u live houses away from a bar who offers all you can eat chicken wings for five bucks every wednesday nite... however ive managed to not order wings or eat them when im at a party for two years now
  • msespresso
    msespresso Posts: 153 Member
    I went over by about that much a few days ago... felt awful that evening, but every day is a new day (of course, it doesn't help that I'm craving sweets in a big way tonight!). My advice- start fresh tomorrow!
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    Alka seltzer

    :laugh: That cracked me up.

    I second everyone here though. I've had several weekends in a row of traveling and eating out, and I haven't been the best about keeping to my calorie limits on those days, but I'm still making progress by keeping on track during the week and exercising whenever possible. Life will always throw us curveballs! Just gotta roll with it.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    It sounds like there's a much deeper problem going on here. If watching something that reminded you of your ex made you binge now you know that's a trigger. There are two options here: you could avoid things that make you think about your ex forever (which is probably not going to be helpful or work out in the long run) or you could try to seek some closure. I'd really recommend scheduling an appointment with a therapist if you don't see one already to talk about healthier ways to cope with your break-up. Obviously I don't know the whole story, nor do I want you to feel obligated to share it here. That's your story, but talking to a professional about that will really help you a lot, I think. Good luck :)

    ^^^ this...look at why you sought out food as a comfort and learn your triggers. I used to turn to food constantly for every reason conceiveable. I learned my triggers, got counseling, and formed a new relationship with food. Now when I feel the need to binge, I get up and start moving. I get away from my trigger and get active...I use that negative energy for a positive purpose.

    That said, tomorrow is a new day so hit your reset button and carry on..you can do this!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    dude... your a dude. why are you eating so little to begin with? how tall are you?
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    Alka seltzer

    love this!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If your diary is accurate, I would say you're not eating enough on a regular basis, and that's going to make you weaker when it comes to fighting temptation and emotional eating. Your body probably needed those extra calories tonight.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    Some people call those spike days, and insist they are great to keep your body guessing and to disallow your body getting used to a set amount of calories a day.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Thank you everybody for the support

    I will definitely keep the therapist advice in mind however I think I have handled the break up very maturely and its very rare for me to lash out thinking about my ex like this (I do go on a binge but not because I'm missing my ex). To be perfectly honest, it was just a moment of weakness and I would like to move on rather than talk about a breakup with some therapist. But as I mentioned, I will keep that in mind now that you mention it and if I see a pattern, i'll seek help.

    I will try to use tomorrow as a new day where hopefully I get to reset my bad work today.

    @ the not eating enough calories. Todays dinner aside, what do you guys see in my diary thats alarming? I am a 28 years old male at 5 feet 9 inches height. Am I not eating enough or not good enough? I'm trying to stay close to the recommendation from MFP but sometimes i'm just not hungry. I have been trying to eat through out the day in small doses rather than big meals. Do I need to up my calorie intake? Also, I dont workout ALOT although tomorrow i'll be starting the 100 pushup challenge ( http://hundredpushups.com/ if you'd like to see what it is).
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Yes you're undereating for optimal results. You risk sacrificing muscle and/or stalling. Just eat until "0 calories remaining" or close to it. +/- 50 to 100 is ok.. +/- several hundreds, like you've been doing, is not.