Do you ever feel like giving up?



  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    I get that thought EVERY DAY. But then I take a deep breath, and get past it. And every time I see some progress, I like the feeling I get. Like today, I jogged 1000'. A few days ago, I could only jog 500'. It is the small victories that win the war.
  • abradley114
    abradley114 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi there :)
    So my heaviest was close to 170 and for me that was a lot i finally got sick of it and lost weight and since i have been on MFP i have lost over 10! I am in my 130's now and i feel better then ever. My question to you is how do u feel being overweight? I know when i was overweight and ate crap i felt like crap. I personally think that my turning point was thinking do i want to be fat, insecure and unhappy or be healthy fit and feel sexy? I HATED walking around feeling like i needed to cover my stomach or wear baggy clothes i wanted to feel fit sexy and confident which I am sure you do as well. Your journey is going to take a while but don't look it as a diet but a life style because you can't expect to lose a whole lot of weight and go back to eating **** cause i made that mistake once and it back fires lol but i know you are strong enough to do it you just have to have faith in yourself and know that giving up is NOT an option and that you are going to feel sexy confident and skinny one day and each day is closer to your goal! YOU CAN DO IT && I KNOW YOU WILL!! IF you want this more than anything make it happen and wake up tomorrow and tell yourself giving up, and cheating is not and option anymore :) Good luck xoxo
  • EVERYDAY! I know what you mean and can relate... I just take every day one day at a time and PRAY I make it through another day.... each passing day is another day / step closer to my goals and "ME" putting myself 1st ... to get to those healthier lifestyle goals and weight that I want and NEED to be. I also stay motivated because people on here help me know I'm not alone and that there are others just like me who understand and are going through or have been through this... Its an every day battle. Hang in there! We CAN do this!!!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    The absurd notion of quitting never enters my mind.
    And you either have that drive or need to find a way to ignite it.

    A good start is to just be honest, and answer for yourself:
    Why do I want to be healthy and fit? Discover the real answer, and attach great pleasure to that as you set your goals.
    Feel and experience that joy when you think of being healthy and fit.

    And then ask yourself why do you NOT want to be fat?
    Connect with that reason a burning pain that you can really feel every time you think about being fat.

    This is the key to internal motivation.
    Few people can actually do this which is why most people fail in their efforts over and over.
    Take the time to do this, and you'll touch off a powder keg of determination and drive.
    Sure, you may have challenges; we all do, but you'll keep punching and reach your goals.

    You will never give up!:drinker:

    All Is Possible!
  • I already feel like giving up but it motivates me to push harder. And Im telling myself that if I want to change.. DO MORE! I NEED MORE! so if I want huge and big changes, I have to strive even more.. You can do it! Just keep focus and believe in yourself. I know it's a long term process but you have to wait. It takes time to gain weight. So it takes time also to lose it. :) Good luck and wish you all the best.! :))
  • shmurph
    shmurph Posts: 10 Member
    I love this whole thread! And got a lot of great ideas from it. I, like everyone on here, feels like giving up - a lot. While I've had some bad days, I make sure to log on here every day - it actually motivates me just to log on. I like the mini bet idea one poster had. And I do something similar to another poster... when someone brings in mini muffins, or something similar, to work, i look it up in the food database as if I was going to eat it - the calories are never worth it and my Greek yogurt tastes a little better with a side of willpower :)
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    The only time I feel like giving up and I actually do give up is when I'm brokenhearted. Other than that, I never do.
    What do I do in those cases, I just give myself time until I heal, once I do, there's no stopping. And my biggest motivation is the fact that I'm not less than anyone else, so if others can do it, so I can.
  • im turning 52 tomorrow..,i started this weight loss venture when i turned 50.. ive been quite successful so far at it.. i want to spend the rest of my life having fun and not worrying about what nursing home im going to lay around in. thats what keeps me going.. i work in a nursing home..i refuse to live in one ..most people who are in it is due to not taking care of themselves in the first place. after losing 80lbs so far i can assure you i am having fun whoohooo...
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    Never. I've come this far and I can't go back now. I don't know about anyone else, but now that I've lost a bunch of weight I'm now terrified to be fat again. I guess I'm motivated by that fear, but I also don't want to die young. I had a lot of problems when I was younger with severe depression due to my weight and now that I'm the happiest I've been in my life, I never want to go back to that dark place.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I have SO much weight to lose and sometimes I just feel like giving up, pigging out, and forgetting about it. When you feel like this, how do you keep going? What motivates you?

    Giving up? That's not an option. Where do you want to be in 1 year? How about 1 month? 1 week? tomorrow?
    You can "pig out and forget all about it", once in a while. If you do it every day, then you will be fat tomorrow, next week, and next year. But if you keep a balanced healthy lifestyle, even with some splurge days here and there, you will be stronger tomorrow and next week, and by next year you will be much leaner and stronger than ever before.

    So what exactly is there to give up? There is nothing to give up.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    No. Because I gave up on a lot of things in life BECAUSE of my weight. Giving up getting to a healthy weight is just not an option that I'll ever entertain again. I have around 85-90 pounds to lose, and do I wish it was less? yes, but it isn't and that's just the way it is.
  • You wanna know what motivates me?

    Turning to the side while looking at my mirror, and seeing my body's profile.
    Seeing that midsection area lose longer feeling winded when completing an otherwise miniscule task.....eating less food, but not through force of will, but because I realize I am not as hungry as I once was.

    I keep going so that I can keep chasing my two kids around my house, and do so longer than 30 seconds at a time.

    We all have to find that little thought to tack up on the billboard in our mind.
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    i feel like that too. But then I remember this is a life style change. This is something I need to do to insure a brighter and healthier future. Yes there are bad days and weeks, but tomorrow is always a new day.

    What always frustrates me is that I lose about a pound a week, and I see others that lose double that amount in half as much time.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I fall off the wagon every once in a while but I get right back on the next day. I can't afford to give up cause I want to live, I want to have fun and being fat and unable to walk more than a few feet at a time is not how I want to live my life. I also could see the stress it was putting on my adult daughter and I could not continue to do that to her.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    im turning 52 tomorrow..,i started this weight loss venture when i turned 50.. ive been quite successful so far at it.. i want to spend the rest of my life having fun and not worrying about what nursing home im going to lay around in. thats what keeps me going.. i work in a nursing home..i refuse to live in one ..most people who are in it is due to not taking care of themselves in the first place. after losing 80lbs so far i can assure you i am having fun whoohooo...

    Happy early birthday!
  • I am past 40, and a close friend of mine passed away. He was around 60, but while spiritually he was incredibly well off, physically he had a problem with food. He had started turning things around and lost 70lbs, but the damage was too great and he had a critical failure.

    I've never been in great or good shape... I am a vegetarian which has helped me stay okay, but since I push a desk all day it is just a matter of time. About 6 months ago I started up with CrossFit and pushed it really hard - still doing that.

    So to directly answer your question:
    I have SO much weight to lose and sometimes I just feel like giving up, pigging out, and forgetting about it. When you feel like this, how do you keep going? What motivates you?

    1. I don't want to die a stupid pointless death, personal accountability.
    2. I exercise really hard, anything nutritionally counterproductive means I wasted my time
    3. Each week I look different and feel different. Once you can track that, you will be addicted.

    Stick with it. Forums are a great place to get group support.

    And remember, if you do happen to fall down, just get back up and keep going. Nobody makes it far without a few stumbles along the way.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I have SO much weight to lose and sometimes I just feel like giving up, pigging out, and forgetting about it. When you feel like this, how do you keep going? What motivates you?

    I would change your ticker from how much you need to lose to how much you have lost for one.There is something so exciting about seeing those numbers go up. Every kilo is a victory and a statement of my new habit of success. When you have a large number representing how much you have to lose it still looks huge even after a ten kilo loss.

    This. It's better to have your ticker track how much you've lost and so much less discouraging. Also, if you've been at it for a few months it is completely understandable that you're getting discouraged. It's also totally normal!

    After my first 3 1/2 months or so I had a couple weeks of not tracking then I ended up taking most of December off and came back raring to go. One of the things that helped me understand what I was going through is completely normal was this link:
  • I'm motivated by my wife who lost over 100 lbs over 3 years ago. I watched her struggle each day to change, to overcome her self doubt and to rise above all the things that stood in her way. When she started she felt she had a mountain to climb and she did ... but she told herself that the only way to climb a mountain is one step at a time, one foot in front of the other, day by day. Today she is happier and brighter, she walks and rides her bike (things she couldnt really do before) and she does it all knowing that she has accomplished something truely fantastic.
  • O2Bslimagain
    O2Bslimagain Posts: 120 Member
    Sometimes when I think like this I sit down and figure out what I want out of life. Do I want to continue being unhappy, miserable, out of shape, out of breath, joints hurt, lack of motivation, lack of energy. Tired of going into a store and nothing fits or is too tight. Having my husband hint that I am too big or the biggest person in the house. Yes, I out weigh him, but I am taller.

    I think okay, I should just give up, but then I think what if? What if I stuck with it- what if I did exercise everyday, what if I watched what I ate more carefully, what if I chose what goes into my body. What if I did lose all the weight, what if I wasn't the biggest person in the house? What if I succeeded?

    I feel better when I am exercising, so even if I don't meet my goals every week- I will still remain true to myself and that is to get up and move everyday. My downfall is sugar and sweets. I love candy and little treats, so I need to conquer that and I am trying each day. Yes, I fall, but I still keep at it everyday, because I know that I will feel better when I look better. Not to impress anybody, but I want to look better for me! I hope this helps. Don't give up. Just work at it every day. Find something you enjoy doing and keep at it. I like doing P90x, because everyday I do something different, and I really try hard to get it over with first thing in the morning, then I can concentrate on other things during the day. If I choose to do more exercising later on it is just bonus, because I know I have already done something for me that morning. You deserve better, so take care of this body that you have been blessed with. Be true to you and nobody else.
  • agriffin81
    agriffin81 Posts: 12 Member
    Yup. Every. Single. Day. The thought "I'm never gonna lose it" or "what's the point?" is constantly running through my head. I am always talking myself down...but it's the little things. I've been trying to change one small thing at a time. For example I quit drinking cokes. I haven't had a coke in about a month...trying to replace it with water or tea or diet snapple....something. We'll see how it goes. Good luck to you!